The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 600 Ye Qingyou Tests Mysterious Strength

Chapter 600 Ye Qingyou Tests Mysterious Strength

[All the wrong chapters before are all normal, and they will be updated normally from tomorrow]

Ye Qingyou also didn't know why this genius doctor asked the people here to get the spirit stone for testing the profound strength. Could it be that getting the spirit stone could prove her current situation?
Although Ye Qingyou had doubts in her heart, she didn't say anything. Now she wants to know what's going on with her now more than anyone else.

Even now, she still doesn't believe what happened in the previous competition. Although the last blow caused her chest to still ache, but subconsciously, she always felt that the person on the ring before was not her at all.

She is obviously the person with the most potential to cultivate profound strength in the entire Qingqiu Kingdom, so the situation that happened before is simply impossible.

Everyone didn't have to wait long before someone fetched a spiritual stone specially designed for testing profound strength.

The person in charge took the spirit stone and put it on the table, then looked at the eye doctor, as if he was asking the doctor for instructions on what to do next.

Ye Junfeng glanced at Ye Qingyou, "You don't need others to teach you how to use this spirit stone, right?"

Ye Qingyou's face turned green, she glared at the doctor, and said, "I've used this spirit stone since as long as I can remember, how could I not know how to use it!"

Ye Junfeng nodded, "In that case, Miss Ye, please!"

Ye Qingyou pursed her lips, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in this genius doctor's gourd, so she stepped forward, put her right hand on the spirit stone, and held her breath.

The people around here couldn't figure out what the genius doctor's purpose was for doing this, and there were puzzled looks on their faces.

What's more, he began to doubt Ye Junfeng's identity.

"It is rumored that the genius doctor is from the Qingqiu Kingdom, and the people of the Qingqiu Kingdom were uniformly tested for their profound strength when they were young. Doesn't the genius doctor know about it? I don't think this genius doctor is from the Qingqiu Kingdom at all! "

"Where are the people from the Qingqiu Kingdom, all the people in the Canghong Continent have undergone a profound strength test when they were young! Could it be that according to what you said, this genius doctor is not even a person from the Canghong Continent!"

For a moment, the man's face was slightly ugly.

Indeed, regardless of whether it is the Qingqiu country or other countries, everyone has been tested when they are young for their own development. This genius doctor is always from one of the countries, so there is no reason why the genius doctor has not experienced this matter.

And it was because of this that everyone was even more puzzled about what this miracle doctor wanted to do.

Because of the doubts in everyone's hearts, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Qingyou's hand that was placed on the spirit stone, without moving at all.

Finally, after a while, Lingshi finally responded.

The faint gray color emanated from the spirit stone as if breaking the silence. Whether it was the people around or Ye Qingyou who was testing his profound strength, they all blinked their eyes when they saw this situation.

I couldn't believe what I saw in front of my eyes.

Ye Qingyou seemed to be struck by lightning, looking at the dim gray light emitted by the spirit stone under her hand, her whole body seemed lifeless.

"How is it possible, how is this possible! I am obviously a genius in profound strength cultivation, no, it will not be like this! This spirit stone is fake! It was you who conspired to lie to me! Everything that happened today all fake!"

A broken look gradually appeared on Ye Qingyou's face, and with a "bang!", he swept the Lingshi on the table to the ground, and it immediately became a piece of rubble.

(End of this chapter)

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