The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 861 The 2nd Army Competition

Chapter 861 The Competition Between Two Armies (1)

Ye Junfeng chuckled lightly. She never thought that this person would pick up all the things on her body so cleanly after seeing her own ability, and put all the things on his own subordinates, "That person is Commander Sun's subordinate, Commander Sun Of course I don't mind how I punish that person, after all, it is Commander Sun who suffers in the end, not me who drinks tea."

What Ye Junfeng said was that if Commander Sun hadn't given this person an order, this person would never have shot at her, so he wouldn't have ended up like this in the end.

Commander Sun naturally understood Ye Junfeng's words, and the expression on his face was a bit ugly, but in the final analysis, this matter was due to his own reasons, and he had already seen the strength of this young man, so naturally he would not be because of this matter. Arguing with this young man, what the young man says, so be it!

Ye Lingyu naturally didn't miss the change in the expression on Commander Sun's face, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and then he said to Commander Sun in a serious manner: "Commander Sun, as I said before, this young man is not like ordinary people, he is very powerful, Sun If the Commander insists on not believing it, no one else is to blame for that!"

Hearing that Ye Lingyu was obviously asking for trouble, Commander Sun's face changed again and again, and finally he had to laugh twice, "Where the hell, I was just making a joke with General Ye before, how would you know that my subordinate Seriously!"

Ye Junfeng looked at Commander Sun and nodded slightly, and said, "It's just a pity that Commander Sun lost a general."

Commander Sun looked at this young man who seemed to be smiling, and was a little puzzled when he heard Ye Junfeng's words. He could tell how the man under him was injured, but it was just a broken wrist, so he just connected it. It is possible to lose a general, what is the point of this!

But for some reason, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

When Ye Junfeng saw Commander Sun like this, he knew that he didn't know what she was talking about now. Even if others saw her move, they would think that the opponent's wrist was broken. So cheap for him.

Ye Junfeng looked at Commander Sun, chuckled lightly, and said, "I'm afraid your subordinate's hand will be destroyed because of this."

Commander Sun was taken aback, he didn't expect such a result at all, his subordinate is his right-hand man!It would be a great loss to him if one of his subordinates were to be crippled.

He didn't expect that this young man would be so ruthless, crippling one of his men's hands as soon as he made a move, which was something he had never expected.

Commander Sun's expression changed again and again, and in the end he just smiled and didn't say anything at all. This young man can destroy one of his men's hands with just a teacup. It can be seen that this young man is very powerful. He is the commander of the royal army. It is not the boy's opponent at all.

So, even though it is said that they have suffered at the moment, they can't say anything.

"Two, let's see how the soldiers compete!"

Commander Sun pointed to the open space where the competition was about to take place. He obviously didn't want to talk about what happened just now. If he talked about it, it would have no good effect except to make him angry but unable to attack.

Ye Junfeng knew that Commander Sun couldn't listen anymore, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, but he didn't talk to this person again, and turned his head to look at the open space in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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