Chapter 893

After Ye Junfeng's injuries healed, he looked at the situation outside in the space of the Soul Suppression Tower.

For some reason, she always felt that the move that hit her before was somehow familiar.

Ye Junfeng looked outside, and immediately saw that the person who appeared here was Di Jiuyin, no wonder she felt familiar with the palm that hit her just now!

After such a long time, she now still remembers the scene when she was chased and killed by Di Jiuyin in the Ziyun Mountains, and the black gas was shot out from Di Jiuyin's hand for a good amount of money, falling behind her and smashing out. Big pits.

When she was in the Ziyun Mountains, she avoided Di Jiuyin's palm, but she didn't expect to be able to escape in the end, and was unexpectedly attacked by Di Jiuyin today.

Surprise and doubt flashed in Ye Junfeng's eyes, why did Di Jiuyin attack her suddenly?
She and Di Jiuyin clearly established their relationship before, why did Di Jiuyin attack her?And she could feel that Di Jiuyin's moves were merciless at all, clearly wanting her life.

She appeared in the Qingdan School because she heard that the Qingdan School had been doing something secretly since the Four Kingdoms discovered the secret of the Qingdan School last time, because she was worried that the things that the Qingdan School did would affect the relationship between the Canghong Continent and the God and Demon Continent So she came to Qingdan Sect this time mainly to take a look.

But why did Di Jiuyin come here?Ye Junfeng was somewhat puzzled, but it was clear that Di Jiuyin's purpose in coming to Qingdanzong was different from hers.

The purpose of Di Jiuyin's coming to Qingdanzong seems to be to find her and give her a slap. Fortunately, she has the space of the Soul Suppressing Pagoda, otherwise she would have to confess here if she received Di Jiuyin's slap today.

Ye Junfeng looked at the situation outside in the space of the Soul Suppression Tower with an ugly expression.

Regarding the fact that Di Jiuyin gave her a slap to kill her, she was very disturbed and a little unwilling to believe it.

Although she didn't know the strength of Di Jiuyin, she knew that it would be very easy for Di Jiuyin to kill her, so it seemed that there was no need for Di Jiuyin to make such a big effort to kill her. a circle.

First, he established a relationship with her, then he went to the General Protector's Mansion to establish a good relationship with her brother, and now he came to Qing Danzong. If he wanted to kill her, it would be too troublesome.

Ye Junfeng's attention was always on Di Jiuyin outside. Seeing that Di Jiuyin struck the man from the God and Demon Continent, he killed the man from the God and Demon Continent with one palm.

Afterwards, Di Jiuyin turned his attention to the disciples of the Qingdan Sect, raised his hand slightly, and all the disciples of the Qingdan Sect turned into a pile of bones.

Ye Junfeng's eyes widened slightly. Even though she knew that Di Jiuyin was very powerful, she never thought that Di Jiuyin would have such abilities.

She has a deep understanding of how many Qingdan sect disciples are outside. There are nearly two hundred disciples. How did Di Jiuyin manage to turn two hundred disciples into bones with just a single wave of his hand? It's really against the sky!

Now she can fully imagine what kind of role Di Jiuyin played in the Great War of Gods and Demons ten thousand years ago, and what kind of existence he was. No wonder those people on the Gods and Demons Continent racked their brains to seal Di Jiuyin , because Di Jiuyin was beyond the reach of ordinary people, it was too terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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