wild girl

Chapter 115

Chapter 115
"Sister? Why are you here?" Lu Ziyu asked.

"Ah, that..." Song Tiantian forced a smile, and picked up the fruits and vegetables in her hands, "It's not the weekend today, so I thought I'd come over and cook something delicious for you..."

"Hey, you are so lucky. We always thought you were quite pitiful. You are so young that you have seduced the little girl at home? This child without parents is really—"

"That's enough old man, don't say a few words!" The aunt glared at the uncle.

"What's wrong? Is it because of money? Do I have to move?" Song Tiantian was very anxious.

"No, it's nothing... I'm sorry, the seniors should go back first, as you can see, I have some things to deal with at home, and I don't have time to entertain you..." Lu Ziyu smiled.

"Sister..." Lu Zixu and Lu Zijue, who had been hiding at the door, ran out quickly, hugging each other to prevent Guan Zexi from leaving.

"It's okay, we'll wait for you in the room first, you and this uncle and auntie talk slowly." Song Tiantian smiled, and coaxed Lu Zijue, "Sister, come in and prepare something delicious for you, let's go in~"

Guan Zexi took the hand of Lu Zixu who was about to cry, and said hesitantly, "Lu Ziyu... do you want me to give you money..."

Lu Ziyu turned her head to stare at Guan Zexi, and she immediately explained in a hurry: "I, I didn't mean that... I just, I just lent it to you first, and then returned it when it's convenient for you. I'm not in a hurry..."

"No need!" Lu Ziyu withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and stopped looking at Guan Zexi, "Why should I borrow money from Senior Sister? This is my family's business, I can handle it myself. Senior Sister, don't worry, go ahead."

Guan Zexi's body froze, and then his shoulders collapsed, his voice was low: "Okay..."

"Anyway, that's what I said!" said the uncle, "Whether you plan to renew the lease or move out, please give me an answer, and it will be convenient for me to explain to the new landlord."

"I'll move out." Lu Ziyu rubbed his hands in embarrassment, "But can you give me a little more time... This is so sudden, I'm not prepared at all..."

"Didn't you say that we don't have the ability to think about your situation anymore. You are not the only one who has difficulties. There are many people who have difficulties in this world. If everyone wants me to think about it , I can't live anymore!" The old man's words are ugly, but they are indeed true.He has no obligation to think about Lu Ziyu.

Lu Ziyu was thinking silently, there is still some time before next month, he can only tell the boss to take an hour less work on weekends, and then seize the opportunity to settle the house.If you can't renew the lease nearby, try to find a house close to the kindergarten... It doesn't matter if he is far away... I just want to find a house under 400 yuan, and I'm afraid it's impossible in this area... The basement is too humid, but he It's ok, but two little kids sure can't stand it...

"Okay, I got it, I'm sorry to trouble you two." Lu Ziyu bowed apologetically, "I will find a house to move before next month, and please tell the new landlord..."

"I'm exhausted..." The door was pushed heavily, and Guan Zejin leaned against the door panting, sweating profusely, "Brother Ziyu, what kind of broken house is your house? Halfway up the mountain! There are even roads None! The car can’t even drive up!”

"Ze Jin?" Guan Zexi, who was hiding at the door, was surprised. ,

"Is this an amusement park? Why are there so many children..." The uncle frowned.

"How did you find this place?" Lu Ziyu asked.

"What's the matter? Yesterday's battle plan failed, and it must be re-planned!" Guan Zejin took it for granted.

"Ze Jin, I'm sorry, I have something to discuss with the landlord, I really don't have time today, please come back next time." Lu Ziyu said hastily.

"Are you kidding me! You still want me to climb again? You're dreaming!" Guan Zejin almost jumped.

"Stop interrupting the kids, we adults have business to talk about." The uncle said impatiently.

"Who are you, sir? If you let me go, I will go? Who are you? Brother Ziyu and I have something important to discuss. Come back next time."

"I am the owner of this house!" The uncle was angry, "Lu Ziyu, I wanted to accommodate you as much as possible, but your friend is so rude, believe it or not, I told you to move away immediately!"

Just as Lu Ziyu was about to explain, Guan Zejin said nonchalantly: "You want to move? Just for this little thing? Oh, it's really annoying, isn't it just a broken house, I don't even want it to be so broken! But Forget it, for Brother Ziyu's sake, grandpa, I bought this house, the price must be higher than the market price, okay?"

"What?" The uncle was startled.

"Housekeeper, go and talk." Guan Zejin waved his hand and walked to Lu Ziyu, "Brother Ziyu, those things yesterday were accidental accidents, and it was indeed my mistake to attack rashly without knowing the enemy, I admit it ..."

The group of four who were eavesdropping was stunned.

Song Tiantian: "What kind of magic is your brother doing? He bought the house in the blink of an eye?"

Guan Zexi suddenly realized: Why didn't she think of this method just now?so stupid!
The butler chatted with the uncle and aunt for a while, and then made a phone call before walking to Guan Zejin's side: "Master, there is a little problem."

"Ah? What's the problem? Isn't it enough to buy it?" Guan Zejin was upset.

"Because it is related to the land of the village committee and the redevelopment construction company, the situation is a bit complicated. It is difficult to sell this house alone." The housekeeper told the truth.

"That's it..." Guan Zejin touched his chin and thought for a second, "Then just buy all the houses around here! If the construction company comes to bother you, they will merge them together and become our subsidiary company! Take this opportunity to widen the road..." Guan Zejin said while thinking, "It must be open to traffic! Otherwise, if I go back and climb stairs, I will be exhausted? Let's build a parking lot nearby! Heliport Let’s build one too! Oh, and an office of the YK Security Department! Most importantly, there must be the most delicious chocolate dessert shop!”

"Your brother...is he mentally healthy?" Song Tiantian doubted life very much.

Guan Zexi: My brother... is really a genius! !

"...That's it for now, do as I say." Guan Zejin said.

"Yes, master!" The housekeeper bowed.

Lu Ziyu looked at Guan Zejin in disbelief: "Then you... are the landlord here now? Then, do I not need to move? And I don't need to pay more rent deposit?"

"Oh, what are you talking about, brother!" Guan Zejin gave his thumbs up, his eyes flashed, "You really don't understand the market, although I have a good relationship with you, we must distinguish between public and private! Why do rich people have money? Not only friends, but even family members, you have to get what you deserve! I can just give you a little more time, but the money you should get still has to be based on the market Yes! Not a penny less!"


"Your brother will definitely be someone in the future!" Song Tiantian sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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