The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 544 Emperor Jiuyin flirts with a girl

Chapter 544 Emperor Jiuyin flirts with a girl (1)

Di Jiuyin's strength is far higher than hers, if Di Jiuyin wants to attack her, she can't dodge it no matter what.

Ye Junfeng sat up from the bed suddenly, and glared at the person standing beside her bed. Di Jiuyin already knew her real gender, so he had no reason to break into her boudoir without authorization, especially when she was sleeping. when.

"Di Jiuyin, men and women can't kiss each other, please can you have some common sense, you, a big man, can't just come in a girl's boudoir."

After Ye Junfeng sat up, she casually put on the coat that was placed beside the bed.

On the Canghong Continent, men should not casually enter a woman's boudoir, but Ye Junfeng is from another world, and she always wears clothes when she sleeps, so it doesn't matter much to Di Jiuyin appearing here Resentment is the subconscious feeling that one should say such a sentence.

Seeing Ye Junfeng casually put on the coat with a calm look, Di Jiuyin didn't show any sign that he shouldn't enter her boudoir, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched.

After Ye Junfeng got dressed, she looked at Di Jiuyin in front of her and said, "What's the matter with you coming here so early?"

What happened between her and Di Jiuyin yesterday is still vivid in her memory, now that Di Jiuyin appeared in front of her again, she was really panicked for a while.

The corner of Di Jiuyin's mouth raised slightly, "I'll take you somewhere."

Ye Junfeng nodded, knowing why Di Jiuyin appeared here today, but it's really early now.

Ye Junfeng nodded, looked outside the door, and said, "Then I'll change my clothes and tidy up first, you wait for me outside."

Di Jiuyin raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Ye Junfeng who was casually wearing a coat, his eyes darkened slightly, because Ye Junfeng had just woken up, her cheeks were slightly rosy, her hair was a little messy, coupled with the casual The clothes on her body made Ye Junfeng look rather lazy.

Di Jiuyin's Adam's apple twitched twice. After Ye Junfeng said this, he nodded, turned around and walked out of Ye Junfeng's room, and went to the courtyard to drink tea.

Ye Junfeng originally planned to take this opportunity to sneak away, but she was quite happy to see Di Jiuyin's appearance today.

After thinking about it, I still don't plan to make trouble for Di Jiuyin anymore. Besides, even if she runs away now, with Di Jiuyin's ability, he can easily find her.

Ye Junfeng simply washed herself up and changed into a brand new men's outfit. Before she had time to eat breakfast, she opened the door and went out.

After hearing the noise, Di Jiuyin subconsciously looked in front of Ye Junfeng's door. He thought he would see Ye Junfeng's women's clothing, but he didn't expect Ye Junfeng to change back into men's clothing.

Di Jiuyin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Ye Junfeng's appearance in a red dress last night surprised him, but thinking about it, it might be because Ye Junfeng didn't have too many women's clothes in his hands, so it's understandable that Ye Junfeng changed back to men's clothes today of.

Di Jiuyin thought about it, and decided to prepare some beautiful dresses for Ye Junfeng himself.

Seeing that Di Jiuyin had been looking at her without speaking, Ye Junfeng couldn't help asking, "Didn't you say you want to take me somewhere? Let's go!"

Di Jiuyin put down the teacup, unexpectedly Ye Junfeng was even more anxious than him.

"Let's go, go eat something to fill your stomach first."

(End of this chapter)

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