wild girl

Chapter 142 Huge magnitude difference

Chapter 142 Huge magnitude difference

"Look at Lu Ziyu's opponent, he's a hulking back, and he's more than two Lu Ziyus alone. Is Lu Ziyu okay?" Bayonet murmured, "Hey brother, what are you doing? Are you still in the mood to play with your phone at this time?"

"No, just now Zhuoyi came to WeChat to ask me where I was. After I told the situation, she said she would come over too. I'm trying to persuade her to go back. It's a mess here, what if she gets hurt." He Zhuoyan hugged her seriously cell phone.

"I don't think that girl will listen to you..." Bayonet said, looking at the sofa under Guan Zexi's buttocks.

Zhang Wenpei, that star-chasing dog, did not forget to move the sofa here before he left, and Yin Yin told Guan Zexi not to sit on the chair, it was too hard and uncomfortable!If you want to sit, sit on the sofa.

Hey, he really wants to sit on the sofa and say...

At this moment, He Zhuoyi crossed his arms expressionlessly in a taxi on the road to the port.

"Why do you have to be with me?" He Zhuoyi forced down the cross on his forehead.

"I'm here to see the bayonet, not following you." You Yuhang slowly rolled up the sleeves at his wrists.

"Speaking of which, how long are you going to stay in my house? Are you as thick-skinned as you are?" He Zhuoyi spoke in a very non-tactful manner.

"Oh, so you're planning to let me get off the car now and pay for the taxi myself?" You Yuhang said leisurely, "The barbecue you ate at night was also bought by my aunt with the accommodation fee I gave, so don't you eat the barbecue? "

He Zhuoyi: ... angry like a puffer fish.

"After we arrive, if the atmosphere is not good, don't stand out, take good care of Uncle Bayonet, just stay honest." He Zhuoyi changed the subject again.

"Take care of yourself, little girl. Also, Bayonet is the same age as your brother. Don't always see people who are a little old and call you uncle. They are not polite at all." You Yuhang snorted.

"Aren't you also a high school student, and you still call me a little girl? How can you be polite? Besides, they fought with a team they don't know. This situation has to be resolved by professional fighters, you little ruffian Let's rest." He Zhuoyi frowned.

"Professional fighters? They don't even know what real fighting is, they only know how to talk big." You Yuhang disliked it.

"Oh, really? Even someone of Lu Ziyu's level can beat you to the ground, how dare you say so?" He Zhuoyi mocked.

You Yuhang's calm expression cracked for a second, and he immediately explained: "Who was beaten to the ground! It's just a few hits! I beat him more times! Lu Ziyu is the unbeatable Xiaoqiang, the x fighter x Ya, that special species that never dies! But in the end I still won!"

"Oh, is that so~" He Zhuoyi expressed his disbelief.

"That kid Lu Ziyu can only imitate fighting postures, and he doesn't even have much skill. He is a complete novice. Except for occasionally throwing a few punches with his weight, he is as weak as a woman. But don't be too I underestimated him. I was fighting with him at the time, and when you came and went, I saw his eyes... He kept staring at me and didn't avoid it once." You Yuhang let out a sigh of relief, "He made me I'm getting impatient, I just want to crush him! If he followed the rules, he would have a 0.0001 chance of winning..."

"Oh, so you won the game by fouling?" He Zhuoyi laughed even more.

You Yuhang, who accidentally told the truth: "...No! No! I don't have you, don't talk nonsense!"

Just at the traffic light, the driver stopped in front of the zebra crossing, and a small SUV next door suddenly lowered the window: "Hey? He Zhuoyi?"

"Song Tiantian?" He Zhuoyi frowned.

"Where are you going? How did you come to such a place?" Song Tiantian had completely lost her way under the chaotic navigation, and began to doubt life.

He Zhuoyi took a look at Song Tiantian and Wu Qi in the back seat, and said indifferently: "It's clear from a glance that we are going to the same place. I went because of my brother, so don't mind your own business."

"Hey, you took a taxi for several hours just to take care of your useless brother? She really is a caring sister." Song Tiantian hummed twice.

"What are you talking about, girl, it takes half an hour to get to the port from here." As soon as the words were finished, the red light turned green, and He Zhuoyi didn't bother to argue with Song Tiantian, "Master, hurry up and drive."

Half an hour... Song Tiantian was in a mess in the wind.

Her mother has been walking around on the street for a long, long, long time...

"Mom, hurry up and follow that taxi, don't lose it!" Song Tiantian yelled.

At the warehouse, Lu Ziyu had already stepped onto the stage.

"Please, please take care of me." Lu Ziyu swallowed as he looked at the other party's stout figure.

"Are the players on both sides ready? The match will start soon." Chen Shengyue asked.

"All right."

"Okay, get ready—start!!"

"I feel so sorry for Ziyu. As long as I still have a little physical strength, I will never let him go on stage." He Shiyan put his hands in his pockets and sighed helplessly, "If it really doesn't work later, it's better to let him go on stage." Let Ziyu abstain. It would be bad if he was really injured."

Guan Zexi didn't speak, just stared at Lu Ziyu's back.

"At times like this, I still need my help." Luo Jiayou, who has been the backdrop for a long time, finally found a sense of presence, "Five years ago, when I first met Zhuo Yi, she was just an ordinary player. , it was me who made the plan step by step, trained her, and made her the queen of the Muay Thai boxing world. Moreover, it was I who trained Zong Yang to become a high-profile player. Lu Ziyu, as long as he plays according to my guidance, he will definitely be able to win."

His huge figure stood in front of the grid, and said: "You can tell at a glance, your opponent is thick, not to mention moving, even the speed of punching is below average. But his wrist strength and weight are not to be underestimated." Yes. But Ms. Shengyue's judgment is correct. This is a vertical competition. As long as you avoid his bodyweight punches and don't get hurt, there will be no problem. First of all, the most important thing is, before the opponent approaches, don't To deal with it, we must observe the opponent's actions..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lu Ziyu follow Chen Shengyue's order, and punched the big guy directly with his fist.

"Why don't you listen to me!" Luo Jiayou felt that he was neglected, it was too much!

Lu Ziyu's full attention was on the stage, and he really didn't have much interest in listening to Luo Jiayou's words.

He approached cautiously, because he knew that the weight gap between the two was too big, so he didn't dare to be too aggressive.Always try it out and come back quickly.After catching the opponent's loopholes, he quickly punched and tested.

It's just that his strength is like a mosquito scratching an itch to the opponent, it's not worth mentioning at all.All his vigilance is seen in the eyes of others, and it is inevitable that he will lose a lot of interest.

He Zhuoyan felt that Lu Ziyu played well, his reaction speed was fast, and his defense and attack were impeccable.It's just that the bayonet didn't think much of Lu Ziyu at all: "Is that kid just hitting blindly? It was the same way when I fought with my elder brother last time. He looked very experienced, but he took a few punches and it was over."

Jonathan yawned boredly: "Referee, does the opposing player want to fight? Don't waste my time! If you fight and retreat, think you are doing embroidery!"

Chen Shengyue glanced at Jonadan, nodded slightly, and looked at Lu Ziyu: "Contestant Lu Ziyu, if you continue to respond negatively like this, I will disqualify you from the competition. Please take the competition seriously."

"Good referee." Lu Ziyu replied, and looked at his opponent seriously.

Yes, it’s not okay to be too cautious.It's just that it is very dangerous to attack head-on, so a big man will suffer great damage if he hits him.Fortunately, it was a vertical game without grappling, as long as he was careful about the impact of his weight.

But his strength is not a big deal for the opponent, and it is not so easy to win...

etc!What did Coach Luo say just now?
The opponent is very slow?

Then he doesn't have to passively wait for the opponent to attack, he just needs to avoid the opponent's attack and then take the initiative to attack!It's just that the opponent's physique is so big, it is difficult to cause damage to the opponent with ordinary attacks...

Lu Ziyu thought about it, Jian Jian and the big guy did a few tricks, then kicked him in the stomach with a kick.

Very soft...a lot of meat...Lu Ziyu had the feeling that he didn't even touch the other's bones.

Just as he was about to back out, he saw that the other party not only didn't retreat because of his kick, but directly came over with a heck and a punch.

Lu Ziyu was a little surprised by the opponent's attack speed, he didn't expect the opponent to be so fast!But he reacted quickly and immediately raised his arms to block the attack.


A heavy blow sounded. Although Lu Ziyu blocked the fist, his whole body was receded by the huge impact, and his body directly hit the boxing corner.

Oops!Lu Ziyu opened his eyes wide.

"It's done." Jonathan said with a smile, "Right, Jason?"

"Of course." The lean man nodded.

A kind smile appeared on the thick and honest face: "Hey, I was forced to go to the boxing corner...Continue to continue..."

As he said that, his huge body rushed towards Lu Ziyu——

"Ziyu, get out of the way!" He Zhuoyan yelled, "The other party is a bear, if you are pinned down, you will die!!"

"Unfortunately, it's late." Jason smiled disdainfully.

Lu Ziyu was just in a daze, the big man had already rushed in front of him, and his heavy fist fell directly towards him.Lu Ziyu leaned on the boxing corner, slid down in an instant, narrowly dodging the fist, but the grid behind him made a sound of being overwhelmed. He didn't need to look to know that the grid must have been bent.

"Hey, catch you." The big man smiled kindly, but his fists were not kind at all, and landed heavily on Lu Ziyu's arms.

Even though he defended, the fist was so heavy that Lu Ziyu's muscles trembled.

The power gap is too great, no, you must withdraw first!

He propped himself on the ground with one hand, and the moment the opponent landed another fist, he slid out in front of the right-angle gap of the boxing angle, panting heavily, and his figure was in a mess.

But before he had time to catch his breath, the opponent's fist had caught up again, Lu Ziyu's eyes widened, and his whole body was thrown backwards by the blow——

(End of this chapter)

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