wild girl

Chapter 67 The Temptation of Training

Chapter 67 The Temptation of Training

After school in the afternoon, He Shiyan and Song Tiantian came to the car wash shop to help Lu Ziyu work as usual.

"Sisters, you have to prepare for the finals. You can't waste so much time by helping me." Lu Ziyu worried, "The finals are coming soon, if you don't strengthen your training..."

"Oh, who cares, that dead girl Queen isn't here anyway, and no one is in the way of eyes. The current life is so wonderful! It would be great if the fat pig next to me disappeared..." Song Tiantian replied with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, it's interesting for everyone to work together. It would be even more interesting if the dwarf bean sprouts next to him disappeared." He Shiyan also smiled.

Lu Ziyu sighed helplessly.

After finishing work, it was already midnight when Lu Ziyu got home.After waiting for the two little ones to take a bath and fall asleep, it was already a little closer.

Just about to take a shower and get ready to rest, the phone suddenly rang.

I took it over and saw that it was a text message from Lian Leyi: Ziyu, I am Lian Leyi.I'm in the alley in front of your house right now, get down right away!

Lu Ziyu was startled, put on his coat and ran out in a hurry, and just as he went down the stairs, he saw Lian Leyi standing there leaning on his bicycle: "Senior sister, it's already one o'clock in the middle of the night, what are you in a hurry for..."

"Stop talking nonsense, come and ride, I'm a disabled person!" Lian Le stood up straight, "Let's go. I'll take you to An An Xin."

Lu Ziyu obediently got on his bicycle, followed Lian Leyi's instructions, and rode towards the main road.

"It's because you think Shiyan and Tiantian are lazy in training, so you've been uneasy, right?" Lian Le continued to talk about the two people's unfinished topic this afternoon.

"You can't say that... I know that the seniors are very capable people. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to lose..." Lu Ziyu sighed, "But I always feel that they don't seem to be training seriously. So it's kind of..."

"You're right, those two girls are very talented and capable people, which is really enviable. There are many players who can't beat their level no matter how hard they train." Lian Le Yi smiled and said, "But then again, you are not with them 24 hours a day, so you don't know them completely."

Just as they were talking, the two arrived at the entrance of the gymnasium of He Shiyan's house.

"It's so late, why do you still need the gymnasium of Senior Shiyan's house?" Lu Ziyu turned to Lian Leyi while parking his bicycle.

"Come with me, you'll know when you see it." Lian Le stepped on the stairs lightly and went up to the second floor. Before Lu Ziyu approached, he saw a faint yellow light from the door on the second floor.

"When is this, there are still people..." Lu Ziyu's voice stopped abruptly.

He Shiyan was wearing a tight vest and was training profusely in sweat.

In the empty boxing gym, only the sound of her beating the sandbag and her heavy breathing.

"Believe it or not, Shiyan still needs to train at this pace for at least another hour?" Lian Le said with a smile, "Then girl, you will be satisfied if you have to train alone for at least four hours a day. Such things as talent, No matter what you do, it is very important to do anything, but you cannot succeed just because you are talented. Especially in fighting, if you don’t go through hard training day after day, your talent is meaningless.”

Lu Ziyu stared blankly at He Shiyan's back.

"I believe that girl Tiantian must be practicing happily in the gymnasium in front of her house at the moment. These two girls are much more serious than you think. You are really lucky to be their coach. Everyone Let's all work together." Lian Le patted Lu Ziyu on the shoulder.

Lu Ziyu looked deeply at He Shiyan's training figure, for a long time, smiled, and gave a soft "hmm".

Shiyan-senpai, Tiantian-senpai, let's do our best together!

At the same time, sweet home.

Song Tiantian, who was sleeping on her back: Hmm...Ziyu, it's not allowed there...

Second day

Lu Ziyu went to the Taekwondo gym at noon, and found Li Baoluo, a senior student who was closer to Song Tiantian.

"Well, is Senior Tiantian really like this?" Lu Ziyu handed the list to Li Baoluo to verify the authenticity of the contents above.

"What?" Li Baoluo took the list and looked at it, "Ah, it's Senior Sister Tiantian's schedule."

"Well, because of the training, I asked her to write down the schedule for the day." Lu Ziyu was a little speechless, "But... I read it for a long time, and it seems that there is no serious training part..."

Song Tiantian's schedule really shouldn't be too simple.

At seven o'clock, get up, pack yourself, and have breakfast.

At [-]:[-], I went to school, and I received admiring eyes from boys from various colleges and universities along the way.

At noon or physical education class, participate in club activities, and guide others with words, most of the time is rest.

For two hours in the afternoon, the cooking room made bento and instructed that idiot Wu Qi to cook.

After school, go to the car wash with my dear Ziyu.

At nine o'clock, go home, watch TV, take care of your skin, and take a shower.

Eleven o'clock, go to bed.

The above is Song Tiantian's perfect day!
"It seems to be basically like this..." Li Baoluo looked at the schedule and nodded, "Sister, she is very good at first, no one is qualified to force her to train. Let's play for a while."

"Yeah, yeah." The student in the same grade as Song Tiantian also said, "Tiantian used to train very hard, but whether she practiced or not, her grades were good anyway, so she gradually became less interested in training. gone."

"That's right, if a genius works so hard even in training, is there any way for us mortals to survive? She doesn't have a way to survive herself!"

"There are rumors that Tiantian is the only one who can win the queen." Someone smiled and sighed, "If Tiantian really trains hard, maybe she can really win..."

Lu Ziyu listened to what everyone said, and fell silent.

Sweet-senpai...is not the same as Shiyan-senpai...

After school in the afternoon, Song Tiantian went to look for Lu Ziyu with a bento box as usual: "Ziyu Ziyu, I made a very delicious omelet rice today! Try it!"

"Senior Tiantian, let's practice a little longer before eating today?" Lu Ziyu discussed with Song Tiantian.

"Training? I'll figure it out myself. Ziyu, try it first. I was trained by the teacher to cook for you today!" Song Tiantian said with a smile.

"Senior sister!" Lu Ziyu was helpless, and his tone became more serious.

Song Tiantian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately burst into tears: "Ziyu...you are fierce to me..."

Lu Ziyu immediately softened his expression: "Sister, I didn't hurt you, but the finals are coming soon, and your training volume seems not enough. Although I know that senior sister is very good even if you don't train, but since you are already going to participate The game is over, let's take it seriously, huh?"

"No, no, no! Then unless Ziyu kisses me!" Song Tiantian acted like a baby.

"This won't work!" Lu Ziyu immediately refused.

"Ziyu, even you can't dictate my training!" Song Tiantian stomped her foot, "No matter who it is, the things I don't want to do are the things I really don't want to do, you can't force me!"

"Okay, then..." Lu Ziyu patted the baffle on his hand, "Then let's do the baffle."


"20 times today, 20 times tomorrow, try to hit me backwards. If you hit me backwards 40 times by tomorrow, you can do whatever you want, I don't care about your training anymore It is." Lu Ziyu said with a smile.

"I want to do whatever..." Song Tiantian murmured, her eyes lit up suddenly, "Then if I ask Ziyu to undress, will you take it off?"

"Don't think about those weird things!" Lu Ziyu said blackly.

"Then... when you say hello every day, kiss and hug and hold you high?" Song Tiantian chose the next best thing.

"No way!"

"Okay." Song Tiantian sighed, "That's a normal request." She raised her hand suddenly, and shouted at the students in the Taekwondo gym: "Attention! Ziyu is about to fall! Set the guy up for me quickly." thing!"

In an instant, everyone took action, a thick protective pad was rolled out, and someone put an independent sandbag beside the protective pad.

"What is this for?" Lu Ziyu was puzzled.

"Protect you." Song Tiantian said with a smile, "I will feel bad if Ziyu gets hurt. Well, add another layer of protective pad!"

Everything was ready, Lu Ziyu was holding a sandbag with a thick protective pad behind him.

"Ready? You have to hold on tight." Song Tiantian stood in front of Lu Ziyu with her hands on her hips, "By tomorrow, I'll just kick you 40 times, right?"

"Yes." Lu Ziyu nodded.

"This is linked to my wish, I have to be serious." Song Tiantian said with a smile, and suddenly kicked Lu Ziyu fiercely.

Lu Ziyu hugged the sandbag tightly, and fell backward uncontrollably——

"Hey, it's the first time." Song Tiantian smiled and pointed out a finger, "Come on, Ziyu, get up quickly, let's continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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