The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 813 The Emperor Slips Away

Chapter 813 The Emperor Slips Away
Emperor Mu looked angrily at the backs of Di Jiuyin and Ye Junfeng entering the gate of the General Protector's Mansion, snorted coldly, turned and left.

And the people who were watching the excitement on the street saw their Qingqiu country's emperor say something to a man with high spirits, then they turned their heads and left with a gloomy face.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone, and immediately made everyone boil.

As soon as Emperor Mu left, everyone's discussion almost spread throughout the Qingqiu Kingdom's imperial city.

"My God! Guess what I saw just now! I actually saw the emperor of our Qingqiu country humbly invite an imposing man to the royal family for a meal. I didn't expect that man to give our emperor no face at all. , what was even more unexpected is that the emperor of our Qingqiu Kingdom ran away in such a disgraceful manner! My God! This is really rare!"

"You have seen it, of course we have all seen it! He came with a flying magic weapon and stopped in front of the gate of the General Protector's Mansion. Obviously he was going to the General Protector's Mansion. The emperor heard the news of the big man's arrival, and rushed out of the palace in a hurry, didn't he just want the appearance of the royal family of Zhuangqingqiu country! But they didn't give the emperor face at all, haha, our emperor of Qingqiu country It's a shame to throw it home!"

"Look at the mansion of the general who protects the country. The emperor has come out to snatch away the guests, but no one has come out of the mansion of the general who protects the country! This man! People are so angry when they compare themselves to others! I don't believe our emperor saw this He is not angry in one scene!"

"What's the use of being angry? It would be the best if you were angry! Haven't you heard of the past! Those from the royal family of the Qingqiu Kingdom conducted some secret experiments in the Qingdan Sect. It is said that they want to Unify the Canghong Continent, but think about it, who will suffer in the end? Qingqiu Kingdom may eventually unify the Canghong Continent, but ordinary people like us are the worst."

"Yes! You are right! This Emperor Mu doesn't know what the hell he is going to do! Fortunately, Qingqiu Kingdom has an extra prison country, but we have not seen the shadow of the prison country from the beginning to the end! I really don't know this What kind of person is Jian Guo, I am afraid that if this Jian Guo accidentally goes the same way with those members of Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family, then it is hard to say what the situation in Canghong Continent will be like in the future."


Ye Junfeng and Di Jiuyin's ears were not heard by the crowd's discussion, but these discussions were spread throughout the entire Qingqiu Kingdom Imperial City.

At this time, in the mansion of the General Protecting the Nation.

Ye Lingyu had long heard that a flying magic weapon had stopped in Qingqiu country, and he was thinking of some big man coming. After all, it is impossible for a mere little person to have something like a flying magic weapon.

Even in the entire Canghong Continent, there are very few people who can own the flying magic weapon, unless it is some sect or some organization.

Ye Lingyu also knew in his heart that a big man like this naturally had nothing to do with a brawler like him, so Ye Lingyu didn't even want to go out and have a look.

But what I didn't expect was that after a while, a guard ran up to him and said something to him with a little excitement.

"Major General, the big man on the flying magic weapon has already entered the palace of the general who protects the country."

(End of this chapter)

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