wild girl

Chapter 194 Breakthrough

Chapter 194 Breakthrough
Song Tiantian slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you awake?" Someone behind her softly combed her hair with a gentle voice.

Song Tiantian froze.

"Those guys are so rude, are you frightened?" The man pretending to be a photographer before smiled slightly, "I'm different from those savages, don't worry."

"Don't be like this..." Song Tiantian's voice trembled, feeling the man's fingertips slowly gliding over her scalp, "Please...is it because the show dissatisfied you...I will never shoot a show again Already, please let me go..."

"Huh? What are you talking nonsense about? Do you think we just watched the show? No, we have known you for a long time and are your long-term loyal fans." The man combed Song Tiantian's hair neatly Qi, "So don't think we are bad people! Alright! The hair is tidy. I think this hairstyle is more suitable for you. That hairpin doesn't look good at all!"

Song Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that the other party was slowly squatting behind her, as if pointing her fingertips at her tied hands behind her: "We just want to see you close up because we like you. Just looking at you, talking to you...but! You're on TV, and even people who don't know you like you! It makes us feel...very uncomfortable!"

The tone of the other party changed, like a nervous bt: "I'm so angry! The more I think about it, the more angry I get!"

"Is Tiantian thirsty? Would you like some water?" Someone unscrewed the bottle cap and carefully handed the bottle to Song Tiantian's mouth.

Song Tiantian pursed her lips, finally opened her mouth slowly, and took a sip.

"That's right, ouch, you're so cute..." The man smiled happily, "Look! Tiantian is drinking water! I'll feed her and she will drink it!"

"Really? Has Tiantian opened up her heart?"

"Hey, I fed it!"

"I really envy you kid!"

"That's right, Tiantian." The man wearing Song Tiantian's hairpin came over and said with a smile, "Tiantian, you have to be obedient and calm down, we are the ones who will stay together forever, you How can you be afraid of us? Only when you calm down can we untie the rope for you."

Song Tiantian lowered her head, and after a long time, hummed: "I see."


"I will be obedient, and I will do whatever you ask me to do..." Song Tiantian's voice was so soft and obedient, like a cute kitten, "So... can you untie it for me? The rope? It hurts so much... Untie the rope for me, please... I will be obedient, don’t you say you like me very much? Don’t torture me... I can’t do anything to you, I’m just a weak woman That's all..."

"Ah... Sweet..." A group of people felt as if they had been healed.

"Quickly untie the rope!"

"Yes, Tiantian can't do anything to us! And she said she was in pain!"

"That's right, untie it!"

"You will be good, right?" Someone asked Song Tiantian for reassurance.

"Of course." Song Tiantian smiled and nodded, "I'm just a girl, and there are several brothers~"

"Okay, we'll untie it for you!"

With a smile on Song Tiantian's face, she stared at the group of people.

She doesn't have much time, before they react, she must knock down more than half of them within ten seconds!The guy who untied me in front of me is among those who hit him!Behind is the heart socket, the groin, the head.

The first is to use the knee, then the center kick, the leg kick, and the turn kick.

As long as these four guys can't move, she can easily defeat the remaining three guys!
When I untie the rope--

You guys are dead!
When Zhang Wenpei and the taxi driver arrived downstairs at Song Tiantian's house, Lu Ziyu and his party had been waiting for a long time.

"What's the matter, did you call me here suddenly? Is there any news about the queen?" Zhang Wenpei got out of the car.

"I want to see the dash cam that was taken when we met yesterday." Lu Ziyu said.

Officer Li was even more straightforward. He got into the car and showed his police ID: "I'm a policeman. Can the dashcam on the car play it?"

"When will it be?" the driver asked immediately.

"It was around four o'clock yesterday afternoon, when you and I met at the school gate." Lu Ziyu said quickly.

The recorder was quickly played, and Officer Li saw Zhang Wenpei got out of the car and said a few words to Lu Ziyu, and turned around to reveal the license plates of the two cars in front of him: "Yes! This is it! Huxxxxxx!"

"This license plate..." The writer covered his mouth in shock, "It's the car that had an accident with me! I thought it was a coincidence when Student Lu said it just now! I didn't expect..."

"Oh my god..." Mother Song's legs were weak.

"It doesn't matter! Now that the vehicle causing the accident is found!" Officer Li said, "I will contact Officer Liu immediately! Let them dispatch immediately!"

Police officer Liu was also very fast. After checking on the intranet, he immediately replied: "Go to Nanyang Road first, it's a little remote there, let's meet up on the way. I've already contacted the police station over there to ask them to cooperate. assist!"

"Okay." Officer Li hung up the phone and said to the taxi driver, "Excuse me, please help, we will hunt down the criminal immediately!"

"Let's go together too." Xia Ruize said.

"No! The matter is very dangerous! You are already very good at finding clues! Leave the rest to us!" Officer Li said, "I will call you if there is any progress!"

"Mom, let's go too!" Father Song's reaction was also very quick, and he drove out of his car immediately.

"Okay!" Mother Song hurriedly got into the car, and the car followed the taxi away.

Zhang Wenpei & Lu Ziyu & Xia Ruize who were left in place: ...

"What is this all about?" Zhang Wenpei sighed, "Forget it, I'll be leaving first, Lu Ziyu, remember to contact me if you have any news about the queen!"

"I still have something to do at the TV station, call me immediately if there is any progress!" The writer also left in a hurry.

"We... seem to have nothing to do..." Xia Ruize looked worried.


He Zhuoyan just finished delivering the courier and was about to go back to the store. He happened to see Lu Ziyu standing by the side of the road, so he stopped the car, honked the horn, lowered the window and asked with a smile, "Ziyu? Why are you here? What a coincidence! No one today. Are you going to work?"

"Brother Zhuo Yan?" Lu Ziyu was taken aback, looked at Xia Ruize, and immediately asked, "Are you busy now? I have something to ask you!"

"Ah? It's not very busy. The express delivery is all over." He Zhuoyan replied blankly.

Lu Ziyu immediately got into He Zhuoyan's truck with Xia Ruize: "Then please give us a ride! We have something urgent!"

(End of this chapter)

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