wild girl

Chapter 149

Chapter 149
About a month after the photo turmoil passed, the popularity on the Internet finally subsided, wave after wave of trending searches were withdrawn, and the people in the public relations department of YK Group finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not easy to have an overly outstanding young lady who doesn't want to be famous...

Speaking of which, it's time to pay the rent once a quarter...

"Let me take a look, electricity bill, gas bill, water bill... Well, they are all right. Including the rent, the total is 1280.3. I will charge you 1281. I will find you [-] cents." Guan Zejin took out a few coins from his pocket and counted them Qimao handed it to Lu Ziyu, looked around the small yard again, and nodded, "Not bad, not bad, and the cleaning is quite clean. Housekeeper, write him a receipt. By the way, do you have any tables and benches in your house? If you need repairs, you can come to me. After all, I am the landlord."

"Oh, good..." Lu Ziyu's face was stiff, and he still couldn't accept Guan Zejin's stingy appearance of Grandet.

"Although I have said this several times, I still want to emphasize it! My brother is still clear about it! Don't think I am impersonal. Although we have a good relationship, we must distinguish between public and private!" Guan Zejin urged again .

"Oh..." Lu Ziyu thought deeply.There must be a reason for the rich to be rich.

It must be saved one by one!

"By the way, when will that building be completed?" Guan Zexi asked, pointing to a tall building under construction not far away.

"It will probably take about a month." The butler replied.

"I'm also curious, what's going on there?" Lu Ziyu asked.

"I think it's inconvenient to collect water and electricity bills or to play every time I come here, so I want to build a helicopter landing pad on the roof of that building..." Guan Zejin said naturally, "The stairs at this door are not easy to change the road. It’s still practical for an airplane!”

Lu Ziyu: ...It really is a local tyrant!

Lu Zijue, who was secretly hiding at the door, heard this, gritted his teeth and clenched his fist: "Zixu, I've decided! If my brother can't do it, I will make you a member of the Guan family no matter what!"

"Zijue, what are you talking about?" Lu Zixu didn't understand.

"Hey, kids, why are you hiding at the door~" Guan Zejin spotted the two little ones, and immediately greeted them with a smile.

"We stand here every time my brother pays us money, we're used to it..." Lu Zijue replied.

"Oh, it's okay, your brother didn't default on the rent, so you don't have to look at me like that, hehe." Guan Zexi waved at the two of them, "By the way, it's time for a holiday, right? We're going to see the sea next month."

"The sea?" Lu Ziyu was confused.

"Really?" Lu Zijue and Lu Zixu were excited at the same time.

"I promised them that I would take them to see the sea, so you can go too." Guan Zejin explained.

"Ah? Thank you, but I still have to work. But if I let my siblings go with you alone... I'm afraid they will cause you trouble..." Lu Ziyu refused.

"Brother, the work of your car wash will stop next month, right? You haven't received the notice yet?"

When Guan Zejin said this, Lu Ziyu remembered that when he was working yesterday, the boss had indeed said that he would have paid vacation next month...

"It's you..." Lu Ziyu hesitated.

"I did buy all the shops on that street, including the shop where you worked, and they will be remodeled. But it's not because of you. I'm interested in his investment value. The real estate near famous schools has room for appreciation. The most profitable thing is real estate~" Guan Zejin waved his hand, "Okay, then I'll go first. You guys are going to start the final exam tomorrow, right? My sister is also rushing back for the exam, children, goodbye yo~"

Lu Ziyu sighed, walked over and closed the courtyard door.

Also, because he came to such a special school, he often forgot that he was still a student.

But Lu Ziyu is also confident, he has never let go of his studies.What happened after the college entrance examination is still unclear, but if I have a good grade, if I have the opportunity to go to university in the future, it will be much easier to apply for loans and scholarships.

Even if you don't have the opportunity to go to university and go out to work, a good college entrance examination score is a big bonus.

"Phew... the exam is finally over today." Lu Ziyu watched the invigilator take away the test paper, and let out a long breath.

"It's over, it's over." The girl at the next table hugged her head and cried loudly, "Because I didn't study hard, I must have failed to pass the test in today's test, huh... If I don't get 120, I will definitely be the last one..."

Lu Ziyu, who is waiting for his Chinese to hit 120: ...

"You really can only get 120? That must be the last place!"

"Ahahaha, the last one in our class has been announced..."

The classmates in the class are all joking.

Lu Ziyu recalled that when he first entered the school, the chairman once said that Waltz High School pursues the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor. If the school's grades are not at the top, it is impossible to enter this school...

Suddenly, I was so flustered that I felt like I would be the last one...

It's okay, calm down!And math!He is very sure about mathematics!

After school in the afternoon, Lu Ziyu cleaned his men's bathroom as usual. After all, the whole school only used that bathroom by himself, so he was embarrassed to let the cleaning lady clean it. He usually did it by himself.

While washing the mop in front of the faucet, Lu Ziyu suddenly saw the backs of Guan Zexi and Driver Park. He was immediately surprised and waved vigorously: "Senior sister! Senior sister! Where are you going?"

Guan Zexi looked back suspiciously.

"It's Ziyu's classmate." Driver Park smiled clearly.

After Lu Ziyu finished shouting, did he realize that he was a little too excited just now?Is it an exaggeration?Will senior sister feel embarrassed?
He looked at himself in embarrassment as he raised his vigorously waving hands, and forcibly held his respect: "Oh, there are mosquitoes, wave it, go away..."

"Uncle, how long do I have?" Guan Zexi asked.

"Five minutes, miss, you can talk to classmate Ziyu, I will call you when the time is up." Driver Park stepped back.

"How is senior in the exam today?" Lu Ziyu and Guan Zexi sat down on the chairs and asked with a smile, "Sister's grades should be very good, right? Our school is really strange, there is only one national unified exam in a semester..."

"Huh? My grades are not very good, usually third or fourth." Guan Zexi replied.

"This ranking in the class is really amazing!" Lu Ziyu praised sincerely.

"Huh? Didn't you ask about the national examination..." Guan Zexi said in a low voice.

Lu Ziyu smiled, looked at Guan Zexi's side face, took a long breath, sat on the chair relaxedly and looked at the sky: "Before I know it, this semester will be over..."

"Hmm..." Guan Zexi also looked up at the sky.

When Lu Ziyu entered this high school, he once felt that his dislike of women was deep in his bones.But then, so many things happened, unknowingly, he became friends with senior sister Shiyan, senior sister Tiantian, Yang Haoyue, and Wu Qi.

Of course...and Guan Zexi...

What will happen in the future?

What will happen to him and senior sister... in the end?
Lu Ziyu didn't know anything.But he felt that being able to sit quietly and look at the sky like this is already, very good, very good...

"Miss, it's time." Driver Park appeared.

"Okay." Guan Zexi got up, "Ziyu, I have something to do at home, I have to go abroad."

"So busy? Okay, hurry up, don't delay." Lu Ziyu also stood up.

"Well, I'm just going to take care of some things, because I have an exam tomorrow, so I'll be back at night... If you don't mind..." Guan Zexi pursed his lips, "I want to go and see Zijue and Zixu, is that okay... ...I want to bring them something to eat by the way..."

"Of course you can." Lu Ziyu was stunned at first, and then smiled brightly, "If senior sister wants to come, she can come anytime."

"Then I'll go first."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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