The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 421 This is a beautiful man

Chapter 421 This is a beautiful man (1)

That's right, they really don't need to come up, after all, what Wenren Wuming said was just a polite sentence, and she didn't expect to let her pretend to be serious.

Ye Junfeng glanced at Luo Haotian's collapsed appearance, and chuckled lightly, "Since we've already come up, we still have to go down anyway, so let's take a look at the situation on each floor on the way down the tower."

There are seven floors in the green pagoda, and now they are on the top floor. Ye Junfeng on the top floor seems to have glanced at it casually, but in fact, Ye Junfeng has clearly remembered what is placed on the top floor.

Although Luo Haotian felt helpless, Ye Junfeng was right, they still had to descend the tower anyway, Luo Haotian took a deep breath, and slowly stood up from the ground as if mustering all his strength.

Seeing Luo Haotian's seventy-year-old and eighty-year-old appearance, Gu Hanyan turned his head very blindly, and said to Ye Junfeng: "We don't care what Luo Haotian said, but when I came up, I found that there were only two or three There are people on the fourth floor, but there is no sound in the upper floors."

Ye Junfeng nodded. There was indeed no sound on the upper floors, but only the sixth and seventh floors were empty, which is the current top floor.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look."

It took Ye Junfeng and the others half an hour to go from the top floor to the hall. The people on the second, third, and fourth floors were not only refining pills, but also dealing with elixir, which was in line with the nature of the Qingdan sect.

When Ye Junfeng and the others returned to the hall again, Wenren Wuming was still sitting on the grand teacher's chair, and he seemed to be waiting for them, with a gentle expression on his face.

Wenren Wuming saw these people coming down and asked, "How do you guys know each other?"

"It's okay, we just checked a few floors briefly." Ye Junfeng nodded and said obediently.

"There is still a chance in the future. You should study in the green pagoda first, and then you can start refining medicine. There is nothing to pay attention to. The old man on the pagoda will teach you little by little. Now you go there Let's go!" After finishing speaking, Wenren Wuming called the steward in the tower, got up and left from the tower.

Ye Junfeng and the others were all separated because of the different content arranged by the steward.

According to what the steward said, Ye Junfeng went to the second floor of the Qingta to find someone who handled the elixir to help him.

Although she walked up and down the green pagoda before, she didn't go in and take a closer look at the second and third floors of the pagoda.

Now as soon as she entered the second floor, she realized that this place was a little different from the outside. Although the entire second floor had sound, it was almost impossible to hear the sound of people talking to each other.

Everyone didn't communicate with each other, just doing their own things, and they didn't look sideways, even when she, a newcomer, walked in, they didn't take a look at her.

In this way, these people are like soul-numbing machines.

Seeing this, Ye Junfeng couldn't help feeling vigilant. Are these people too focused on their work?Or……

The look in Ye Junfeng's eyes was dim, and he continued to walk inside without any expression on his face.

Finally, at a corner, he found the person the steward had mentioned, and a look of amazement flashed in Ye Junfeng's eyes.

I saw that this person was dressed in snow-white clothes, his black hair was hanging down softly behind his back, his body was long, and he stood tall and straight like a pine tree behind a table. Just looking from the back, he could tell that he was a handsome man.

 【Guess who this handsome man is? 】

(End of this chapter)

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