wild girl

Chapter 13

Chapter 13
Did Ge take his place and play against you? "

"This is... what's going on?" He Zhuoyi's eyes widened in surprise.

Luo Yushi seemed to have come to his senses suddenly, with a weak smile on his face again: "Well, I always dreamed of appearing on the stage of Waltz High School's gymnasium, and this time my dream has finally come true What! So, I’m so happy that I can’t find the north, hehe…”

"What is this?" He Zhuoyi felt that the girl in front of him was a little unpredictable.

The confrontation between several people on the field was quickly transmitted to the eyes of the staff behind the scenes through the school's surveillance video.

"Director, there is no sparring schedule on the preliminaries stage in the gymnasium, right? But now the students seem to be sparring."

"Huh?" The director, who was dyed with what is commonly known as "mother-in-law gray" and is actually old after fading, extinguished the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray, "Is it a student from our school? See if there are any students from other schools. Check to see if you are eligible."

"Okay." The staff quickly checked on the computer, "There are students from other schools, but they are all eligible. The other students are from our school."

"Oh? That's right, let me take a look." The director slowly moved to the front of the screen with a cup of pretentious petty bourgeois coffee.

"There seems to be no problem..." the staff member said.

"Ah? What's the situation?" The director suddenly opened his eyes wide, "He said there is no problem! Why not! Turn on the microphone in the gymnasium for me immediately!"

"Ah, okay..." The staff frantically turned on the microphone.

So the few people standing on the stage heard the deafening sound of the Waltz Academy's broadcast: "Ahem! Students gathered on the stage of the preliminaries of the Waltz Gymnasium, please pay attention! You are violating the regulations now! Please suspend the conversation. Practice! Please suspend duel practice!"

"Ah?" He Zhuoyi sneered, "What is this?"

When Lu Ziyu heard the broadcast, he was instantly relieved.

That's right, the school will definitely not sit idly by and ignore this kind of fight in the school.Well, there is help!

Just as he was thinking this, a drone suddenly flew in the sky, and with a "click", two pairs of boxing gloves were thrown down.At the same time, the broadcast continued: "Anyone who violates the basic rules of free sparring three times will be deprived of the qualification to enter the gymnasium! How can you not wear boxing gloves on the field, don't forget next time!"

Lu Ziyu looked at the boxing gloves that fell in front of him in a daze, and felt that his expression must be very mentally retarded...

"Ah, it's solved now." In the monitoring room, the director took a sip of coffee contentedly.

The staff also nodded: "Yes, yes, this year's freshmen are very energetic, not bad!"

Not bad... what a ghost!

The school's radio and school newsletter are always fast. After a while, He Shiyan and Guan Zexi who stayed in the classroom received a unified text message from the school newsletter.

"There seems to be a competition on the preliminaries stage." He Shiyan looked at the message on the phone, "Wait, who is this? A new girl and... He Zhuoyi? Nani, even Lu Ziyu is here?"

Guan Zexi raised his eyelids instantly and stared at He Shiyan.

"I think I can probably guess the reason. That girl He Zhuoyi must be dissatisfied with your first opponent in the final, the unknown Lu Ziyu, so now she took the initiative to come to you." He Shiyan raised his eyelids and looked at Guan Zexi. , implying, "What? Want to help? But what should I do? The world-famous queen can't go to the preliminaries because of such a trivial matter, isn't this a joke! Oh, what should I do~ ~"

Guan Zexi twisted his fingers, struggling.

"Forget it, if you don't go for you, you will definitely cry for me." He Shiyan jumped off the table neatly, patted Guan Zexi on the shoulder, "Who made me two best friends, I'm going, Lu Ziyu, don't worry Well, it'll be fine."

Guan Zexi's heart relaxed, and he gave a very shallow smile.

On the preliminary stage, the battle was imminent.

He Zhuoyi had already put on boxing gloves, twisted her neck, and sneered, "Okay, come on!"

Luo Yushi looked at He Zhuoyi with admiration: "The students in your school are really amazing. They were able to stand up so quickly after being slapped directly on the stomach by me just now."

"Stop talking nonsense, bean sprouts, and put on your gloves quickly. You just took advantage of the opportunity and played tricks, and you thought you were great?" He Zhuoyi sneered, "I'll cripple you first, and then Lu Ziyu !"

The girl who came with He Zhuoyi was already on the phone: "How many people from our school are here? Come to the gym immediately!"

"Oh? Are you planning to fight?" Luo Yushi blinked curiously.

"Yes." He Zhuoyi's fists collided with each other, confidently, "What do you want?"

"No, of course—" Luo Yushi took a fighting stance, "Let's do it."

Seeing this scene, Lu Ziyu on the side suddenly thought of Song Tiantian who was crying to protect him for some reason.

No no no, that's not normal, these female students are all the same, I must be crazy!

"Everyone, stop it!" An imposing female voice interrupted the confrontation between He Zhuoyi and Luo Yushi, "What are you doing?"

"Ah, it's the senior from the boxing department." Luo Yushi immediately smiled.

"Don't you think it's embarrassing, He Zhuoyi." He Shiyan easily jumped onto the round platform and walked to He Zhuoyi's side, "What are you doing here with a group of horse boys?"

"He Shiyan, this has nothing to do with you, just mind your own business." He Zhuoyi frowned, "If you join in blindly, I'll take over you!"

He Shiyan restrained the smile on his face, clenched his bandaged hand into a fist, and suddenly punched He Zhuoyi's abdomen——

"He Zhuoyi, this is a circular platform - do you understand what I mean? Even if I beat you all over here, there is no problem, you know?" The fist was less than one centimeter away from He Zhuoyi's abdomen Stopping, He Shiyan came close to He Zhuoyi's ear and said in a low voice, "I'll let you off now because you competed with the queen not long ago and your health was not in good condition. Come back when your body recovers."

After finishing speaking, she withdrew her fist and stood up straight: "Girl with glasses, let me settle this place now, you can go down too."

"Ah, yes." Luo Yushi nodded quickly and stepped back from the circular platform.

He Shiyan glanced at He Zhuoyi, walked up to Lu Ziyu, and knelt down: "Hey, Junior Ziyu, are you scared?"

Lu Ziyu opened his mouth, but did not speak.

"It's okay, my sister loves you." He Shiyan patted Lu Ziyu on the shoulder, "You said that if you listened to me, you would join the boxing club. I promise you to kill the world today. How can you be so embarrassed!"

Lu Ziyu expressed doubts about this.

"Don't worry, I'll leave it to—"

Before she could finish speaking, the door of the gymnasium was suddenly kicked open with brute force.

A group of people turned their heads to look at the gate at the same time.

"Senior sister, we are here!!" Several people lined up side by side, directly blocking the light at the gate.

"Huh?" He Shiyan narrowed his eyes.

"Really, it's embarrassing..." He Zhuoyi let out a low laugh, and walked slowly to the group of kickers, turned around, looked at He Shiyan domineeringly, with a smile on his face, "What can we do, He Shiyan , my juniors are still young and energetic and have no time to be honest. I won't play, but our juniors don't listen to persuasion."

She clenched her fists and snapped her fingers: "You started co-education this year - what the hell is a single seedling who looks weak, but we are co-education, what should we do? ?”

The people standing behind He Zhuoyi were tall, short, fat and thin, but almost all of them were boys.

"You have a lot of followers. Don't you think it's embarrassing for a person who was quite capable to eat so ugly now, He Zhuoyi." He Shiyan got up slowly, picked up the boxing gloves in front of Lu Ziyu, and walked slowly Put on, "Coed? So what?!"

She took a step forward and took off the identical red sportswear that she had been wearing all the time, and she didn't know how many sets she had prepared, revealing the tight-fitting vest inside. Every muscle line spoke of strength and beauty.

"I'm the head of Waltz's boxing department, He Shiyan. Boys, if you have the skills, you think you can do better than me—you're welcome, just come on stage."

Head of the boxing department of Waltz, full of aura! !
(End of this chapter)

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