wild girl

Chapter 205 Extra Story

Chapter 205 Extra Story (Song Tiantian)
When Song Tiantian first met Xia Ruize, her first impression was of a bright and gentle college student.After getting acquainted with him and knowing his university major, Song Tiantian felt that Xia Ruize would definitely become a gentleman in the future.

Later, she and Xia Ruize became lovers, and Song Tiantian deeply felt that she thought of people too simply.

It's true that Xia Ruize is very gentle, but the word "gentleman" is not followed by "gentleman" but "beast"!

And this beast is still a big jealousy jar.

At the beginning, I kept saying, "It's okay, I know you still like Lu Ziyu, I will wait for you, until the day you really accept me", but what happened later?
Later, he did keep his promise and never forced her to do anything.


This was all before she explicitly accepted his feelings!

Song Tiantian still remembered standing in front of Xia Ruize and telling him seriously that she no longer had love for Lu Ziyu, and Xia Ruize's expression when she didn't like Lu Ziyu anymore.

He stared at her for a long time, with a rare serious expression on his face, so long that Song Tiantian felt a little guilty for some reason, and when she wondered if the other party didn't believe her, Xia Ruize suddenly smiled.

That smile... How should I put it, I just felt it at the time, a bit evil, like the sense of satisfaction from seeing Little Red Riding Hood finally fall into the hands of the big bad wolf...

"What kind of expression do you have?" Song Tiantian rubbed the goosebumps on her arms, "I'm serious, I'm not lying to you."

"I know." Xia Ruize smiled softly.

"Oh..." Song Tiantian replied nah, lowered her head, and quietly raised her eyelids to look at Xia Ruize, only to see that he was also condescendingly watching her.

Her face was a little hot, Song Tiantian rubbed her toes on the ground a few times, and was about to speak, when Xia Ruize said lightly, "If I remember correctly, on Christmas night, after I send you home, you Did you go to Lu Ziyu's house again?"

Song Tiantian was stunned.

"And took Lu Ziyu's hand?"

Song Tiantian: ...

"And kissed him?"

Song Tiantian: "How do you know?!"

"Oh, it seems that you have admitted it all." Xia Ruize nodded, the expression on his face was so unpredictable that he couldn't see any emotion.

"That's me..." Song Tiantian didn't know why she felt a little guilty, "I just want to confirm my feelings... I don't want to accept you when I still have someone in my heart, it's not fair to you. Besides, why are you Will you know about this?"

At that time, apart from her and Lu Ziyu, there was no third person present at all, Xia Ruize had no reason to know about this!

"Oh, because I followed you at that time." Xia Ruize replied with a smile, "I just felt thirsty after I took you home, so I went to the canteen and bought a bottle of water. When I came out, I saw you leaving the house I was a little curious at the time, so I followed you."

"Are you angry?" Song Tiantian asked cautiously.

"No." He spoke lightly, as if he really didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"Oh, that's good." Song Tiantian patted her chest, relieved.

She thought that the relationship would be stable like this, but she didn't know that this was just the beginning of Xia Ruize slowly showing another side in front of her...

In the following days, the man who kept saying that he was not angry at all made Song Tiantian completely understand what it means to be "not angry"!
The two went out on a date together:
"I don't know if Tiantian has ever gone on a date with Classmate Lu before? Ah! I remember that when you and Runze met for the first time, you and Classmate Lu had a 'alone' picnic outside, right?"

Song Tiantian: ...

The two spent Valentine's Day together, and Song Tiantian specially gave Xia Ruize chocolates made by herself:

"I don't know if Tiantian gave classmate Lu chocolate before? It's a pity to think about it. When I met Tiantian, you had known Classmate Lu for a long time."

Song Tiantian: ...

Song Tiantian personally cooks for Xia Ruize and cooks delicious food for him:
"I heard that you used to cook for classmate Lu every day after school, and then personally send it to the car wash where he worked? And to let the boss and employees take care of classmate Lu, so you cook a lot every time? Ah~ I'm so envious .”

Song Tiantian: So where did you get all these news!Didn't you scan my mind with your clairvoyant eyes?

A traitor appeared beside her?its not right!It is He Shiyan and those girls who can understand her affairs so clearly.But the queen is studying abroad, and it is even more impossible for Ziyu to tell Xia Ruize these things. He Shiyan has been busy training that little milk dog recently, and there seems to be a neurotic rich man next to him, so it doesn't make sense that he would have time Get in touch with Xia Ruize?

"Are you curious, how do I know these things?" Xia Ruize smiled harmlessly, "Auntie told me~"

"Mom?!" Song Tiantian never expected that it was her own mother who betrayed her.

Fuck, do you think that your daughter is not exposed enough in front of her boyfriend?

Every time she expresses some opinion on this, Xia Ruize will silently watch her with that sad expression.Song Tiantian's little heart is trembling uncontrollably...

This situation has been going on for a long, long time, until Xia Ruize graduated from university and started working as a gold medal lawyer. After wearing rimless glasses because of the high-intensity work and checking information, the iconic forbearance The sad expression turned into a smiling gesture of pushing the glasses with the index finger...

Song Tiantian, although she once wanted to be a full-time wife, good wife and mother, she actually doesn't have the thoughtfulness of a full-time wife at all.To be honest, if He Shiyan's nerves are as thick as macaroni, Song Tiantian's nerves are probably as small as spaghetti.

So until she graduated from university, she was abducted by Xia Ruize to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and received the red book in a daze on the grounds of "I don't need money for marriage now, let me invite you". That night, Xia Ruize viciously pressed her on the bed like this After gnawing thoroughly inside and out like that, I realized in a trance: I seem to be on a thief ship... No!It's a wolf boat!
And that shameless wolf hugged Song Tiantian's bruised and incomplete body with satisfaction, and sighed with regret: "Hey, I wish I could have known you earlier. This way your first kiss and second kiss The three kisses won't all be given to Lu Ziyu..."

Song Tiantian: ...still trembling with guilt...

no!Anyway, her ability is at the level of walking nuclear weapons, she can't be fooled!
But Song Tiantian doesn't know why, she is such a powerful person, but every time Xia Ruize controls her body, she can't break free, so she can only let Xia Ruize wipe herself dry don't stay...

"Xia Ruize, you've always been pretending in front of me, right? How could you be that Chinese gentleman who is harmless to animals!"

"Oh, in your mind, haven't I always been the type of a well-dressed beast and a gentle scum? I'm not trying to get close to the 'perfect' image in your mind!"

Song Tiantian: ...I have never seen such a brazen person.

Although she thought about becoming a full-time wife when she was young, in fact, Song Tiantian still plans to make a good job after graduating from university.He Shiyan became a national professional athlete. That Su Yanjun followed He Shiyan all day long and looked at He Shiyan with pale eyes. Song Tiantian felt that she also wanted to have a career. If Xia Ruize could use that kind of adoring gaze Looking at it, it should be a good taste...

Too bad she didn't have a chance.

Because after she graduated, one month later, she never came to her menstrual period on time.

Xia Ruize smiled and threw away a drawer of insurance in front of her, and calmly touched Song Tiantian's head: "Tiantian, you should rest at home if you are pregnant, otherwise I will be worried."

Song Tiantian: ...

What about safety measures!Xia Ruize, what trick did you use again!It's too much!
(End of this chapter)

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