The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 449 Something is wrong with Elder Yin

Chapter 449 Something is wrong with Elder Yin (1)

"Sovereign, this matter is still related to Ye Junfeng. Are we going to let Ye Junfeng go and let that kid roam free outside?"

When Wei Changhai thought about the festival with Ye Junfeng, he couldn't breathe out. How could he let Ye Junfeng go so easily?
Wenren Wuming snorted coldly, he didn't want to let Ye Junfeng go!But what if you don't want to let that kid go?That kid is now taken by the elders of the base, and he can't snatch him out now!

"Ye Junfeng is now studying deeply inside the Qingdan Sect. This matter is over here. Both of you have taught Chu Bilian before. Go and comfort Chu Bilian first. I will find a way to heal her legs. By the way, send Someone went to the Nine Wings Auction House and sent two tables."



After Ye Junfeng was left behind by Elder Yin, Ye Junfeng didn't let Ye Junfeng do any heavy and tiring work, saying that she was asked to help Elder Yin, but after a whole day, Elder Yin just sat on a chair and drank tea, even the elixir Not a single leaf has been touched.

Didn't you say that the elder here is the elder Yin who refines medicine all the year round?Didn't you say that this elder is very busy?
Could it be that Elder Yin has resisted the refining of pharmaceuticals because of refining pharmaceuticals all the year round, so he sits on a chair to pass the time?

Ye Junfeng saw that Elder Yin was drinking tea very interestingly, the corner of Ye Junfeng's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Because Elder Yin had nothing to do to drink tea, she, the helper, even had nothing to do to drink tea with Elder Yin.

While drinking, a wicked smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Elder Yin's mouth, because this smile was too inappropriate on Elder Yin's face, Ye Junfeng couldn't help but feel a little abrupt.

Based on her understanding of people over the years, a person with the appearance of Elder Yin would never show such a wicked smile anyway. Isn't there a saying that is good, it comes from the heart.

At first glance, Elder Yin is a rigorous and careful person. It is really not in line with Elder Yin's temperament to be able to show such a smile.

But looking at the lazy and casual appearance of Elder Yin, maybe she got a wrong first impression of Elder Yin for a while.

Ye Junfeng didn't think much, seeing that Elder Yin didn't start refining the medicine in hand, she couldn't say anything, so she raised her hand and poured herself another cup of tea.

From the behavior of drinking tea, Ye Junfeng could tell that Elder Yin should come from a wealthy family, because after she drank almost half a pot of tea, Elder Yin still had the same cup of tea in his hand.

But why did the young master from a big family go to the basement of the green pagoda to secretly research new medicines? Could it be that Elder Yin is a member of the royal family?
Ye Junfeng shook the teacup while pondering the possibility.

He didn't notice Elder Yin had stood up at all.

Seeing that Ye Junfeng was staring blankly at the teacup in his hand, Elder Yin chuckled lightly, raised his hand and put the tea in his hand that he didn't drink much on the table.

Then he said lightly, "Ye Junfeng, come with me."

Ye Junfeng, who was thinking, suddenly heard Elder Yin's voice and was slightly startled, then put the cup in his hand on the table, and followed Elder Yin to the inside of the office.

After passing through a cubicle, Ye Junfeng realized that this office is really unique. The place she stayed just now should be a place for simple rest or talking about things, but what she is now is a place for refining medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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