Chapter 444

The current situation seems to be a little different from what she expected, because in her opinion, young people and older people have different ways of looking at problems and acting differently.

Older people may be more ruthless in doing things, but young people may be doing things for a bigger goal. In this way, this matter seems a little bad!

Ye Junfeng suppressed her thoughts and directly opened the door of the office. After all, the elder in the office had already let her in, so it would be a bit hypocritical for her to hesitate from the outside.

After opening the door, the first thing that catches the eye is the back of Xin Chang, who is wearing a blue robe, and looks quite fairy-like.

A flash of astonishment flashed in Ye Junfeng's eyes. After all, this whole pagoda was a place where a huge conspiracy was brewing. How could a person with an insidious mind wear such clothes?
It's really contradictory.

"Elder, I was asked by the manager to help." Ye Junfeng didn't say what she could or couldn't do, because it was really unnecessary. After all, the people here had already learned about her situation in the green tower in detail. After a while, he just said this sentence as if saying hello.


The elder with his back to Ye Junfeng responded softly and slowly turned around, only then did Ye Junfeng see the elder's face clearly.

This elder looks about 30 years old. Although he can't be called handsome, he is attractive.

With just this glance, Ye Junfeng couldn't feel the dark aura on this elder at all.

However, it can also be seen that this elder hides extremely deeply.

When the elder turned around, Ye Junfeng could also see that there was nothing on the table behind the elder. It turned out that the elder did not refine medicine when she came in. Such a leisurely appearance made Ye Jun Feng was a little surprised.

The first thing the elder did after turning around was to look Ye Junfeng up and down, and then nodded with satisfaction, "I am Elder Yin here, and I am in charge of the underground base. I have heard about you before, and I feel that you are much better than others in both Qingta and Qingdanzong, so you can stay here and help me, I can still teach you Things you can’t learn outside.”

Ye Junfeng was puzzled, thinking that this elder was really different from what she had expected, and this arrangement seemed very unreasonable. If she were this Elder Yin, she would never put a stranger in another place. stay here.

Could it be that Elder Yin is worried about her and wants to watch her in person?Or test her?
But shouldn't the elders in the underground base be very busy?
How could he waste such free time on a stranger like her?
What the hell is this Elder Yin doing?

Although Ye Junfeng doubted the purpose of Elder Yin's decision in his heart, there was no doubt or hesitation on his face. Instead, he showed a flattered look, "I want to stay with Elder Yin? This... ...Is this true? My God! Thank you Elder Yin, I will definitely stay here and give Elder Yin a good hand."

Ye Junfeng looked excited, as if being hit by a pie from the sky.

Elder Yin saw that Ye Junfeng looked like an energetic young man now, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a deep smile flashed across his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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