Chapter 938

What Emperor Mu said can be regarded as a big secret, presumably Ye Junfeng will be very surprised when he heard that the reason why the God and Demon Continent will appear in the Canghong Continent recently is to open the gate of the God Realm Unexpectedly, and also extremely excited, knowing that once the gate of the God Realm is opened, becoming a god is just one step away from them now. Ye Junfeng will definitely beg him to tell her about opening the gate of the God Realm after knowing this news.

But Emperor Mu waited for a long time but did not see Ye Junfeng asking him more about opening the gate of the God Realm. Somewhat unexpectedly, he turned his head to look at Ye Junfeng, and saw that Ye Junfeng had no expression on his face at all. It seemed that he didn't have much interest in the matter of the Gate of the God Realm, which made Emperor Mu a little surprised.

And Ye Junfeng was a little surprised by what Emperor Mu said. He didn't expect that the people from the God and Demon Continent would really tell Emperor Mu about their purpose.

No matter ten thousand years ago or ten thousand years later, the people in the Gods and Demons Continent have only one purpose, and that is to open the gate of the God Realm. The purpose of this is to open the gate of the God Realm. After ten thousand years, people in the rest of the continent have no idea what was the reason for the war between gods and demons ten thousand years ago.

She is a little curious now, what is the reason for the people from the Gods and Demons Continent to tell Emperor Mu their purpose.

Ye Junfeng's current reaction was not what Emperor Mu expected. Emperor Mu frowned slightly at Ye Junfeng. Could it be that Ye Junfeng, a little girl, was young and didn't know what it would be like to become a god? How good is it?

He wanted to tell Ye Lingyu about this matter before, but now Ye Lingyu is not here, only Ye Junfeng is here, if he doesn't tell this matter to the people in the General Protector's Mansion today, then he will Even for nothing.

The royal family of the Qingqiu Kingdom and the General Protector's Mansion have always been at odds. His presence today can be regarded as giving enough face to the General Protector's Mansion. If he were to come again, he would not have that much face at all. The emperor still wants to save face!
But what I didn't expect was that this matter was really nonsense, Ye Junfeng was just a yellow-haired girl, what could she know?
As soon as the gate of the God Realm is opened, as long as the people from the General Protector's Mansion wait for someone to help him, the emperor, then he, the emperor, will definitely make the people from the General Protector's Mansion into gods.

Now that I think about it, what he said to the little girl Ye Junfeng just now is simply nonsense, Ye Junfeng doesn't even understand the most basic interests, what else can she say to her?
Emperor Mu took a deep breath. In order not to let himself come to the General Protector's Mansion in vain this time, Emperor Mu was still ready to explain this matter to Ye Junfeng.

"As the emperor of the Qingqiu Kingdom, I will definitely not lie to you. Let me tell you the truth, the main purpose of my visit to your General Protector's Mansion this time is to use your army to help the gods and demons. People from the mainland, you need to know that the gate of the God Realm is not easy to open. The Emperor Renben of Qingqiu Kingdom's royal family has already been dispatched, and now it's up to you to protect the country. The people of God and Demon Continent are equivalent to helping the emperor, and it is also equivalent to helping yourself, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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