The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 560 She, Ye Junfeng, got off the third prince's carriage?

Chapter 560 She, Ye Junfeng, got off the Third Prince's carriage?

Ye Qingyou nodded when she saw the woman in front of her, a look of pride flashed in her eyes.

Although some people still know that the third concubine appointed by the imperial decree to the third prince is Ye Junfeng, that trash, but she is almost inseparable from the third prince, especially in front of outsiders, as long as there is a woman next to the third prince, It must be her Ye Qingyou.

So Ye Junfeng is just a name that may become the third concubine in the future, but the current situation adds that Ye Junfeng is a trash who cannot cultivate.

Everyone in the Qingqiu Kingdom understands that it is absolutely impossible for the royal family of the Qingqiu Kingdom to allow a waste who cannot cultivate to be the third concubine.

Now that this woman knows about her relationship with the third prince, she must have heard that that trash Ye Junfeng also lost to her.

Ye Qingyou glanced into the carriage again, they had been stalemate in front of the General Protector's Mansion for a long time now, if there was someone in the carriage, that person would have come down a long time ago.

Could it be that the third prince was not in the carriage, but the carriage was only sent by the third prince to bring this woman over.

Ye Qingyou's whole thoughts were on this carriage belonging to the third prince, and she didn't even think about why this woman was sent to the door of their General Protector's Mansion.

Ye Qingyou narrowed her eyes and said: "Since you know the relationship between me and the third prince, then you naturally have no reason to get in the carriage of the third prince. Today I am just reminding you, if I see you again If you have any connection with the Third Prince, don't blame me, the future Third Prince, for teaching you."

The third prince Mu Luofeng's carriage?
Ye Junfeng turned his head and glanced at the carriage that was still behind her, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

It seems that the current Ye Qingyou recognized Di Jiuyin's carriage as Mu Luofeng, and at the same time, Ye Qingyou didn't seem to recognize who she was.

When Ye Qingyou met her a few days ago, she was dressed in men's clothing.

As for the previous original owner, Ye Qingyou, although she said she had met her before, but the original owner was timid and cowardly, and did not dare to look up to see others, and the original owner has always dressed poorly, so it is reasonable for Ye Qingyou not to recognize her current appearance among things.

Ye Junfeng glanced at the carriage behind him, chuckled, and said, "Ye Qingyou, you said that the carriage behind me belonged to the third prince Mu Luofeng, and now Mu Luofeng has not come out of the carriage, and the carriage is There is no Mu Luofeng's name written on it, so how can you be sure that this carriage belongs to Mu Luofeng?"

Ye Junfeng was really curious about this question.

There is no mark on this carriage, but unlike ordinary carriages, this carriage looks very luxurious.

The level of luxury is probably unbearable even for a prince of a country. How did Ye Qingyou recognize this carriage as Mu Luofeng?

Ye Qingyou snorted lightly, obviously disdainful of the idiot question asked by the woman in front of her.

"How can you be sure that it belongs to the third prince? Heh, isn't it obvious that this carriage belongs to the third prince? How can ordinary people have the ability to come up with such a carriage? Only the royal family can have this kind of carriage. This carriage is parked in front of the mansion of the General Protecting the Country, if the Third Prince hadn't picked me up in this carriage, wouldn't you think it was for Ye Junfeng, that trash?"

Right now, Ye Qingyou had long forgotten about Ye Junfeng's abolition of her two arms, and looked at the person standing opposite her with a look of disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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