The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 683 The only thing left is the hobby of picking herbs

Chapter 683 The only thing left is the hobby of picking herbs
Seeing that the curator planned to invite the genius doctor to the medicine room, everyone made way for the miraculous doctor and the curator.

The curator immediately stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, signaling the genius doctor to come to the medicine room.

Ye Junfeng knew in his heart what the owner wanted to say when he called her over, so he followed the owner into the medicine room without any hesitation.

After arriving at the pharmacy, the owner of the hall quickly asked the doctor to sit down, poured another cup of tea for the doctor, and said, "Doctor, do you know how to use the phantom spirit grass in war?"

There are rumors on the Canghong Continent that the phantom spirit grass played a big role in the battle between gods and demons thousands of years ago. If the phantom spirit grass can be used on the battlefield now, their chances of winning will be very high. will be much higher.

Ye Junfeng picked up the teacup, took a sip, and nodded, "I do know this method, but one phantom spirit grass is not enough. I'll go to the mountain to have a look in the afternoon."

The method of using phantom spirit grass in war Ye Junfeng saw it in the books in the Soul Suppression Tower. In Canghong Continent, there are not many records about phantom spirit grass, only some rumors about phantom spirit grass.

The owner of the museum obviously did not expect that the genius doctor would go to the mountain to find the magic spirit grass in person, his eyes were full of surprise and surprise.

How could someone like a genius doctor need to go to the mountains to collect medicine by himself? This genius doctor is really down-to-earth.

"I didn't expect the genius doctor to go pick the elixir himself. It really surprised me! But I don't know how many people the genius doctor needs. I will help the genius doctor arrange people."

Ye Junfeng shook her head, "I have nothing to do on weekdays, so I only have the hobby of collecting herbs. I don't need to bother others when collecting herbs in the afternoon. I can go and see by myself."

The owner of the pavilion nodded when he heard that the genius doctor had already decided, and didn't say anything. Originally, he wanted to remind the genius doctor to pay attention to the enemy, but after thinking about it again, now that the war between Qingqiu and the tribe is about to break out, the genius doctor can come It is natural to understand here.

In the same way, he naturally didn't need to waste his words in front of the genius doctor.

After Ye Junfeng had a few more polite words with the owner of the clinic, she left the clinic.

After Ye Junfeng left the medical hall, she walked towards her tent, preparing to eat.

As for the matter of going to the mountain to collect herbs, there is no rush. It is now approaching noon. Although there are many vegetation on the mountain, there is no shade on the way to the mountain. In such a poisonous sun, we still have to wait until evening to collect herbs. .

Ye Junfeng was walking in the direction of her tent, passing by Ye Lingyu's tent, and happened to meet Ye Lingyu coming out of it.

Ye Junfeng nodded slightly, saying hello to Ye Lingyu.

And Ye Lingyu obviously didn't expect to be able to meet with the genius doctor. A look of surprise flashed across his face, then he nodded and followed the genius doctor, obviously wanting to follow the genius doctor to the genius doctor's camp.

Ye Junfeng walked a few steps, only to realize that Ye Lingyu was actually following her.

Ye Junfeng tilted her head slightly, and said, "The major general plans to eat lunch in my tent today."

Ye Lingyu's footsteps paused first, and then he remembered that it was indeed time for lunch, but Ye Lingyu just paused for a while, and then said: "Okay, since the genius doctor invited me, how can I have lunch?" Unreasonable."

For some unknown reason, Ye Lingyu felt that the genius doctor was a little close to him from the first time he saw the genius doctor, so he didn't mind having dinner with the genius doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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