wild girl

Chapter 72 No regrets

Chapter 72 No regrets
The two on the field have separated.

The physical strength of both of them was almost exhausted, they were panting very quickly, they just walked slowly on the stage, observing each other's weaknesses.

"Here we come! Contestant Tiantian kicked! Although the speed was very fast, Contestant Shiyan avoided it! He rushed up! Contestant He Shiyan rushed towards Contestant Song Tiantian! It was a leg-hugging throw! Contestant He Shiyan made a powerful kick The leg-hugging fall completely controlled Contestant Song Tiantian! The two fell to the ground—ahh! It was the guillotine! Contestant Tiantian and Contestant He Shiyan drove out of the guillotine! My God! Is this really a female contestant's game! Simply spectacular!"

The two fell to the ground in an entanglement, Song Tiantian's legs clamped He Shiyan's waist, and her hands tightly held He Shiyan's head.He Shiyan hugged Song Tiantian's abdomen, and refused to let go. The two fell into a stalemate. Let's see now, whose strength can last till the end!

Lu Ziyu unconsciously grasped the rope on the stage, staring at the two wrestling with each other.

"Quick... let go..." Song Tiantian gritted her teeth.

"Do it, dream it!" He Shiyan's eyes were full of desire.

"Contestant He Shixuan is trying his best to break free! But contestant Song Tiantian will not let go so easily! Who will win the final victory!"

"Come on, ah, ah—"

"He Shiyan is going to die." He Zhuoyi said indifferently.

"Senior sister! Stop! If you continue to stalemate, both of you will be hurt!" Lu Ziyu couldn't help shouting.

Song Tiantian's vision was almost blurred.

No... if this goes on... endlessly...

She used all her strength to hold He Shiyan's neck even tighter. He Shiyan coughed violently, almost unable to breathe——

"Damn it! You're a fat pig! You even have such a thick neck! After holding on for so long, why don't you hurry up and admit defeat to my old lady!" Song Tiantian choked out such a sentence through her teeth.

These three words finally stimulated He Shiyan, who almost fainted. She let out a heavy growl from her throat, propped one hand on the ground, and stretched out the other violently, holding Song Tiantian's chin, and made a fierce force With force, she turned Song Tiantian over and pressed her body heavily on Song Tiantian, raising her fist high: "Who the hell are you talking about with a thick neck! Who are you calling a fat pig!! Little boy, you Damn it—”


"Stop!" The referee rushed between the two and stopped He Shiyan from moving.

The fist that was supposed to be swung was abruptly stopped, and He Shiyan was still a little dazed.

"Ah, light stroke! The sweet player came light stroke! Sure enough, exhausted all the strength of the whole body, once the guillotine failed, there was no strength to continue the game! What a pity! But there is no doubt that it is a The most exciting game ever!"

He Shiyan stared blankly at Song Tiantian gently patted the hand on the stage.

"All right, all right, I surrender, admit defeat..." Song Tiantian lay down on the stage in a large font, eyes closed tiredly, "That's it, I'm dying cough cough..."

He Shiyan stood up panting heavily, her chest rising and falling continuously.

"Both contestants return to their original positions." The referee ordered, "The game is over, salute."

He Shiyan's arm muscles were still trembling uncontrollably due to overuse, she glanced at Song Tiantian who was on the ground, and fell silent.

Although he won, this uncomfortable feeling is really...

soy Mujer!
"It's really a wonderful match! Alright, then the first contestant of our quarter-finals has come out, and she is - contestant He Shiyan!!"


"Wow..." After the competition, the two returned to the backstage for a rest, and Lu Ziyu naturally wanted to follow immediately.However, when he saw the miserable state of the two of them, he was still a little surprised, "I didn't pay attention during the game, but now I realize that you are all a bit miserable..."

Although there were no major wounds or internal injuries, both of them killed each other during the competition. Because of the nervousness and excitement during the competition, it was not a problem that the blood flow was fast.Now that he stepped off the stage and relaxed, his face swelled up almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"But it's okay, the swelling will subside after a while." Lu Ziyu ran to Fu Wanyu to get an ice pack, and let out a long breath, "Fortunately, both of you are fine..."

He Shiyan and Song Tiantian looked at each other, then turned their heads away in disgust.

At the same time, the second game started.

Lowensch was up against another high school female competitor, Chen Su, known for her martial arts and Jeet Kune Do.

Even though he was the president of the Kendo Club, Luo Wenshi came onto the stage empty-handed.

"Kendo players don't bring swords, who do you look down on!" Chen Su gritted his teeth.

Luo Wenshi's face was full of embarrassment, and the referee shot directly as soon as he called out "start"——

Fast and regular continuous attacks, as well as sideways dodges, counterattacks and side kicks...

"Wow! The game is over! Contestant Lowensch wins!"

Luo Wenshi calmly raised his hand and waved it.

Song Tiantian and He Shiyan in the lounge looked dazed.

The two of them fought so hard on the stage that they almost risked their lives!This Luo Wenshi entered the quarterfinals so easily?

God, please give us better luck next time, and draw a more normal opponent?

In the third game, Luo Yushi played.

Since glasses are not allowed in the final, she was asked by the referee to remove them before going on stage.

But some people... take off their glasses, it's a bloody storm...

In the first round, it only took her 24 seconds to KO her opponent and advance to the quarterfinals...

"Player He Zhuoyi, you are ready to play." The staff member opened the door of the waiting room and said.

He Zhuoyi stood up in silence, threw the coat over her shoulders to Yan Zongyang, and left the lounge wearing gloves.

"It's unbelievable! The difference in strength between these two players is too great! The first round ended with He Zhuoyi's unilateral attack at 1 minute and 47 seconds! He Zhuoyi, advanced to the quarterfinals!"

He Zhuoyi didn't even break out in a sweat. He glanced indifferently at the opponent who was unconscious on the ground, and turned to leave the stage.

She worked so hard not to fight against a bunch of immature children.

So far, all four games on the first day of the finals have come to an end.Generally speaking, except for the match between He Shiyan and Song Tiantian, the other three matches... all had no suspense.

Song Tiantian & He Shiyan: Unhappy, unhappy, unhappy, 100 million unhappy...

At the same time, Dubai

"Secretary Pu, where did miss go?" Secretary Yin asked anxiously.

"Miss? I don't know." Driver Park said with a smile, "Maybe there is something wrong."

"Don't pretend to be ignorant! I saw you let the private plane wait at the door just now!" Secretary Yin was dissatisfied, "Hurry up and bring the lady back! Today's schedule is very important, if the lady doesn't show up, something big will happen! "

"Ah? What's the big deal?"

"What and why? You, as the driver of the lady, have been away from the front line for too long, and it seems a bit confusing! Today is the lunch banquet hosted by the crown prince, which may have an impact on the construction business of the YK Group! I have already told the lady to be sure. I'm going to the banquet, so what's more important than this? Besides, if you use the private plane without authorization, you will make mistakes in the accompanying expenses, what should you do about it!" Secretary Yin was very angry.

"Secretary Yin, don't be like this, it's nothing important." Driver Park's overly calm voice extinguished the anger in Secretary Yin's heart, "We can reschedule the lunch with the crown prince, but Miss's today is just this one time. .”

"Let's talk about it." Driver Park changed his voice, and asked Guan Zejin with a smile, "As the third generation of the YK Group, it's impossible to go out and take a bus. Of course, you have to use a special plane. What do you think, young master?"

"That's right! If necessary, please transfer my plane in New York! How can my sister be wronged when traveling!" Guan Zejin couldn't agree more with Driver Park's words.

Secretary Yin sighed helplessly when he saw the two singing together.

(End of this chapter)

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