wild girl

Chapter 57 Fierce Battle

Chapter 57 Fierce Battle

You Yuhang grew up in a chaotic environment since he was a child.He has been exposed to the dark side of those societies since he was born, so he never feels afraid and takes it for granted.

When he was young, his elder brother was his protector. He was bullied at school, and his elder brother would always help him get revenge.Later, as I got older, because of the difference in vision, I drifted away from my brother.

Because I have seen vicious fights between gangs, I never paid much attention to the little fights at school.Countless fights, countless transfers, even if he is covered in bruises, he must always be at the top. You Yuhang thought that his life should be like this.

Until that time when I was with my brother and saw a fighting match on TV——

"Yuhang, look, isn't this scene ridiculous?" You Yuxiang propped his chin with one hand, watching TV, "The so-called fighters are bleeding, they must be destroyed, they must be eradicated!"

You Yuhang was silent and didn't speak at that time, but in his heart, he agreed with his brother's words.

There is no need for rules in fighting, as long as you overwhelm the opponent with strength, it will be ok.Those fighters are just beautiful embroidered pillows.

So, how could he lose to a fighter like an embroidered pillow? !
You Yuhang withdrew his thoughts instantly, took a step back, and punched Lu Ziyu's glove.

Lu Ziyu reacted quickly, and immediately took a defensive posture.

"This kid's movements are chaotic. The distance between fists and kicks is very dangerous. You must fight close to him, and then get away after hitting a short distance! Never relax your defense, lower your body! Fight close to you after making big moves!"

Lu Ziyu firmly followed He Shiyan's words, and quickly punched Zhongyou Yuhang in the abdomen, then quickly exited You Yuhang's attack range, and after avoiding You Yuhang's counterattack, he punched again——

You Yuhang reached out and hugged Lu Ziyu's head with two fists——

"Being hugged by You Yuhang's head will be very dangerous. At this time, you should be careful of his knees and elbows kicking up. But although it is dangerous, don't rush to escape. Because if you try to escape, you may be attacked more violently! This kind of In the state, the easiest way is to trap his legs, then immediately hug him and push back!"

Lu Ziyu's eyes widened, and he quickly hugged You Yuhang's raised knee, slammed it back, then hugged You Yuhang's entire waist, and pushed his whole body back——

You Yuhang gritted his teeth, stepped back uncontrollably, and slammed his back against the pillars on the edge of the stage——

"Boxing gloves are 18 ounces, so a blow to the shoulder or back is basically not a threat. But it doesn't matter, what do you do next? It doesn't matter if you don't look up, anyway, the human head grows on that place. You just need to give him an uppercut straight to his chin, and that's it!"

Lu Ziyu lowered his head, hit You Yuhang's abdomen with one hand, and hit You Yuhang's chin with the other hand from bottom to top——

At that moment, You Yuhang almost felt that his jaw was about to dislocate.

But, how could he lose to this brat?

With an unwilling roar in his throat, You Yuhang kept his chin raised, suddenly bent his knees, and kicked Lu Ziyu hard in the abdomen.

"Cough—" Lu Ziyu coughed in pain, subconsciously covering his abdomen with his hands.

"Bastard!!" You Yuhang spit out these three words, and hit Lu Ziyu's face hard with his fist. Lu Ziyu couldn't dodge in time, and his body was directly hit on the ground by this punch.

"Zi Yu!!" Song Tiantian and He Shiyan clenched the rope on the edge of the stage at the same time, shouting anxiously.

It hurts... No, I have to stand up quickly... Lu Ziyu shouted loudly in his heart.

Amidst the cheers of a group of brothers, You Yuhang stretched out his foot towards Lu Ziyu——

Jingle Bell - The bell rings for the end of the first round.

"The bell is ringing, stop!" He Shiyan roared.

You Yuhang's footsteps did not stop at all, and he stepped straight on Lu Ziyu's face——

Lu Ziyu opened his eyes wide, watching You Yuhang's foot step on him...

Then it landed next to his ear, less than two centimeters away from his face.

"Oh, it's solved directly! Big brother, why are you soft-hearted!"

"Hey, what a blessing!" Song Tiantian patted her heart that was about to jump out of her throat, "Anyway, that guy seems to have complied with the rules of the game."

You Yuhang panted heavily, and slowly returned to his playing field.The bayonet immediately put the iron single stool on the table: "Brother, you have worked hard, please sit down and have a rest."

"Brother, why didn't you just crush that guy to the ground!"

"Brother, please drink water."

You Yuhang slumped on the chair, staring at Lu Ziyu who was obediently sitting on the chair and being examined by He Shiyan.

Just now... He actually didn't intend to stop at all.But at the moment when he stretched out his feet, his eyes were dazzled all the time, so he stepped on the wrong side in the end.

how so!Seeing that we are about to win!
You Yuhang clicked his tongue unwillingly.

He Shiyan pressed Lu Ziyu's abdomen lightly a few times, and frowned when he saw the pained look on Lu Ziyu's face.

The ribs were not broken, and I don't know if the punch just now caused cracks in the bones...

"Ziyu, what's the matter? Can you keep going? If not, you can quit now." He Shiyan asked.

"It's okay, I'll try again." Lu Ziyu said, "It's all said, as long as you follow what the senior sister said, you can win against him calmly. The words have been released, if you quit now, What kind of people have I become with senior sister? Senior sister, don't worry, I will definitely be able to do it!"

"Okay, I believe you!" He Shiyan nodded slowly.

The second round begins.

Lu Ziyu and You Yuhang didn't seem to be in very good condition, especially Lu Ziyu, who was obviously panting heavily.

As soon as You Yuhang came on stage, he gave Lu Ziyu a side kick. Lu Ziyu didn't have enough defensive strength and was kicked directly in the side.

"Stinky boy, have you had enough trouble?" You Yuhang sneered, "I don't want to play with you anymore."

"Ziyu! Calm down! Don't panic even in a big attack!" He Shiyan yelled.

calm?Lu Ziyu stared at You Yuhang's movements, stepped back and raised his leg high, just in time to kick Zhongyou Yuhang in the head.

The opponent's style of play is so strange, it is not at all the same as the training he has experienced before, it is really not easy to stay calm...

You Yuhang turned his head sideways, his eyes fell on Lu Ziyu's uncontrollably trembling legs and hands, he smiled, his expression crazy: "Very good! You still want to provoke me again? Come on! Fighting should be like this You’re welcome! Come over here, you bastard!!”

(End of this chapter)

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