The supreme doctor is all over the world

Chapter 878 Soul Relief Mirror

Chapter 878 Soul Relief Mirror

Di Jiuyin glanced in the direction of his subordinates and said, "Continue."

"Yes, Your Majesty, we have also found out that this ancient artifact is now on the Canghong Continent, but we are not sure what kind of state this ancient artifact exists in now, and now this ancient artifact has entered someone else's possession. In the hand, someone is covering, and it is very difficult for us to find it."

"Your Majesty, we have found this soul-suppressing mirror. As long as your majesty keeps the soul-suppressing mirror with you, if you meet someone who owns that ancient artifact, this soul-suppressing mirror will definitely send out a warning."

Di Jiuyin took a look at the soul-suppressing mirror presented by his subordinates, hung it on his waist, and chuckled, "Since the soul-suppressing mirror is now in the hands of the hall, the hall must take it for a while. Step across the entire Canghong Continent."


And Ye Junfeng, who was approaching the Qingdan sect, shivered unexpectedly. Ye Junfeng looked around and saw that there was no sign of anyone around, so he quietly jumped up the tree.

After Ye Junfeng got to the tree, he carefully observed the Qingdan Sect not far ahead, and it was as Feng Moyou said, that there was not even a single person walking by the gate of the Qingdan Sect, and there was no one at all.

Ye Junfeng stood on the tree, covered by thick leaves, outsiders couldn't see Ye Junfeng clearly on the tree.

Ye Junfeng looked inside the Qingdan School, and saw that the Qingdan School seemed to be covered by something, it was hazy, and it was impossible to see the situation of any part of the Qingdan School. Ye Junfeng looked over the Qingdan School, and even In mid-air, it seemed that someone had covered it with a blindfold.

Ye Junfeng turned around and sat on the branch of the tree, leaning against the tree trunk with slightly frowned eyebrows. It seemed that the Qingdan School was obviously playing with some secrets, something they didn't want others to know.

However, how is she going to get in now.

If you don't go in, you can't know what the people of Qingdanzong are doing.

Nowadays, not to mention the gate of Qingdan Sect, even the side door that can enter the Qingdan Sect has been sealed, it is very difficult to get in!
You can't walk directly, and you can't fly in from mid-air. Could it be that you want to escape?
Ye Junfeng's eyes fell on where she was now, and then she looked up in the direction of Qingdanzong. This distance is not far away. If she wants to dig a tunnel here, she will have to dig it until the year of the monkey.

But thinking of digging a tunnel, Ye Junfeng's eyes suddenly lit up. Although she said that she didn't dig fast, the soul-suppressing beast dug fast!

She had seen the side of the soul-suppressing beast digging tunnels before, and the speed was unmatched!
Ye Junfeng's eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised a curve. She couldn't believe that Qing Danzong could seal the underground.

Ye Junfeng looked at the sun on the horizon, closed his eyes and leaned against the tree trunk, preparing to act after dark.

Ye Junfeng slept on the tree for four hours, and the genius was completely dark. With a thought, Ye Junfeng called out the soul-suppressing beast in the space of the soul-suppressing tower.

The soul-suppressing beast that was sleeping was called out by Ye Junfeng in such a daze, and it almost failed to stand firmly on the tree branch, and almost fell.

The soul-suppressing beast shook its body before finally standing still, so it was completely awake.

The soul-suppressing beast patted its small chest and glanced under the tree with lingering fear, and stared blankly at Ye Junfeng who called it out.

(End of this chapter)

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