Chapter 416 Try Again (4)

As Wen Ren Wuming took out the flags from the bundle one by one, all the disciples in the square counted carefully how many flags Wen Ren Wuming took out, for fear that they might miscount the number of flags in the blink of an eye.

"One side, two sides...nine sides..."

After counting to the ninth flag, all the disciples couldn't help feeling a little anxious when they saw that Wenren Wuming didn't continue to take out the flags from the bag for a long time.

"We have already counted to the ninth flag, why didn't the suzerain continue to count?"

"It goes without saying that there must be too many flags in the senior sister's bag, and the suzerain always needs to take a rest."


Ye Junfeng saw that Wenren Wuming no longer took out the flag from Chu Bilian's bag, and knew that the flag Chu Bilian got in this trial should be the nine flags that Wenren Wuming took out just now, no wonder Chu Bilian The difference in the number of those who want to take their team's flag as their own is really quite large.

It's just that the disciples of the Qing Dan Sect around are a little blind to Chu Bilian, their elder sister, and they no longer use the most basic mentality to judge objective facts.

"Tsk, is it interesting to be so self-deceiving?" Luo Haotian tapped his feet twice.

Because Luo Haotian didn't deliberately lower his voice, as soon as he finished speaking, all the disciples of Qingdan Sect greeted him with glaring looks.

Seeing this, Luo Haotian shrank his neck, and the bird quickly jumped up behind Gu Hanyan, asking Gu Hanyan to shield him from the sharp knives like sharp knives of the disciples of the Qingdan Sect.

Gu Hanyan didn't seem to notice that Luo Haotian was hiding behind him at all. Seeing the unfriendly eyes of all the disciples of the Qingdan Sect falling on him, Gu Hanyan only had a slight look of surprise on his face, and then his face showed Looking at these people with a smile.

The so-called reaching out and not hitting smiling people, the disciples had no choice but to give up with Luo Haotian face to face and met Gu Hanyan again.

When Ye Junfeng saw this situation, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. She was sure that Luo Haotian and Gu Hanyan had rehearsed it for hundreds of times, but she never thought that Gu Hanyan would be so dark-hearted.

After the matter provoked by Luo Haotian came to an end, all the disciples of the Qingdan Sect once again turned their attention to the baggage in the hands of Wenren Wuming on the high platform.

Wenren Wuming opened Chu Bilian's luggage with both hands, and it was empty inside, "Chu Bilian got a total of nine flags in this trial. After comparison, the team that finally won and entered the Qingdan Sect is still Ye Junfeng's team." people."

Wenren Wuming said, some of the disciples of the Qing Dan sect who had been shouting about their senior sister before showed dissatisfaction, disappointment, and some were even more disdainful.

"Oh, thanks to the fact that Chu Bili has been our senior sister all these years! It seems that Chu Bili, who has been doing so according to the rumors, is not much different from us! They are all about the same!"

"Hey! So what about the same ability, who told the chief elder to choose Chu Bilian, even if Chu Bilian has no ability, as long as he is selected by the chief elder, there is nothing to worry about in the future!"


Wen Ren Wuming heard that the disciples below were about to start arguing again, he sighed and explained to the elder behind him, turned around and got off the high platform to leave the square.

Seeing that Ren Wuming had left, Ye Junfeng thought it would be pointless to stay any longer, and was about to go back to the back mountain when the elder who had gone to fetch Chu Bilian's flag walked in front of Ye Junfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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