The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 454 Something is wrong with Elder Yin

Chapter 454 Something is wrong with Elder Yin (6)

What is the elixir that does not want to be absorbed?
Does it want all those panaceas?
But none of the elixir plants in the medicine cabinet was what Ye Junfeng didn't need, so it had no choice but to reluctantly part with it and, by the way, became a servant to help Ye Junfeng sort out the elixir.

In the end until now, not only did it not get any benefits from the majestic ancient beast, but it also became a coolie for nothing. Now it expresses that it does not want to see Ye Junfeng again.

Ye Junfeng raised her eyebrows in astonishment when she heard the yelling of the soul-suppressing beast, and didn't want to come out anymore. This result was something she didn't expect.

Ye Junfeng nodded, without saying anything, directly threw the soul-suppressing beast into the space of the soul-suppressing tower.

In the blink of an eye, the soul-suppressing beast in the space of the soul-suppressing tower hadn't reacted yet, but when he did, he yelled at Ye Junfeng outside very dissatisfied, "You just threw this beast in? Don't you want to comfort this beast! You have no conscience, this beast has seen you clearly!"

Ye Junfeng, who was still in the office, heard that the soul-suppressing beast was so angry that she almost wanted to curse, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. Without thinking about it, she could guess that the soul-suppressing beast was working as a coolie this time. It seems that the medicine cabinet There are not a few elixir that can be used in Chinese medicine.

Ye Junfeng simply comforted the soul-suppressing beast, and when the soul-suppressing beast finally calmed down, he opened the medicine cabinet in front of it and took a look.

With just one glance, Ye Junfeng was stunned.

Good guy!
In the current medicine cabinet, except for a few medicine boxes containing a few bad-looking elixir, the rest of the medicine boxes are full and empty.

She originally planned to test Elder Yin, but it seems that there is no need to test in this situation.

The elixir in the medicine cabinet had almost been emptied by her. If Elder Yin didn't get angry after seeing this situation, he would be mentally retarded.

But in this situation, it seems that it is a bit too much. Does she want to save herself?
Just when Ye Junfeng was thinking about whether to take out the elixir that had been moved by the soul-suppressing beast to the space of the soul-suppressing tower and put it back into the medicine cabinet, there was a sudden movement from the office door.

Ye Junfeng was startled, and immediately closed the medicine cabinet.

Pretending to be nothing, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the office door.

Elder Yin who had just gone out came in again.

Elder Yin also stood not far from the medicine cabinet evenly when he saw it, and asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Have you thought about refining any medicine?"

The corner of Ye Junfeng's mouth twitched, he was still refining medicine!

Now there is no elixir in the medicine cabinet, not to mention her, even if Elder Yin wants to refine the medicine, there is probably nothing she can do.

Ye Junfeng stood there without saying a word for a long while. In the end, she was still curious about how Elder Yin would react after knowing this, and said decisively, "Hey, Elder Yin, I was going to try to refine a potion to increase my cultivation, but Unexpectedly, there were some surprises."


After hearing this word, Elder Yin raised his eyebrows a little funny, "Accident? What kind of accident are you talking about?"

Elder Yin raised his footsteps and walked slowly in front of Ye Junfeng. Because he was so close to Ye Junfeng, Ye Junfeng could even feel the hormonal aura emanating from Elder Yin.

Ye Junfeng paused, and pointed to the medicine cabinet behind him pretending to be worried.

"It's just... I accidentally wasted a little elixir."

(End of this chapter)

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