wild girl

Chapter 154 You are like this, does Ziyu know?

Chapter 154 You are like this, does Ziyu know?

The fight between the two seemed so miserable that the people in the monitoring room couldn't help calling He Shiyan.

He Shiyan was surprised when he saw the call from the monitoring room: "Hello? Monitoring room. I didn't cause any trouble, why did you call me suddenly? What? Zexi and Tiantian?"

"Yes, the situation is really not good, student Shiyan. Queen and Song Tiantian usually seem to have a good relationship, but now they are fighting so hard. We can't stop it. You should try to persuade them." Monitoring room staff said.

"All right, all right, I'll be there now." After hanging up the phone, He Shiyan still had a puzzled expression on his face, "What's going on? Really! Jiang Lu also said he would come, but he hasn't arrived yet..."

At the same time, Jiang Lu, who was heavily surrounded, finally broke through the enthusiastic encirclement of the high school girls, and ran out of the teaching building panting: "Hoo... Brother Ziyu, it's too much! Leaving me there alone Run away! It took me a lot of effort to escape!"

"I'm sorry, Jiang Lu, but if I don't escape, neither of us can escape." Lu Ziyu chuckled twice, "But you are also coming out now."

"Those sisters are terrible." Jiang Lu put his hands on his knees and gasped for breath. Seeing that there were two girls standing beside Lu Ziyu, he froze for a moment.

"By the way, you haven't said hello yet, have you?" Lu Ziyu said with a smile, "This is Jiang Lu, a younger brother I met by chance, and now he often comes to the boxing club to practice~ This is my friend in the same grade as me, Yang Haoyue, Wu Qi."

"Hello, seniors, my name is Jiang Lu." Jiang Lu said with a smirk, "When I was being bullied before, Brother Ziyu happened to pass by and rescued me. I think he is very powerful, so I will learn from Brother Ziyu. Boxing..."

"Hello, I'm Wu Qi." Wu Qi greeted calmly.

Yang Haoyue stared straight at Jiang Lu's smile.

"Haoyue... say hello..." Lu Ziyu reminded in a low voice.

"You are very cute." Yang Haoyue said suddenly, and handed over the coffee in her hand, "Do you want to drink this? There is still half of it."

"Ah, thank you..." Jiang Lu took it subconsciously.

"While drinking, tell me the phone number." Yang Haoyue said simply.

"Oh, okay, my number is..." Jiang Lu obediently took a sip of coffee and gave his phone number.

Yang Haoyue saved it instantly: "Okay, then I'll go first."

"Oh, good..." Lu Ziyu nodded blankly.

"Who is that sister? She looks so cool." Jiang Lu's face was full of spring.

Lu Ziyu's black line: "You, you, you, you are tempted?! While saying hello, within ten seconds, they kissed indirectly, and obediently gave him their phone number...Jiang Lu, can you be more helpful!"

Wu Qi looked at Jiang Lu's blushing, thoughtful.

The fighting in the Soul Fighting Hall became more and more intense.

Driver Park walked around outside the door, wanting to enter but was afraid to enter because of Guan Zexi's order.

"What should I do? They seem to be fighting again? They won't be injured, right? The situation looks very bad! Last time I called the escort at the port, and the lady gave me a good word. This time if I If you come forward to fight, the lady will definitely be even more angry. That's right!" Driver Park suddenly remembered, "At this time, I have to call Ziyu to come!"

While talking to himself, he took out his mobile phone from Guan Zexi's schoolbag: "If you want to make it look like the lady is calling, use the lady's mobile phone to send a text message to classmate Ziyu, and when classmate Ziyu comes, they will definitely not get along." I will fight..."

After editing the text message, Driver Park looked at his serious tone and quickly deleted it: "Ah, I really am, classmate Zi Yu and Miss are a little ambiguous, text messages can't be so cold! I used to be a literary boy, You can't drop the price like this! Do it all over again..."

As soon as the text message was sent, He Shiyan popped up: "Uncle! You are here! I heard that Zexi and Tiantian are fighting? Why don't you stop me!"

"Shiyan! Miss gave me a death order not to let me in! You should go in and out quickly to have a look, something really happened!" Driver Park said anxiously.

At the same time, Lu Ziyu, who was walking towards the Taekwondo Club with Jiang Lu, heard the voice of the text message in his hand, and subconsciously took it out to take a look.

Then, I almost vomited blood.

Senior Queen: My dear, the weather is fine and I want to talk to you about our bright future.Can you come to the Soul Fighting Hall?Wait for you--

Your love, Zexi.

Lu Ziyu: ...has Senior Sister Queen's mobile phone been stolen again...

When He Shiyan pushed the door in, Guan Zexi and Song Tiantian were already fighting hard.

Song Tiantian kicked Guan Zexi, and Guan Zexi punched Song Tiantian.Both of them were painted, and they were both in a mess.

And... what are these two talking about?
"Ziyu is mine!" Song Tiantian kicked.

"Zi Yu is mine!" Guan Zexi punched.

"You're talking out of anger!" Song Tiantian hooked her legs.

"Who said I was just speaking out of anger? I'm serious! Ziyu is mine! Mine!" Guan Zexi raised his leg high.

He Shiyan: What are these two doing... What are they talking about all this time!
"Stop! If you continue to fight, you will really die!" He Shiyan hurriedly stopped, "What are you doing, really! It's embarrassing!"

The two of them didn't hear He Shiyan's voice at all, they were only immersed in their own world, repeating the words "Zi Yu is mine" over and over again.

Really!Going crazy!He Shiyan rolled his eyes, and stepped over with one hand supporting the rope on the edge of the stage.

These two girls have lost their minds, if this continues, something will definitely happen!I have to intervene in the fight!
Xiaobudian will definitely kick his left foot, and Zexi will definitely fight back.If I land in the middle and hit both sides at the same time...

As soon as this thought flashed through her mind, she was suddenly caught by the rope when she stepped over on her toes, and the whole person let out a "hey" and rolled directly to the middle of the stage——

At the same moment, Song Tiantian kicked, Guan Zexi punched, and He Shiyan acted as a sandbag in the middle, forcibly receiving all the attack power of the two...

"Woooooo..." He Shiyan covered his face with one hand and his stomach with the other, squatting in the corner of the stage aggrieved, "You two are so fucking crazy!"

"Are you okay?" Guan Zexi asked.

"Who told you to come in suddenly to fight!" Song Tiantian crossed her arms and rolled her eyes angrily.

"I heard a general idea." He Shiyan rubbed his cheeks, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes due to physical pain, "Are you guys fighting for Ziyu? Whoever wins Ziyu will own it?"

"Yes, Ziyu is mine! I was going to win, but you ruined it all." Song Tiantian snorted.

"Song Tiantian, you lost, give up!" Guan Zexi frowned.

"Shut up, Ziyu is mine!"

"its mine!"

"Then let's compete again!"

He Shiyan, who was huddled between the two, heard one head and two big, and finally couldn't help raising his hand to signal: "Wait! Both of you shut up for three seconds, let me sort it out! It means that you two are fighting Whoever wins will belong to Ziyu, right?"


"I have a question now." He Shiyan asked seriously, "Ziyu also knows about this? You three have already agreed?"

(End of this chapter)

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