The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 529 Unless you change a core

Chapter 529 Unless you change the core

The kid in front of him not only talked about Yang's family, but also directly revealed her identity as a concubine. Isn't this kid afraid of angering her and letting him die here?
Ye Qingyou's face, who was sitting on a stretcher, changed even more completely. After Ye Junfeng said this, Ye Qingyou, who was already pale.His face turned pale in an instant, and he was so wobbly that he almost couldn't sit on the stretcher.

Ye Qingyou's eyes fell on the few servants standing around her, her lips moved, and she subconsciously wanted to say that she was the prostitute of the General Protector's Mansion, but Ye Qingyou didn't dare to say this after thinking about it for a long time. mouth.

Ye Junfeng didn't miss the change of expression on Ye Qingyou's face. As she expected, Ye Qingyou didn't dare to pretend to be the daughter of the general who protects the country in front of everyone.

Others can say about this kind of thing, Ye Qingyou can also enjoy the treatment of being a legitimate daughter in silence, but she herself can never say that she is a legitimate daughter.

Others said that the essence of these two things is different from what she said. If she now admits that the third lady born to one of her concubines is a legitimate daughter, it won't take long for this matter to spread, Ye Qingyou His reputation will also fall to the bottom because of this.

Ye Qingyou understood this truth, so even though she wanted to say in her heart that she was the daughter of the general who protects the country, she didn't dare to admit it at all.

Ye Qingyou rolled her eyes and said: "Although I am not the daughter-in-law in the mansion of the general who protects the country, but now the daughter-in-law is not in the mansion at all, so I should help take care of this yard for the daughter-in-law of the mansion of the general who protects the country. It's an outsider's turn!"

Ye Qingyou felt angry when she thought of that bitch Ye Junfeng who went to Beiyan country before, she didn't want to mention Ye Junfeng's name at all, so she had to talk about her prostitute.

Seeing Ye Qingyou like this, Ye Junfeng chuckled. In fact, Ye Qingyou should have expected that she was Ye Junfeng who went to Beiyan Kingdom before, but for some reason, Ye Qingyou would rather deceive herself than others I believe she is Ye Junfeng.

Ye Junfeng raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you sure I'm an outsider?"

"Why aren't you..."... an outsider...

Before Ye Qingyou could finish her sentence, she suddenly thought of a possibility, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Yiye Qingyou, who was originally sitting unsteadily on the stretcher, leaned back because of this possibility.

Fortunately, Yang Shi, who was standing beside Ye Qingyou, quickly supported Ye Qingyou.

Ye Qingyou thought that she had heard that the third prince had brought Ye Junfeng back three days ago, and now three days had passed, and if there were no accidents, Ye Junfeng should have arrived at the Palace of the General Protecting the Country long ago, but during this period During the time, all they saw was this kid.

And this kid looks slightly similar to Ye Junfeng's appearance, could it be that...

How is it possible, there are so many people in Canghong Continent, it is not ruled out that the two people look alike, that bitch Ye Junfeng is cowardly, cowardly, and a waste who can't cultivate.

Although the young man in front of her said that she hated her just like Ye Junfeng, but the temperament of this young man was hard for ordinary people to possess, and this young man looked unusually confident, how could that bitch Ye Junfeng be the one in front of her eyes? Unless that bitch Ye Junfeng changed his core.

(End of this chapter)

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