Chapter 915

"Old Zhuang! What's the matter with you! Every time you have to argue with me about this matter, what are you dissatisfied with about this matter? Are you from the God and Demon Continent!"

A hint of doubt flashed in Wu Xian's eyes. Ever since they started planning to use this method to enhance the strength of their entire army in the Gods and Demons Continent, the old Zhuang had repeatedly asked what was wrong with this matter.

But is there a problem?

absolutely not!

What kind of people are they on the Gods and Demons Continent? The people on the rest of the continent can't compare with their Gods and Demons Continent at all. It's a mess!

What qualifications do these people on the rest of the continent have to discuss or analyze the war or the future situation with their people on the land of gods and demons!
Lao Zhuang's complexion changed again and again. Hearing Wu Xian's meaning, it was clear that Wu Xian had begun to doubt him. Lao Zhuang's face showed a touch of disappointment. He sighed and said, "Wu Xian, Lao Zhuang, I am in the God and Demon Continent. I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and I have lived enough. I really don’t need to spend so much time on opening the gate of the God Realm. I don’t quite agree with this matter, but in the end I still participated in the war for my God and Demon Continent, and this time it was also for the consideration of wars that may arise in the future, I’m afraid the army without consciousness will suffer!”

Wu Xian snorted coldly after hearing Lao Zhuang's words, "Old Zhuang, you are getting old, and I can't say anything about you anymore. This is a new type of army in our Gods and Demons Continent. After ten thousand years of our Gods and Demons Continent Discussing and researching, the conclusion is that this kind of army is the most powerful, and the main reason why our Gods and Demons Continent failed to open the gate of the God Realm ten thousand years ago is that the people on the Gods and Demons Continent had a different heart. , otherwise we would have become gods early now."

Seeing that Wu Xian didn't want to hear what he had to say, Lao Zhuang sighed. Could the current situation in the Gods and Demons Continent be the same as the situation in the Gods and Demons Continent ten thousand years ago?

Isn't it normal for a strange heart to appear on the land of gods and demons ten thousand years ago!
But now there are not many people in the Gods and Demons Continent at all. Those people who stayed after the Gods and Demons War ten thousand years ago were worried about this problem of alienation, so fewer marriages and fewer children were born. Now in the Gods and Demons Continent It can be said that the people in the world are united as one, but the people on the Gods and Demons Continent still used the wrong method after ten thousand years.

Forget it, his old man has lived enough for tens of thousands of years. No matter how the people on God and Demon Continent will be in the future war, he doesn't care. If he wants to die, he will die with these people alright.

Lao Zhuang sighed, turned around and walked to the underground of Qingdanzong.

A few teenagers came to the Qingdan School before, and the Qingdan School was struck by lightning, but now the Qingdan School has been re-established, and the core is still in the underground of the Qingdan School.

He brought the medicine to Wu Xian, and helped Wu Xian to pour the medicine into the bellies of the royal family members of the Qingqiu Kingdom. When the time came, Wu Xian would only be satisfied with the people in the Gods and Demons Continent.

As for the future, he doesn't care anymore!
There are quite a few people on the Gods and Demons Continent, and being able to die together can be regarded as having a companion on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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