The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 870 Two Broken Sleeves

Chapter 870 Two Broken Sleeves
Feng Moyou smiled, "Is it so easy for you to believe what your brother said to Commander Sun?"

Ye Junfeng raised her eyebrows, suddenly, it seems that Feng Moyou did not come to the military camp when he was in the frontier, it is very likely that the army of the General Protector's Mansion returned to Qingqiu Kingdom.

Feng Moyou continued: "I came to Qingqiu Kingdom after I left Qingdan Sect, and I heard that you are the eldest lady of Qingqiu Kingdom Protector General's Mansion, so I came to this barracks to wait for you, and made some small things by the way. "

When Ye Junfeng heard Feng Moyou's words, the corners of Ye Junfeng's mouth twitched slightly. It turned out that Feng Moyou made those things that caught everyone's eyes just by the way.

But hearing Feng Moyou's words, it is obvious that Feng Moyou came here to find her, Ye Junfeng looked at Feng Moyou, "You came here to wait for me?"

Feng Moyou nodded, pointed to the large tent in the medical hall, and said, "Let's go in and talk."

Ye Junfeng knew some reason why Feng Moyou came here to find her this time, and followed Feng Moyou to the big tent.

Feng Moyou poured Ye Junfeng a cup of tea, sat opposite to Ye Junfeng, and said, "After you left Qingdan Sect, I observed a sudden change in the astrology, indicating that the world will undergo major changes, so I Then I came to Qingqiu Country, but unfortunately, you went out to practice, so I will wait for you in this barracks."

Ye Junfeng didn't expect Feng Moyou to see that the world would undergo major changes. After thinking for a while, he pondered and said, "Recently, I also feel that the Canghong Continent is not peaceful. I was in the black market before. At that time, I discovered that people from the God and Demon Continent have extended their business to the black market."

Ye Junfeng didn't tell Feng Moyou about what Ye Junfeng and Di Jiuyin encountered on the way back to Canghong Continent in other continents, but what Feng Moyou discovered probably had something to do with the people on the Gods and Demons Continent.

Feng Moyou nodded, "I also heard about it in Qingqiu Kingdom. Two broken sleeves from God and Demon Continent appeared in Qingqiu Kingdom. In a blink of an eye, I don't know where they are going. People in Qingqiu Kingdom are all there. Talking about it, these two broken sleeves are likely to be spies who were released in advance from the God and Demon Continent."

Two broken sleeves?

Ye Junfeng coughed lightly, lowered her head and picked up the teacup to drink tea to hide the broken expression on her face. She originally thought that the stalk of the broken sleeve could be uncovered, but she didn't expect that Feng Moyou brought it up again.

This matter actually reached the ears of Feng Moyou who was staying in the barracks, she could imagine how far this matter had fermented.

It seems that she can't use the disguise of a genius doctor to do things recently, otherwise the people of Qingqiu Kingdom might regard her as someone from the Gods and Demons Continent and arrest her.

Ye Junfeng took a sip of tea, put the cup on the table, and said, "Hey, I don't know much about the two broken sleeves, but the people in the God and Demon Continent really focused on On the Canghong Continent, we must be more careful."

Feng Moyou looked at the tea leaves floating and falling in the teacup, and said, "I'm afraid it's not enough to be careful. The battle between gods and demons was so fierce ten thousand years ago. I watched the sky at night before, and I'm afraid it will be the result of changes in the world pattern in the future." It will not be inferior to the situation caused by the war between gods and demons ten thousand years ago."

After the Great War of Gods and Demons, the world split into several continents, and the changes in luck directly affected people's lives and cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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