The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 776 She Really Doesn't Need Money

Chapter 776 She Really Doesn't Need Money
The monster narrowed its eyes in disbelief and set its sights on Ye Junfeng's body, then let out a low growl, looked down at the long whip wrapped around its waist, struggled for a long time but failed to get the long whip out.


The monster roared impatiently, and Di Jiuyin let out a long breath in his heart when he saw this situation. He didn't expect Ye Junfeng to have such strength. Ye Junfeng should not be at a disadvantage in front of this monster.

The corners of Ye Junfeng's lips slowly hooked up. In fact, she didn't expect her strength to be so strong, and she didn't expect that she would pull the monster down all at once.

Ye Junfeng didn't dare to relax the whip in his hand, and increased the output of spiritual power.

The monster felt the whip getting tighter and more agitated, and a blue light suddenly appeared on the monster's body.

Ye Junfeng frowned, knowing that the monster was about to use its strength, before the monster could unleash its spiritual power, Ye Junfeng put all the spiritual power on his left hand, and slapped the monster on the top of the head with a palm. go down.

Di Jiuyin, who was standing not far away, squinted his eyes slightly when he saw Ye Junfeng's move. Ye Junfeng's appearance didn't look like he wanted to fight this monster at all, and Ye Junfeng's move was really serious. It's because too much spiritual power was used, and if one misses, the consequences may be a little dangerous.

Di Jiuyin's gaze fell on Ye Junfeng all the time, obviously wanting to know what Ye Junfeng wanted to do.

Ye Junfeng struck down with a palm, just as the monster hadn't broken free from the long whip, Ye Junfeng's palm hit the monster's head by coincidence.

The monster's head dangled twice on its neck, and the spar that was originally on top of the head snapped off from the top of the monster's head and fell to the ground.

Ye Junfeng saw that the beast was half dead, so she slowly relaxed, and put away the spiritual power from her body to put away the long whip.

Ye Junfeng walked up to the beast and put away the spar, and then slashed at the back of the beast with a blade, directly killing the beast.

Then Ye Junfeng threw the beast into the space of the Soul Suppression Tower with a thought.

Di Jiuyin noticed Ye Junfeng's actions and was even more sure of Ye Junfeng's plans.

Di Jiuyin walked up to Ye Junfeng and asked, "What do you want this monster for?"

Ye Junfeng's eyes lit up slightly when he heard Di Jiuyin's words, "The fur of this monster looks very valuable, and it must be a good income to peel off the fur of this monster."

When Di Jiuyin heard Ye Junfeng's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He dared to feel that this was the reason. He never thought that Ye Junfeng was still thinking about money here.

But is the famous genius doctor on Canghong Continent really short of money?
"You are short of money? If I remember correctly, a bottle of potion you casually concocted has already fetched a sky-high price."

Ye Junfeng choked, heh, let alone, she is really not short of money.

Ye Junfeng forced a dry laugh, "I'm used to it, but it's good to save this fur to make a cloak for myself."

The corner of Di Jiuyin's mouth curled slightly, "This fur is too dark, you choose a silver-white monster, that fur is much stronger than this one."

Ye Junfeng's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that besides the black and black eyes, there were also silver-white ones.

(End of this chapter)

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