Chapter 573
Peel him?
Ye Junfeng suddenly widened his eyes, as if he was trying to judge whether the voice coming from his ears was an auditory hallucination.

Now not only Ye Junfeng was stunned, but everyone in the hall stared blankly at Di Jiuyin who was almost leaning on Ye Junfeng, wondering if what they just heard was an auditory hallucination.

The national teacher of Beiyan Kingdom is not only powerful, but also heard that the subordinates around him are all men, and there are even rumors that the national teacher of Beiyan Kingdom is not close to women. Why does the current situation seem so unreal!
Seeing Ye Junfeng's dazed look, Di Jiuyin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and repeated what he said just now, "Peel it off for me."

Ye Junfeng could clearly see Di Jiuyin's lips moving again, and also heard Di Jiuyin's voice very clearly.

Ye Junfeng looked at the bunch of grapes in his hand, and took a deep breath so as not to throw the things in his hand on Di Jiuyin's body.

MD!Di Jiuyin's pretty face is called kicking his nose on his face!
Want her to peel grapes for him?Where is such a cheap thing in this world!

Di Jiuyin saw that Ye Junfeng hadn't moved for a long time. On the contrary, the eyes of Ye Junfeng, a little guy looking at him, were already angry. The corners of Di Jiuyin's mouth raised, "Don't peel? Peel it off for you."

As he said that, Di Jiuyin picked up the grapes in Ye Junfeng's hand and slowly stretched out his slender and white fingers to peel the grapes.

After hearing Di Jiuyin's words and seeing Di Jiuyin's actions, all the people present in the hall were filled with disbelief.

The national teacher of Beiyan Kingdom is an evil god. Today they can see this evil god peeling grapes for a woman, and this woman is still a waste who cannot cultivate. All of a sudden, the world view of the people in the hall is a little bit different. collapse.

Emperor Mu has always been terrified for fear that the national teacher of Beiyan Kingdom would bring up the previous incident again. He did not expect that the national teacher would stop talking to him as the emperor just after saying that sentence just now, and instead focus on it wholeheartedly. He began to peel the grapes for Ye Junfeng, a woman who has no brains.

What is this thing called?
Obviously, the national teacher of Beiyan Kingdom did not take him, the emperor of Qingqiu Kingdom, into his eyes at all.

Emperor Mu paused, and coughed lightly. It was self-evident that he wanted to attract Di Jiuyin's attention.

Ye Junfeng sat beside Di Jiuyin with her back stretched, seeing that Di Jiuyin really put the peeled grapes near her mouth, she immediately felt like sitting on pins and needles again.

Although Ye Junfeng didn't care what people thought of her at all, Di Jiuyin's behavior was a bit too intimate now.

This made her, who was almost coerced to establish a relationship with Di Jiuyin, inexplicably uncomfortable with the current situation.

After a while, Ye Junfeng heard a soft cough from above the dragon chair, knowing what Emperor Mu meant, the corner of Ye Junfeng's mouth twitched slightly.

Obviously, Emperor Mu thought that Di Jiuyin had neglected him, so he coughed deliberately, wanting to remind some Di Jiuyin that he, the emperor of Qingqiu Kingdom, was still here.

And right now, he is dealing with the affairs of Qingqiu Kingdom and Beiyan Kingdom, and wants to make Di Jiuyin speak up.

But it was obvious that Di Jiuyin ignored Emperor Mu's intentions.

Seeing this, Emperor Mu had no choice but to take the initiative to say: "National teacher, as the monarch of Qingqiu Kingdom, I did something wrong with this matter. I will accept the appointment of a supervisor after today. National teacher, you What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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