Chapter 907

After Ye Junfeng and Di Jiuyin left Qingdanzong, not long after, a few people came to Qingdanzong. A man in white saw that there was no one alive in the Qingdanzong, and his face was quite gloomy.

"Heh! Who would have the guts to avoid the blockade around the Qingdan Sect, and dare to ride on top of our God and Demon Continent? Don't die!"

A slightly older man walked around the whole Qingdan Sect, then walked up to the man in white and said, "Wu Xian, I have already seen the entire Qingdan Sect, and found that the Qingdan Sect leads directly to the area outside the Qingdan Sect. There is a tunnel in the woods."


Wu Xian took a look at this person, and sneered, "I thought this would be such a powerful person, but I didn't expect to use such a clumsy method. It's really embarrassing!"

Seeing that Wu Xian's complexion was much better than before, the older man breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

However, seeing that Wu Xian started to look down on the people who were able to enter the Qingdan sect before, the eyes of the older man fell on the bones all over the floor, and wanted to remind Wu Xian that the person who came here was probably more powerful than they imagined, but Seeing Wu Xian's dismissive look, and thinking of Wu Xian's usual temper, the elderly man just pursed his lips and said nothing.

"These disciples in the Qingdan Sect are in vain, but the disciples of the Qingdan Sect don't have much strength, and if they are all dead, it will save a waste of space and energy. Next, some people from our God and Demon Continent will be transferred to the Qingdan Sect. among."

After Wu Xian finished speaking, he turned around and left the Qing Dan School.

Looking at the bones of Qing Danzong, the elderly man sighed deeply, stretched out his hand to call a few people, and said, "Take care of the corpses of these people, I have to go to the God and Demon Continent .”

After Wu Xian left Qingdan Sect, he went straight to Qingqiu Kingdom.

On the surface, he is Wu Xian from the Qingqiu Kingdom, but in fact he is from the Continent of Gods and Demons.


The royal family of Qingqiu Kingdom.

As soon as Wu Xian arrived at the royal family of Qingqiu Kingdom, he was warmly received by Emperor Mu of Qingqiu Kingdom.

"Wu Xian is finally back! Let me wait so long! I don't know if Wu Xian has received any definite news."

Emperor Mu looked at Wu Xian expectantly, and the corners of Wu Xian's lips curled up slightly, and he chuckled, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have already received very definite news."

After hearing Wu Xian's words, Emperor Mu's eyes lit up "Shua!", looking at Wu Xian with burning eyes, and urged: "Since Wu Xian has got the definite news, tell me quickly. How can this emperor live forever."

Wu Xian laughed softly, "The Emperor must be clear that it is not a problem for people in the Gods and Demons Continent to survive for tens of thousands of years. Because the Emperor has this wish, I have spent all my time going to the Gods and Demons Continent."

Of course Emperor Mu knows that the people on the God and Demon Continent can live for ten thousand years, not only the Emperor Mu knows that everyone in the entire Canghong Continent knows, because people on the Canghong Continent can live for nearly a hundred years, which is quite good, but The people in the God and Demon Continent can live for ten thousand years, which makes Emperor Mu's heart very unbalanced, so Emperor Mu has a wish that he can live forever, which is more powerful than the people in the God and Demon Continent.

So he handed over the matter to Wu Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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