wild girl

Chapter 59 It's the hand that moves the fist, it's none of my business

Chapter 59 It's the hand that moves the fist, it's none of my business

You Yuhang watched He Shiyan punching him, without even taking a step back: "Tch, this cotton-like fist—"

Before he finished speaking, his fist hit his cheek, and You Yuhang only had time to glance at He Shiyan's cold and unreal expression before he fell to the ground due to the strong recoil.

"Brother! Are you okay!" the bayonet screamed.

He Shiyan tilted his head, looked at You Yuhang who was sitting on the ground with an unbelievable expression on his face, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Why? Still not getting up?"

At an altitude of [-] kilometers, Guan Zexi, who was watching the game on a satellite phone, silently clenched his fists and said "yeah" to himself.

Shiyan is doing great!How dare you bully my Ziyu!You can't beat him to death!

You Yuhang wiped the corner of his mouth, and stood up from the ground: "The fist of the girl Pianzi... that's all! Dare to hit me? Damn girl, you are dead!!"

He Shiyan didn't even move at the same spot, allowing You Yuhang to rush towards him aggressively with his fists waving. One second before his fist was about to land on her, He Shiyan punched again with a blank expression.

This punch was stronger and heavier than the previous punch. When You Yuhang fell to the ground, almost everyone had a double image...

The cheers of the gangsters finally stopped, and they began to whisper, thinking that their eldest brother, the situation... seems not so good...

"Get up." He Shiyan lowered his eyelids, looked down at You Yuhang from a high position, and spoke indifferently.

"This girl is serious." Song Tiantian held Lu Ziyu's head in her arms, frowning and looking at the competition stage.

"Student He Shiyan's mood feels a bit wrong? Do you want to cut off the output signal of Walz TV first?" In the monitoring room, the staff hesitated.

All Waltz matches are broadcast live on Waltz tv, that is to say, anyone who is watching He Shiyan's current match with You Yuhang can watch it!
"Wait a little longer," said the director.

On the stage, You Yuhang rushed towards He Shiyan again——

He Shiyan didn't throw a straight punch this time, she bent down in front of You Yuhang fiercely, and gave You Yuhang a heavy punch in the abdomen - just like what You Yuhang did to Lu Ziyu just now.

You Yuhang coughed, and the whole person flew out.

"Md! Bastard! Labor and management will not let you go!" You Yuhang's eyes were red from the beating, he roared, got up from the ground with a grunt, and rushed towards He Shiyan again.

He Shiyan gave You Yuhang a few quick jabs this time, followed by a high kick.

What followed was He Shiyan's unilateral massacre. In front of He Shiyan, You Yuhang was like a passive sandbag being beaten, not even touching his hair.


There was a heavy sound of falling to the ground, and You Yuhang fell to the edge of the stage. Fortunately, there was a rope hooking his body, which prevented him from falling off the stage in embarrassment.

You Yuhang was panting heavily, only feeling that the double image in his eyes was getting heavier and heavier.

Completely... There is no room for retaliation... He was simply being played unilaterally.That woman... that stinky bitch...

You Yuhang's eyes drifted for a while, and suddenly he saw the iron stool placed on the edge of the competition table.

He Shiyan saw You Yuhang panting heavily while lifting something and slowly stood up.


"Bastard! I can't spare you—" You Yuhang's eyes were full of desire, and he raised the iron stool with both hands and slammed towards He Shiyan, "Go to hell, idiot!!"

He Shiyan raised his lower eyelids lightly, and punched him with a fist——

You Yuhang's body was like cotton stuffed with water, heavy, weak, limp, and fell to the ground.

The stool fell to the ground with a crisp sound, rolled twice, and rolled to He Shiyan's feet.

He Shiyan took a breath, and with a neat and handsome hook, the stool stood up, her knees were separated, her hands and elbows rested on her knees, she sat on the stool and raised her head, her eyes looked like a hangman who was about to slaughter a pig: " Come on, next!"

"Brother!!" The gangsters headed by Bayonet rushed onto the stage and asked anxiously, "Brother, are you okay? Are you okay? Brother, wake up! Brother, I am Bayonet, you still remember our brother!!"

"You can't just leave like this, brother! Bayonet has made a poisonous oath to stay with brother forever! How can you let me live alone in this world, brother!" Bayonet felt that the man would not flick his tears easily, It's just that I haven't reached the sad point...

"Let me take a look." Fu Wanyu ran over with a smile in her arms, "It should be a mild concussion. Our students are very measured in their attacks. The attacks are all technical and not fatal..."

"What are you! Get out of here! Don't touch our boss!" Bayonet looked at her now and everyone felt that she was plotting against his boss, so she pushed Fu Wanyu away with a little more force... [Here I think It's still more appropriate like this...]
"Oh..." Fu Wanyu cried out weakly, the gentle expression on her face cracked a little bit.

Brat, how dare you push my old lady?It's a long life, right?It's okay, I'll send you to hell right now——

"Sister, calm down!" Song Tiantian hugged Fu Wanyu who was about to run away, "This is outside the stage, you can't do anything! That girl He Shiyan has lost her mind, you have to stay awake, hey!"

"What are you doing in a daze!" Bayonet glanced at the unconscious You Yuhang again, turned his head sharply to look at his brothers and yelled, "Boss was beaten by this bitch, and she won't be paid to labor! Cut her bones Eat her flesh! Take her bones off and crush them!"

"Okay!" A group of people rushed onto the stage.

Sitting on the stool, He Shiyan suddenly noticed someone gesture to her, she turned her head, surprised: "Sister?"

Fu Wanyu made an ok gesture and smiled viciously: "Don't worry, junior! I will take all the responsibility! Get rid of all these people!"

He Shiyan chuckled lightly, nodded, and the stool tilted back under the action of his toes. The next second, He Shiyan raised his fist and rushed towards the gangsters——

The principal's office is still a scene of tranquility.

"Is that so?" Li Shaofeng folded his arms, posing in pretentious poses, taking pictures with the reporters, waving his hands, turning his head and looking back from time to time.

"Perfect! Mr. Principal!" After the photographer finished shooting, the reporter raised the microphone with a smile, "Then I will start the interview first. The first question, as we all know, Walz School does not have a dean, only you, the principal, are in charge Don't you feel tired from all the business?"

"Everyone knows that due to the particularity of Waltz High School, the chairman is in charge of many businesses, and I am the same. Because I have been used to it for so many years, I don't find it hard. Everyone serves the students wholeheartedly. Li Shaofeng flicked his hair, "What do you think of my posture? Do you want another one?"

The reporter smiled a little stiffly, and quickly turned his head to stare at the photographer: "What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you take pictures soon?"

The cameraman stared at the live broadcast above with his hands on his mobile phone: "Wow! It's amazing! Now something big is happening in the fighting spirit hall!"


"It's He Shiyan, it seems like he got into a fight with a group of gangsters! Shouldn't this kind of news be filmed?"

"Ah? What! Go, go! There's no time to take pictures of the principal! Let's hurry there!"

Principal Li Shaofeng: ...

What the hell happened to the students who are working hard! !

Stepping on the Hot Wheels and rushing to the Douhun Hall at the speed of the wind, he called the monitoring room to ask them to cut off the signal of Waltz TV. Li Shaofeng deeply felt that his hairline was in jeopardy under the sway of these youngsters. .

It was originally the Mediterranean Sea, and one day it will become a light bulb...

The chaos in the fighting spirit hall ended in Li Shaofeng's angry roar: "What are you doing! You violated the rules of boxing sparring training! Stop!"

"Ah, the principal is here..." Song Tiantian was terrified, "It's over, it's over..."

"I said Teacher Fu! How could you make things come to this point at the scene!" The principal immediately asked the teacher to talk about the matter.

Fu Wanyu looked weak: "The thing is, Mr. Principal, the children are so excited that I can't stop it at all. You know, I'm a weak girl after all now, baby..."

Song Tiantian gave Fu Wanyu a cool look of contempt.

"Stop you people too! These people are still children, don't you feel guilty for bullying children!" Li Shaofeng yelled at the gangsters.

"Ah? Your school is serious, isn't it?" Bayonet had a fierce look on his face. Seeing this situation, there were actually two stinky girls holding up the camera to take pictures, grabbed the camera, and pushed the photographer down, " You still take pictures when we are monkeys in the zoo! Go away!"

Li Shaofeng was stunned for a moment, then punched him suddenly, and sent the bayonet into a coma with one punch: "The guy who dared to provoke our daughters of Walz outside the competition stage - he must not be forgiven lightly!"

Here, we have to briefly introduce Mr. Principal who looks short and fat like a Maitreya Buddha with a Mediterranean hairstyle.


So, the gangster who provoked the photographer: ...k! 0!

After the beating was over, Li Shaofeng came back to his senses in horror: "Oh, what have I done! Am I entering menopause? Why can't I control myself... What should I do now!"

(End of this chapter)

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