The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 754 The Miracle Doctor Is You?

Chapter 754 The Miracle Doctor Is You?
The man hurriedly felt his scalp tingle suddenly, and when he raised his head, he saw the sharp and cold eyes from his palace staring at him.

He shivered violently, recalled what he had just said, and secretly complained to himself, although the current appearance of his palace was indeed a bit scumbag, but his possessiveness was still so strong.

The man laughed dryly, "I have been with the Highness for a long time, because of the relationship between the Highness, I naturally know a little bit about Ye Junfeng, but how can I know as much as the Highness!"

Hearing these words, Di Jiuyin slightly raised his eyebrows, feeling much better.

Indeed, no one here knows Ye Junfeng better than him, because none of these people can recognize that Ye Junfeng in women's clothing and Ye Junfeng in men's clothing are actually the same person.

Even Ye Junfeng had told these people her name just now, but even though these people thought of the possibility of Ye Junfeng disguised as a man, no one was willing to believe it.

This is the difference between his insider and outsiders like them.

Di Jiuyin was in a better mood, the temperature around the main hall also rose, and everyone's trembling hearts beat slightly more steadily.

Ye Junfeng didn't expect that she had already told these people her name, and they still looked like this.

Ye Junfeng said softly to Di Jiuyin, "I didn't expect all your subordinates to be so stupid."

Di Jiuyin heard Ye Junfeng say that her subordinates were stupid, and there was no ugly look on his face. Instead, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and he approached Ye Junfeng and said, "Your men's clothes are chic and not at all feminine, so naturally you don't Some people think of women disguised as men, and your women's clothes are charming and affectionate. People who have seen your women's clothes will naturally not doubt the possibility of men wearing women's clothes. That is, my wife can recognize you in men's clothes and you in women's clothes. Or you without clothes..."

Ye Junfeng's analysis of Di Jiuyin's previous words was quite normal, but she didn't expect to turn yellow in the end, glared at Di Jiuyin, and ignored her.

How could he know her without clothes?
Besides, he had never seen her without clothes, and besides, even if it was...

What is she thinking!

He was actually taken into the pit by Di Jiuyin at once.

Ye Junfeng's face changed, noticing that everyone's eyes were on her, Ye Junfeng's face darkened for a moment.

Before this Di Jiuyin was still a human being who was not easy to get close to, how long did it take to become like this!

Di Jiuyin's subordinates couldn't help feeling a little suspicious when they saw that the relationship between their palace master and Ye Junfeng seemed very familiar.

Could it be that the Ye Junfeng they knew and this woman Ye Junfeng are really the same person?

They recalled how difficult their own palace had been to get close to for so many years. If their palace got acquainted with the two of them in such a short period of time, it was simply because the sun rose from the west.

But today, they have just confirmed that the sun still rises from the east and sets in the west, so there is no such possibility for their master.

In this way, the most likely situation is that Ye Junfeng and this woman are the same person.

Everyone thought about it, and the last one who was more courageous still took the initiative to say: "Hey, may I ask this Ye Junfeng, is the genius doctor you?"

(End of this chapter)

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