Chapter 872 Need a Leader

Feng Moyou nodded and looked at Ye Junfeng, and said, "So, now the entire Canghong Continent must be prepared. I originally wanted to ask you to remind everyone, but I didn't expect that two broken sleeves would appear not long ago. , This saves our troubles, if the news about these two broken sleeves and the black market is spread outside, it will be difficult for people in the entire Canghong Continent not to want to know about it."

The corners of Ye Junfeng's mouth twitched slightly, she didn't expect that the two broken sleeves played such a role, it seems that people in the entire Canghong Continent have to thank her!
But Ye Junfeng didn't say anything about the broken sleeve, nodded, and said: "Wouldn't that be better, the people on the God and Demon Continent must not have noticed that our people on the Canghong Continent have already prepared for them , right now the people on the Gods and Demons Continent are in the dark, and the people on our Canghong Continent are also in the dark, and it will be up to who will be the first to reveal it.”

The people on the Canghong Continent had noticed in advance that the people on the Gods and Demons Continent would make some moves, and it was because of this that the people on the Canghong Continent would not be at a disadvantage.

Feng Moyou looked at Ye Junfeng, the expression in his eyes was a bit complicated, and after a while, he still said: "In this situation, we need a leader to lead the entire Canghong Continent. The Continent that exists, and the people on the Continent of Gods and Demons existed ten thousand years ago. If we deal with it seriously, our Canghong Continent will never be an opponent of the Continent of Gods and Demons. Therefore, this leader is indispensable. Less."

Ye Junfeng lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment, agreeing with Feng Moyou's words in her heart. The people on the land of gods and demons have lived for tens of thousands of years, and those people have already participated in the war of gods and demons ten thousand years ago , no matter in terms of experience or tacit understanding, it is incomparable to everyone on Canghong Continent.

And precisely because of this, the Canghong Continent needs a leader who can look at the overall situation and guide everyone. In this way, the chances of winning in the Canghong Continent will be much greater.

"You're right. The Canghong Continent is no match for the Gods and Demons Continent at all. If we don't want to be at a disadvantage, we must find a leader who is organized and disciplined. This way we will have a greater chance of winning."

When Feng Moyou heard Ye Junfeng say this, a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes, he really deserved to be someone he admired, Ye Junfeng's head was really quite clear.

Feng Moyou looked at Ye Junfeng as if he had entrusted some important matter to Ye Junfeng, clasped his hands together, and said, "If that's the case, then this matter will depend entirely on you."

Ye Junfeng blinked her eyes, but she didn't understand what Feng Moyou meant. Wouldn't Feng Moyou want her to be the leader?

What a joke!
Ye Junfeng coughed twice, and looked at Feng Moyou in astonishment, "What do you mean by you being a magic stick? Don't worship me casually. This will shorten your life. It's completely different from the Gods and Demons Continent, people in the Canghong Continent can only live for a hundred years, if you worship me like this, wouldn't my life time be shortened."

Feng Moyou looked at Ye Junfeng who didn't talk to the leader at all, with a complicated expression on his face, "I mean, I hope you can be the leader of Canghong Continent."

Ye Junfeng quickly waved his hands, "Are you kidding me!"

(End of this chapter)

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