Chapter 749
When Di Jiuyin introduced her to Di Jiuyin's subordinates as a hostess, it was equivalent to admitting her relationship with Di Jiuyin to everyone, which Ye Junfeng did not expect.

The carriage passed through a hidden place, and arrived in front of a temple after a long while.

Di Jiuyin and Ye Junfeng got out of the carriage one after the other.

There were guards standing in front of the gate of Dianyu Temple, and these six guards saluted immediately after seeing Di Jiuyin.

"See Your Majesty."

Di Jiuyin glanced at Ye Junfeng, put his arms around Ye Junfeng's waist and walked into the palace.

After Ye Junfeng noticed Di Jiuyin's movements, the corners of Ye Junfeng's mouth twitched slightly.

When he was in the carriage before, Di Jiuyin did say that she should change back into women's clothes and introduce her as the hostess in front of Di Jiuyin's subordinates.

But now she is still dressed in men's clothing!
She originally thought that she was changing clothes after getting off the carriage, and she was already used to wearing men's clothes. As long as Di Jiuyin didn't make any intimate moves, there would be no problem. Jiu Yin started to play with her.

Was it because Di Jiuyin was afraid that others would not notice them?

Ye Junfeng moved her body, trying to break free from Di Jiuyin's arms, but Di Jiuyin seemed to have expected Ye Junfeng's movements, and tightened the hand on Ye Junfeng's waist, not giving it a shot at all. Ye Junfeng's chance to break free.

Ye Junfeng had no choice but to follow Di Jiuyin's steps and walk forward with his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart.

After Di Jiuyin and Ye Junfeng entered the palace, the six guards in front of the palace gate stood up straight, but their expressions were all subtle.

They had heard Mo Yi and the others say before that their lord seems to have fallen in love with a boy, but what they didn't expect was that their lord actually liked that boy so much.

When she came out, she had to hold the boy's waist, was she afraid that the boy would run away?

Because all of them knew about the fact that their palace was bent early, after such a long period of psychological construction, when these people saw the scene where Di Jiuyin and Ye Junfeng in men's clothing appeared here, their hearts were still stirred up. The monstrous waves, but they can already control their expressions, so as not to let any expressions that are too shocked to accept appear on their faces.

Along the way, Ye Junfeng followed Di Jiuyin to the main hall, and met many people during the period, but when everyone saw her and Di Jiuyin like this, there was no superfluous expression on their faces, Ye Junfeng couldn't help but feel sorry for Di Jiuyin. With admiration.

After Di Jiuyin noticed Ye Junfeng's gaze, he slightly raised his eyebrows, turned his head slightly to look at Ye Junfeng, and said, "What's wrong?"

Ye Junfeng blinked her bright eyes, and said: "I really didn't expect that all of your subordinates could still keep their faces unchanged when they saw their master and a man Qingqing. You really deserve to be your subordinates, amazing!" !"

Ye Junfeng walked all the way, but he didn't even see a person who turned pale with shock, and even the person sweeping the floor didn't show such an expression, which shows how powerful Di Jiuyin is.

If a person has a few of his subordinates who can do it without changing face, then this person is already very powerful, but Di Jiuyin's subordinates can do this even if they sweep the floor, Di Jiuyin It can no longer be called powerful, but abnormal!
(End of this chapter)

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