The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 874 The Qing Dan Sect of 'Retreating the Country'

Chapter 874 The Qing Dan Sect of 'Retreating the Country'

Feng Moyou's eyes lit up "Shua!", he didn't expect Ye Junfeng's words to be so reasonable. Speaking of a leader, it's just a name, what really depends is the support of the people.

"It's me who is superficial. With you here, everyone in Canghong Continent can feel at ease."

When Ye Junfeng heard that Feng Moyou had given her the name, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. She could tell that Feng Moyou, the magician, didn't want her to take this matter out of her hands. Take it off your body.

Ye Junfeng sighed, "God stick, please don't worry, no matter what, I can be regarded as a respectable figure in the Canghong Continent, and I will definitely not leave everyone on the Canghong Continent alone, you know, All the money I earn as a genius doctor comes from the Canghong Continent, so I will definitely not let those people from the God and Demon Continent go.”

Speaking of earning money, Ye Junfeng felt that the people in Canghong Continent really wanted to teach Shenmo Continent some lessons. The people in Shenmo Continent found trouble in the black market. Isn't this because they obviously wanted to benefit from the economy? Are you going to cut off the lifeblood of Canghong Continent?

Fortunately, Ye Junfeng didn't say this, otherwise Feng Moyou would definitely tell Ye Junfeng that Ye Junfeng was overthinking this matter.

Ye Junfeng poured the herbal tea in the teacup aside and said, "I feel like we should go to Qingdanzong now."

Since the last time Ye Junfeng made a fuss, the Qingdan Sect has attracted the attention of everyone in the four countries, and has begun to implement the policy of "closing the country".

What's more, the Qingdan Sect doesn't even accept disciples. If the Qingdan Sect makes any moves now, no one in the Canghong Continent will know.

If there is a chance to go to Qingdanzong, maybe you can know something incredible.

Before Feng Moyou came out from Qingdan Sect, Qingdan Sect blocked the sect behind, and didn't know any news inside Qingdan Sect. Speaking of which, Feng Moyou also wanted to know the news of Qingdan Sect, but now he can All the entrances to the Qingdan Sect have been blocked. If they want to enter, they will definitely attract the attention of the Qingdan Sect. At that time, they will still know nothing about the internal affairs of the Qingdan Sect.

And he thinks that even if they attract the attention of the Qingdan sect, they may not be able to enter the gate of the Qingdan sect.

Feng Moyou looked at Ye Junfeng, and said: "The Qingdan Sect is not so easy to enter now. After I came out of the Qingdan Sect, the Qingdan Sect blocked the sect. I have observed around the Qingdan Sect. Anyone who can enter the Qingdan Sect All the large and small passages inside the Qingdan School have been blocked, and even the formation of heaven and earth nets has been set up above the Qingdan School. The current Qingdan School seems to be locked by something impenetrable, and you want to go in , It's hard to compare to the sky."

Ye Junfeng just heard that the Qingdan School had implemented the policy of "closing the country and closing the country", but she never expected that it would look like this. Isn't it that even a fly can't fly out or get in!
Hearing Feng Moyou's words, Ye Junfeng felt that the Qingdan School was making some big ulterior move, but how to get in now?

Ye Junfeng tapped the table lightly with her fingers, the more the Qing Dan sect behaved like this, the more they should know what the hell was going on inside the Qing Dan sect.

(End of this chapter)

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