Chapter 918

So the matter of the early dynasty was just passed down from the ancestors, and it was just a formality when he came here. As for the officials standing under the dragon chair, he actually didn't know.

However, he has long been used to the fact that he doesn't know officials. The royal family is surrounded by heavy guards. Those who can enter the palace and run in front of him, the emperor, must be officials from the court. Otherwise, the soldiers guarding him will not let him in. of.

Emperor Mu had already experienced this, so he was not too surprised when the old man came in to find him, and at the same time, he didn't care much in his heart. Emperor Mu had experienced such things before, when officials he didn't know came to him, It's nothing more than trivial matters, presumably this old man is also the same, don't need to care about it at all.

Emperor Mu didn't wait for the old man to say something, what to do, Wu Xian brought him a bottle of elixir, which could prolong his life for a hundred years, but there was only one elixir in the bottle, even though Emperor Mu was In front of Wu Xian, he looked down on this elixir, but it also has a lifespan of a hundred years!
Thinking about it now, Wu Xian is really very stingy, since there are such pills, why don't you give him more? With this elixir, he is also equivalent to immortality.

But Wu Xian didn't give him that much. Emperor Mu thought about it, and gave the alchemy to the alchemist in the royal family, and asked the alchemist to study how the elixir was refined. If the alchemy is successful, At that time, every time he lives for a hundred years, he can tell the alchemist the method of refining this elixir, and in this way, he can truly live forever.

Since Wu Xian left, he handed over the pill that Wu Xian gave him to the alchemist in the royal family, and the alchemist finally refined the pill after a few days.

But the number is very small, only one.

Emperor Mu looked at the elixir given to him by Wu Xian on the left, and then at the elixir refined by the alchemist on the right. The two elixirs had the same appearance, even the same color. But Emperor Mu dared not eat it.

The reason Emperor Mu dared not eat the pills made by alchemists in the royal family was because he was worried that if the alchemists made mistakes, he might die if he swallowed it. He always felt that Wu Xian brought it back from the land of gods and demons. Pills are not ordinary products, and it is impossible for an alchemist to research them in just a few days. After all, there are only pills and no prescriptions!
And the reason Emperor Mu didn't dare to take the elixir Wu Xian gave him was because if he ate the elixir, it would be gone. If the gate of the God Realm was not successfully opened, he would only be able to live again. In a hundred years, he would not be able to live forever, so he wanted to let the alchemist refine the elixir.

But I was worried that the alchemy made by the alchemist was wrong.

This made Emperor Mu very distressed.

Emperor Mu sighed, and he had the urge to let others try this elixir for him.

Emperor Mu's eyes fell on the old man standing not far away. This old man is not young, and he might turn into a handful of loess in a year or two. Let the old man try this elixir. It's a very good decision.

Thinking of this, Emperor Mu looked at the old man with a better expression immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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