Chapter 852

But Ye Lingyu didn't say anything, just raised his eyebrows and nodded, which obviously meant that what you said was right.

Ye Junfeng smiled awkwardly when she saw Ye Lingyu's appearance, and she also felt that there was something wrong with what she just said.

At this moment, a guard walked in from the outside and handed a piece of letter paper to Ye Lingyu.

Ye Lingyu looked at it, with a serious expression on his face, and said to Ye Junfeng: "The royal family's troops want to come to our barracks to study, but they are actually coming to the barracks of the General Protector's Mansion to make trouble."

Ye Junfeng nodded, she could understand what the royal family did.

In Qingqiu Kingdom, there are two major military camps, one is the army of the General Protector's Mansion who are away all the year round, and the other is the military camp of the Royal Family of Qingqiu Kingdom. These two camps have never been together before, mainly because The army of the General's Mansion has never returned from the frontier for ten years.

And now after this army came back, the whole Qingqiu Kingdom was talking about the heroic deeds of the Army of the General Protecting the Country. As for the army of Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family, it had long been forgotten by the people of Qingqiu Kingdom.

The whole royal family of Qingqiu Kingdom naturally couldn't understand the people from the General Protector's Mansion stepping on their heads, so it was expected that they would come here to make trouble.

After Ye Junfeng heard Ye Lingyu's words, she smiled, "According to the nature of the Qingqiu royal family, isn't this incident expected, but no matter what, the Qingqiu royal family can only It’s just asking for trouble.”

There is no comparison between the army of the Qingqiu Kingdom royal family who only eat, drink and have fun in the barracks, and the army of the General Protector's Mansion who spent ten years in war, it is nothing but a shame.

Ye Junfeng looked at Ye Lingyu meaningfully, and Ye Lingyu also smiled when he saw Ye Junfeng's appearance.

Ye Lingyu looked up at the guards who came in to report, and said: "The army of Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family came here to study, and this Major General naturally welcomes them. They are all doing business for the country and protecting the stability of the country. I hope that Qingqiu will come here to study. This team of the Qiu Kingdom royal family took us to the rare things we learned in the camp, go down and tell them that Major General Ben will be there later."

After the guards went down, Ye Lingyu turned to look at Ye Junfeng and said, "This is a rare thing to see, do you want to come with me to see it?"

Ye Junfeng raised her eyebrows and nodded, she didn't expect that she would encounter such a thing when she came to the barracks for the first time, she was really lucky.

Ye Junfeng and Ye Lingyu walked out of the big tent one after the other. After the two went out, they happened to see a group of soldiers walking in from outside the barracks. Strong disdain, it is obvious that they don't take the people in the military camp of the General Protector's Mansion into their eyes.

After Ye Junfeng came out of the big tent, what he saw was the scene of the soldiers of Qingqiu Kingdom. Ye Junfeng was secretly a little puzzled, what did these people think, and they were so sure that they must be the generals protecting the country The opponents of these generals?

Now that she doesn't even hide it, Ye Junfeng doesn't have a good impression of these people.

It can be said that the soldiers of Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family came in a mighty group, even if they wanted to ignore this group of soldiers from the General Protector's Mansion, they couldn't ignore it.

A soldier standing beside Ye Lingyu said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "Major General, these people from Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family are really going too far! These people obviously don't take us seriously!"

(End of this chapter)

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