The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 838 The one who sealed Emperor Jiuyin was the Dao Talisman

Chapter 838 The one who sealed Emperor Jiuyin was the Dao Talisman

Di Jiuyin thought for a while, and was still going to explain to Ye Junfeng, after all, he was indeed much older than Ye Junfeng, and it would not be nice to be despised by Ye Junfeng all the time.

"The luck of the Gods and Demons Continent ten thousand years ago was different from that of the Canghong Continent. Because of the luck, before ten thousand years ago, people in the Gods and Demons Continent could live for tens of thousands or thousands of years. Some people even practiced immortality, and you have to know that ten thousand years ago, there was only one continent in the whole world, which was the Continent of Gods and Demons. If you were born in the Continent of Gods and Demons ten thousand years ago, you would also be immortal , so there is no surprise about my current age at all, and to be honest, I have to thank the luck relationship on the God and Demon Continent ten thousand years ago, otherwise I wouldn't live so long, and I would meet Miss you."

When Ye Junfeng heard Di Jiuyin's words, she nodded her head in contemplation. According to what Di Jiuyin said, most of the people in God and Demon Continent are people who survived ten thousand years ago. She didn't know whether the purpose was achieved or not.

But looking at what Di Jiuyin said inside and outside the words, and the attitude of that group of people towards Di Jiuyin, it is very likely that those people have not achieved their own goals. Obvious thing.

Ye Junfeng was meditating on these things, and thinking about it by the way, he didn't expect such words to come out from behind Di Jiuyin, the corner of his mouth twitched, Di Jiuyin didn't know when he became so talkative.

The topic I talked about before was quite serious, why did such a sentence pop up all of a sudden.

Ye Junfeng glanced at Di Jiuyin, struggling to get out of Di Jiuyin's arms, Di Jiuyin noticed Ye Junfeng's movements, so naturally he would not let Ye Junfeng succeed, so he changed the subject directly, saying : "You said before that you have doubts, tell me, what can be difficult for you in your clever little mind?"

Ye Junfeng doesn't want to listen to Di Jiuyin's words now, Di Jiuyin's whole person looks mighty, domineering and abstinent, these words that seem to coax a child don't seem to come from Di Jiuyin's mouth at all.

But Ye Junfeng is also very familiar with Di Jiuyin's changes like his uncle's visit from time to time, so it's not surprising.

Although he said that he really didn't want to talk to Di Jiuyin anymore, Ye Junfeng still said: "After what the man riding Qingluan told you last time, it seems that you and them are looking for something to seal you, and look It seems that none of you have any leadership over the thing that sealed you, which is obviously very wrong!"

The thing that sealed Emperor Jiuyin was found by the people on the Gods and Demons Continent, there is no reason why they haven't seen it!
Moreover, Di Jiuyin was the person who was sealed. Could it be that Di Jiuyin didn't see the thing that sealed him when he was sealed? It doesn't make sense at all!

When Di Jiuyin heard Ye Junfeng raise this question, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as expected of the person he had his eyes on, and he hit the point with a single sentence.

Di Jiuyin looked at Ye Junfeng, and slowly said: "It was the most intense and important moment of the war. Those people had limited abilities and were not my opponents, so they wanted to seal me, but the thing that sealed me was It was a talisman, and that talisman disappeared as soon as it took effect, so those people on the God and Demon Continent and I don’t know anything other than that it’s a talisman.”

(End of this chapter)

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