The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 535 I know she is a woman

Chapter 535 I know she is a woman (2)

"Oh, are you sure I'm insulting you? You really can't fit this dress?"

Di Jiuyin leaned on his forehead with one hand, and looked at Ye Junfeng with a half-smile.

Seeing Di Jiuyin's smiling face, Ye Junfeng was even more unsure what Di Jiuyin was going to do when he found out about her gender, but it seemed that Di Jiuyin was in a good mood.

Before, Ye Junfeng could clearly see Di Jiuyin's interest in her in Di Jiuyin's eyes, as if he had found some plaything, but recently, especially today, it became more obvious that there was more in Di Jiuyin's eyes. some other sentiments.

It even gave her an illusion of affection.

Ye Junfeng threw the thought out of his mind at once, and said stubbornly, "Of course I can't wear it. I am an upright man, how can I wear a skirt?"

As she said that, Ye Junfeng looked at Di Jiuyin with eyes like are you an idiot.

Di Jiuyin's complexion changed slightly, and the surrounding air instantly became much cooler. Di Jiuyin stood up slowly and said, "Since you said you couldn't fit it, then I have to help you put it on."

Depend on!
Di Jiuyin wanted to help her change into a skirt, how could that be possible?

She is an out-and-out beautiful girl, if this little boy like Di Jiuyin changes her dress, won't she suffer!

The point is that she is not yet Di Jiuyin's opponent, so she will definitely not be able to escape, and besides, she still has important things to do in the Palace of the General Protecting the Country, so escaping is simply impossible.

In this way, there is only...

Ye Junfeng took a deep breath, took a deep look at Di Jiuyin, and said resignedly, "Okay, I'll change it!"

Doesn't this person just want her to admit that she is a woman?

It's not easy?
Di Jiuyin saw Ye Junfeng's angry and helpless expression, a smile flashed across his eyes, and said, "Don't think about playing tricks, you won't be able to escape."

Ye Junfeng gave Di Jiuyin a hard look and said, "Don't worry, isn't it just a skirt? There's nothing you dare not wear."

Not only did she wear it, but she also blinded Di Jiuyin's eyes, making him trouble her all day long.

Ye Junfeng went to change clothes in the inner room, Di Jiuyin was still sitting on the chair and took a sip of tea, although on the surface it seemed that there was no difference between Di Jiuyin's and ordinary appearance, but Di Jiuyin raised slightly on the edge of the teacup. The corner of his mouth still revealed Di Jiuyin's good mood.

After a long while, first a piece of light red came into Di Jiuyin's line of sight.

Di Jiuyin silently put down the teacup in his hand, and looked up at the place where the red patch appeared.

Ye Junfeng, who was wearing a long red dress, slowly came out of the inner room. Against the backdrop of the long skirt, Ye Junfeng's entire body was outlined beautifully, which was extremely charming.

With just one glance, Di Jiuyin's head went blank for a moment, his heartbeat seemed uncontrollable, and he wanted to jump out of his chest and stick to the person who came.

Seeing Ye Junfeng in a red dress, only one word appeared in Di Jiuyin's mind, peerless elegance.

Di Jiuyin slowly got up and walked in front of Ye Junfeng, walked around Ye Junfeng twice, and finally his eyes fell on Ye Junfeng's chest.

I didn't expect that Ye Junfeng, who was dressed in men's clothes, would have a flat mountain, but after changing into women's clothes, it immediately turned into a hill.

Di Jiuyin blinked his eyes, didn't think much, just stared there, raised his hand to touch Ye Junfeng's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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