wild girl

Chapter 134 Surprise

Chapter 134 Surprise
"You're planning to knock down all five of the other party by yourself." Someone threw a bottle of water to the long-haired man, "At least give us a chance to play. Really."

"Can you still get up?" Chen Shengyue squatted on the ground and asked He Zhuoyan, "If you can't get up, let's end the game."

"I'm fine..." He Zhuoyan panted with difficulty, "How long is the first round?"

"24 seconds."

"Okay, I see." He Zhuoyan managed to control his breathing and got up from the ground.

It's really embarrassing... It's only been a few years of rest, and the physical strength is so short of this virtue?It's also his own fault. He has escaped for so many years, and he will always have to pay the price...

The long-haired man gulped down half a bottle of water: "I'll pack two more people and leave one for you."

"Yo?" He turned his back to He Zhuoyan so he didn't see it, but Jonathan said in surprise, "Can you still stand up? Not bad."

The long-haired man turned his head.

"I can hold on." He Zhuoyan grabbed the grid with one hand and stared at the long-haired man, "Don't get complacent too early."

"There are 24 seconds left in the first round. According to my wish, the game will continue." Chen Shengyue said.

The long-haired man glared at He Zhuoyan viciously, and suddenly threw the water bottle towards him: "I show mercy to you, but you don't know what to do!"

He Zhuoyan raised his arms to block the man's attack. After a few punches, Chen Shengyue said, "The first round is over, please stop!"

The long-haired man's eyes were already red, how could he stop: "I will send you to see Hades today!"

Chen Shengyue stopped him: "Stop! It's time, please go back to the rest corner!"

"Get out of the way, I don't care about the match or not! Don't let me fight with you!" The man swung Chen Shengyue away and was about to punch. Chen Shengyue narrowed his eyes, and stretched out his hand directly, pressing down on the man's arm, twisting body, and directly pressed the man to the ground with his backhand. Seeing the man's arms folded behind his back and screaming, Chen Shengyue put on an indifferent face: "You want to die? I'll help you!"

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, she got up and let go of the hand that suppressed the other party: "There are still 2 minutes until the second round, please go back to the rest corner."

There was dead silence in the arena. The long-haired man stared at Chen Shengyue, his lips twitched a few times, and he returned to the rest corner in silence.

"Hurry up, sit down and have a rest." Lu Ziyu quickly moved a stool.

"If there is another situation of disobedience to the referee's instructions, the game can only be terminated. Players on both sides should pay attention to this." Chen Shengyue said.

"Don't be so serious." Jonathan chuckled.

Both Lu Ziyu and the bayonet were doing muscle massage for He Zhuoyan, and He Zhuoyan gasped heavily: "Really, it's not as good as it used to be...I'm so exhausted..."

"You are my hero!" Bayonet said emotionally, "You are really amazing!"

"That's right." Lu Ziyu nodded vigorously, "But brother Zhuo Yan, can you really do it? If we can't, let's abstain. The health is the most important thing, and it will be bad to go to the hospital if you continue to fight. You still have to go to work."

He Shiyan glanced sideways at the long-haired man, walked up to He Zhuoyan suddenly, and said through the net, "Brother, you know that? No matter how hard you fight, it will be difficult to win."

"Huh?" He Zhuoyan turned around in confusion.

"However, you can choose to attack his right leg. First, give him two or three accurate low kicks to make his leg heavy, can you do it?"

"I almost have no strength in my left leg now, and I don't know if I can do it. But, let me try." He Zhuoyan collected himself, and stood up again following Chen Shengyue's order.

"Hit me thoroughly this time." Jonathan smiled sinisterly, "Stop procrastinating."

"Start!" Chen Shengyue said.

At the beginning of the match, the long-haired man almost pressed He Zhuoyan to speak.While defending, He Zhuoyan looked for an opportunity to kick the long-haired man's right leg.

Once, twice, three times...

"Brother, just go here!" He Shiyan said suddenly.

"Senior Shiyan, I'm so used to hearing you call 'brother'..." Lu Ziyu rubbed his goosebumps.

"Hmph!" He Shiyan was dissatisfied.

He Zhuoyan heard He Shiyan's words, and immediately knocked on the ground with one hand before the long-haired man was about to step forward: "I admit defeat and abstain."

"The players admit defeat, and the game is over." Chen Shengyue said, "Please return to the rest corner, the third game will start in 5 minutes."

"Anyone can come out, come up quickly! I will wipe out your entire army, and not one will be left!" The long-haired man's eyes were already red.

"Then, who will play next?" He Shiyan looked at Lu Ziyu.

"I don't mind being on stage by myself. But we've already lost two games in a row." Lu Ziyu also knew very well that his strength was no match for that long-haired man.If he also loses, then today's game will be over.

"Then, I don't know how our eldest miss is recovering?" He Shiyan glanced at Guan Zexi sideways.

Guan Zexi looked back, but said nothing.

"Team Waltz, please quickly appoint the next player." Chen Shengyue said.

"Good referee." He Shiyan chuckled, and slowly pulled down the zipper of his red sportswear, revealing the tight suspenders inside, "The next contestant is me."

"Senior Shiyan's physical strength has recovered?" Lu Ziyu frowned and gritted his teeth, "Or it's me..."

"It's okay, I'm almost done. And after all, the situation is different now." She put on her boxing gloves, stepped onto the stage slowly, and stretched her waist. "The other party is a little tired, one-on-one, On the stage, wearing gloves. This kind of situation - God help me."

Driver Park, who had been worried all the time, saw Song Tiantian's call, and hurried out of the warehouse to answer the phone: "Miss Tiantian? Oh, you are on the way here. What? It's been two hours and you haven't arrived yet? Confirm the navigation location Are there no mistakes?"

"Oh, uncle, please send us another location. I will be there soon. You can pick us up on the main road. Okay...it is the direction of xx road! This time it should not be wrong! My mother can never drive wrong continuously Let's go twice..."

In the warehouse, He Zhuoyan was helped off the stage and slumped on the ground.

"Your leg seems to have been kicked badly." Lu Ziyu frowned, checking He Zhuoyan's situation.

"Don't worry, there is no fracture, it will be fine in a few days." He Zhuoyan smiled, "However, the one on stage is called Shiyan, right? The other party is difficult to deal with, so she will be fine, right?"

"It's hard to say, senior sister Shiyan is very powerful, but she hasn't recovered yet, and the other party is not an ordinary person..." Lu Ziyu shook his head.

"I have a medicine kit and plaster in my car, anyway, I will treat your wound temporarily." Luo Jiayou turned and walked out of the warehouse.

"The time is up in 5 minutes. Both players please go to the center of the stage." Chen Shengyue raised her hand, "Please play fairly. If you don't indicate that you want to continue when you fall to the ground, the game will be deemed terminated. Before that, according to my judgment, you can also Stop playing. No problem?"

"no problem."

"The competition—begin!" Chen Shengyue waved his hand.

"You dare to go on stage, you are very courageous." The long-haired man sneered, "I have seen clearly your two strikes just now. You really know how to use your body weight. As a boxer, your footwork is also good, but it is only In this way, it is impossible to defeat me."

"Oh, whatever, are you going to fight or not?" He Shiyan disliked the other party's talkativeness.

The long-haired man stared at him, and immediately rushed towards He Shiyan: "I don't know what to do, girl!"

"Senior, get out of the way! Don't let the opponent push you too hard!" Lu Ziyu shouted.

In the next second, He Shiyan quickly took two steps sideways and dodged the man's attack.

"You are really fast." The man gritted his teeth.

He Shiyan suddenly turned to look at Jonadan: "Hey, what are you so-called top five, who is No.4?"

"It's me." A short-cut man also wearing a red tracksuit raised his hand, "However, you'd better knock down the opponent in front of you first."

"It's useless to think about it. You want to beat me with your fist?" The long-haired man laughed disdainfully, "It's just that you are faster and better at dodging. You think you can win by dodging?" Contest?"

"Ah, the one just now was just to let you get used to it temporarily, just to say hello." He Shiyan shrugged and smiled.

"What?" The man was annoyed, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

He Shiyan dodged the man's kick, leaned over, rushed towards the man, and slammed his fist at his chin: "Then, this time, I also greeted him, so we can officially start?"

The fist hit the man's chin so hard that it almost dislocated his entire jaw.

"Beautiful!" Lu Ziyu smashed his fist.

"It's a nightmare to be hit on the jaw by a boxer..." The bayonet shrank his shoulders.

The long-haired man fell to the ground convulsively, after Chen Shengyue's judgment: "The match is over."

"Number four, it's your turn." He Shiyan waved at the bancun man, "Come in and move this guy away, don't worry, it's nothing serious, he just fainted instantly."

"So that's how it is." Bancun Nan took off his tracksuit and came onto the stage bare-chested, "Because I didn't wear boxing gloves before, I never attacked those guys' jaws. So now that you put on gloves, you can play as much as you like." Have you shown your strength?"

"Oh, you know how to read." He Shiyan neither admitted nor denied it.

"A boxer waiting for an opportunity to punch, once it hits the opponent's chin, it is enough to knock him down. But what should I do? I am also a boxer." Bancunnan put on a competition posture, "Among the five of us, I am the only one. It's just boxing. You should understand, right? Boxing vs. boxing, if nothing else, I'm above you in the weight class, and I'm a man, and I'm not an idiot, and I won't stick my chin out for you to hit. You can't win."

"Ah...you're right." He Shiyan nodded, and following Chen Shengyue's order, at the moment Bancunnan swung his fist to attack, she bent down fiercely and hugged Bancunnan's waist, Out of the tackle.

"Wait...wait..." Bancun Nan was wrapped around his neck by He Shiyan's arms, and his arms were also pressed down by He Shiyan's legs.

"Boxing?" He Shiyan chuckled, raised his fist and lowered it, "What are you talking about? This is mixed martial arts, idiot!"

(End of this chapter)

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