Chapter 823

What a joke!
This big man is clearly hers!

Ye Qingyou stared at Ye Junfeng with a pair of eyes, looked at Ye Junfeng as if someone had robbed her of her beloved, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about! This big man has clearly heard about my deeds and specially You came to Qingqiu Kingdom to look for me with a flying magic weapon! What is your fiancé, the person that this big man misses so much is me! Ye Junfeng, you shameless bitch! Don’t even think about robbing me!"

Ye Junfeng looked at Ye Qingyou with the eyes of a monster, what happened to Ye Qingyou's head?

Could it be that he was driven crazy by what happened before?

But regardless of whether Ye Qingyou is crazy or not, she will not give Ye Qingyou a good face.

Ye Junfeng looked Ye Qingyou up and down, and sneered, "You said that my fiancé heard about your deeds and fell in love with you, so let me ask you, Ye Qingyou, what deeds do you have to let others know? Is it because you cheated a few years ago, or was it because you couldn’t cultivate your physique? Or was it because you rolled on the bed with the third prince Mu Luofeng in the royal banquet in public?
But I think, no matter which man knows about these things, he will not have any good feelings for you. Your elder brother Mu Luofeng saw that this happened to you, didn't he also demote you from the position of the third prince to the concubine? Concubine?

By the way, when I said this, I remembered, you are already the third prince's concubine, why are you still staying in the mansion of the general who protects the country? You must know that we and the mansion of the general who protect the country are no longer you There is no place to live. Your mother didn't teach you well. As the eldest daughter of the General Protector's Mansion, I have the responsibility to remind you. "

When Ye Qingyou heard Ye Junfeng's words, her face changed again and again. Ye Junfeng brought up the things that she never wanted to be known but everyone knew.

Suddenly Ye Qingyou felt her face was hot, especially in front of the big man she thought was looking for her, Ye Qingyou cast her gaze on the big man's face, wanting to know what the big man was after hearing these things Sympathy for her, is it resentment towards those who speak ill of her, or a slight dislike for these things, but after Ye Qingyou set her eyes on the face of the big man, she saw that the big man didn't look at her at all, and still turned her gaze It landed on Ye Junfeng's body.

Could it be that what Ye Junfeng said just now is true?

Is this big shot really Ye Junfeng's fiancé?
Otherwise, if this big man came to her, he definitely couldn't let Ye Junfeng bully her like this.

But which man doesn't like gentle women, Ye Junfeng's appearance is not gentle.

Knowing Ye Junfeng's current state, wouldn't the big man feel a little bit of disgust towards Ye Junfeng?

Ye Qingyou once again set her sights on the big man, and said, "Ye Junfeng doesn't look like a gentle woman at all, even if you are Ye Junfeng's fiance, you will be ashamed when you see Ye Junfeng like this." Don’t you dislike it! Which man doesn’t want his wife to be gentle and kind? You can see that Ye Junfeng has no kindness at all when you see the way Ye Junfeng, the eldest daughter, bullies me, a concubine. I'm not good enough for you! But I'm different, Ye Junfeng and I lived in different environments since we were young, and the woman around you should be like me!"

(End of this chapter)

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