wild girl

Chapter 92

Chapter 92
It was another bright reading day, and He Shiyan stood straight in the principal's office, listening to Li Shaofeng's murmurs with a docile face: "Ahem, after this week, next week is the final. Some of your impulsive behaviors led us to give you some harmless punishments, but they gradually eased. But after all, next week's final is a matter of the school's reputation, and you have to practice hard! So For this reason, we decided to restore all your privileges in school, work hard and train hard, Shiyan-san, let's go..."

"It's the principal! Thank you, principal! I will work hard to train the principal!"

After all the bans were lifted, He Shiyan was like a runaway wild horse, excitedly inseparable from the sandbags in the training hall: "Ahaha, the school sandbags are sticky! It's comfortable to fight!"

"Senior Shiyan looks really happy..." Lu Ziyu waited aside with a towel, his smile was a little stiff.

"This is a psychopath!" Song Tiantian complained helplessly.

The two were talking, the door of the training hall was pushed open, and Luo Yushi trotted in: "Senior sister, I heard you are looking for me?"

"Ah, you're here." He Shiyan hugged the sandbag with both hands to make it stop, took the towel handed over by Lu Ziyu and wiped it off, "How is Wen Shi doing? I heard he was in the hospital? I was also dizzy that day in the semifinals." , so I don't know the situation at the scene, that girl He Zhuoyi, is she really that ruthless?"

"Ah... it's not bad..." Luo Yushi frowned, and soon relaxed, "Because of a slight fracture, I need to be hospitalized for treatment. Although my sister has fully prepared before the game, He Zhuoyi is really very happy." Qiang, who completely grasped the rhythm of the game, was aggressive throughout the game, although my sister was sent to the hospital because of the last blow, but even without that blow, my sister is already doomed..."

"That's it..." He Shiyan nodded, thinking silently in his heart, "Okay, I understand."

After school, at the door of He Zhuoyi's house.

"Sister, why are we here...?" Lu Ziyu asked weakly.

"That's right, it's rare that school ends early today. If you don't hurry up to train, you still come here!" Song Tiantian snorted.

"He Zhuoyi is not an easy player to deal with. I have to experience everything before the match. In fact, she could have finished the match against Wen Shi, but she didn't. Instead, she played hard - she was provoking us. Zexi didn't participate in the finals, so He Zhuoyi changed the object of provocation to me. Wen Shi's appearance, He Zhuoyi is warning me." He Shiyan said, and pressed the doorbell.

After a while, the door was opened. He Zhuoyi was wearing a loose white t-shirt, holding a cute pastoral dog in his arms: "Who...is it you? Why are you coming to my house? Could it be my opponent in the finals? Give it a try, the taste of defeat?"

"You, have you gone to the hospital to see Wen Shi? It's just a game. If you win, you win. Is it necessary to hurt someone so badly?" He Shiyan frowned.

"So what? I won the competition dignifiedly, but I didn't use some despicable means. She was admitted to the hospital because of her inferior skills." He Zhuoyi sneered.

"Okay, very good." He Shiyan laughed back angrily, "Then you have to be mentally prepared first, Wen Shi's end will be your end in the final."

"You are just a small follower of the queen, how dare you speak so shamelessly?" He Zhuoyi pouted contemptuously, and was about to close the door to thank the guests, when the pastoral dog in her arms suddenly struggled and jumped out of He Zhuoyi's arms, barked twice, and ran to He Shiyan Lifting the hind leg at the foot—

A stream of warm liquid spilled onto He Shiyan's trousers.

"Wow, He Zhuoyi is optimistic about your dog, hello!" He Shiyan screamed.

"He Xiaoxun, what are you doing!" He Zhuoyi was also stunned.

"Sister, your pants are wet..." Lu Ziyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Ahahaha He Shiyan, look, my dog ​​doesn't take you seriously, you still have a little self-knowledge, give up early!" He Zhuoyi hugged the dog back into her arms, and was about to close the door when Mother He came out: "Oh, Zhuo Yi, are your friends here? Let them come in and sit down, silly boy, you have no manners at all."

He Zhuoyi: ...Mom, listen to me!

Mother He didn't give them a chance to defend, and enthusiastically took out the slippers for them, and seeing the wetness on He Shiyan's feet, she immediately covered her mouth and smiled: "Xiao Xun sometimes likes to be mischievous, I'll get you some slippers." I’ll change into a skirt, and I’ll wash your trousers right away, so you can sit and play for a while.”

So...the three of He Shiyan just sat in the living room of He's family in such a vague manner, chatting awkwardly with Mother He...

"Oh, why are all of our Zhuoyi's friends so good-looking!" Mother He prepared desserts and fruits for everyone, and said with a smile, "This child has never brought friends home to play, and I am always worried that she will be in the middle of the night." The school is not gregarious, it seems that this is not the case..."

"Really, hahaha..." He Shiyan laughed dryly.

"Are you a friend who boxed together?" Mother He asked with a smile.

"Ah? Yes!" He Shiyan scratched the back of his head.

"Well, it's good. Zhuo Yi has a bad temper, but she has been kind-hearted and optimistic since she was a child, so I hope you can tolerate her more."

"Where is it, it's very good..." He Shiyan laughed.

He Zhuoyi sat on the side with her dog in her arms, listening to her mother's description of herself and asking her competitors to take care of her, she just felt that life was hopeless.

Lu Ziyu listened silently and smiled slightly.

It turns out...that's how it is...

Even if they are rivals, they still act like they have a good relationship in front of their parents. How can I say that?Is this the mutual care of martial arts practitioners?Everyone has a tacit understanding, so that parents don't worry?

This... is really good...

But soon, after the initial pleasantries, the atmosphere became awkwardly silent...

Mother He still had a kind smile on her face, and seemed to want to hear about the things that everyone got along with, but He Zhuoyi and He Shiyan were not in the same group at all. They usually provoked each other except for competitions, how could they know what happened to each other!

Song Tiantian gnawed on the dessert with great interest, thinking that it had nothing to do with her.

He Shiyan maintained an awkward but polite smile, racked his brains for a long time, and suddenly said: "Zhuo...Zhuo Yi..." His tongue almost got stuck, "Your movements are so beautiful when you kick high!"

Lu Ziyu: Is this a compliment? ? ?Don't lie to me, sister, I'm a young student!

He Zhuoyi also started an embarrassing business exchange: "You...your fists are also hard! Like rocks hahaha..."

Mother He finally got up: "Let's chat for a while, I'll bring some fruit to my son, hehehe..."

As soon as the elders left, He Shiyan and He Zhuoyi looked at each other, let out a "bah", and looked away from each other, both tacitly felt that the other party's commercial flattery just now was really embarrassing enough not to be distracted.

"However, do you still have children at home? Is it your elder brother or younger?" Song Tiantian asked curiously, "If a man looks like you, he should be pretty good-looking, right?"

"It's brother..." He Zhuoyi's tone was tinged with disgust, "Don't ask, just eat your dessert."

Lu Ziyu also looked around subconsciously.

When I just entered the house, I found out that there are many photos in the house, many of which should be photos of He Zhuoyi and her brother together, but it seems that He Zhuoyi was still young at that time, so it should be a few years ago.

"You and your brother should have a good relationship, right? From the photos, it seems that you two are very close..." Lu Ziyu can empathize with him because he has younger brothers and sisters in his family.

"Lu Ziyu, you don't know anything, so don't talk nonsense here." He Zhuoyi suddenly changed his face.

"Why are you so aggressive, girl!" Song Tiantian immediately defended Lu Ziyu.

"Isn't it nice to have an older brother! Tiantian and I are both only children, I don't know how much I envy you." He Shiyan also said.

"Envy?" He Zhuoyi sneered, "Yes, my brother is two years older than me. He used to have a good relationship and practiced taekwondo with me. He used to have a good personality and was good at studying. But from a certain day on, he completely became Trash!"

"I don't go to school, I don't even step out of the room, and I hardly talk to my family. I just sit in front of the computer regardless of day or night. I don't know how long my parents can hold on...you guys Do you envy me for having an older brother? Don’t be ridiculous! This kind of older brother might as well be dead if he is alive.”

"Hey! No matter what, you are still a family, so it's not good to say that." Song Tiantian frowned, "Besides, our Ziyu is also an elder brother, but he supports the whole family by himself. Does your family care? Such a big brother, why should you complain to us!"

"Hey, He Shiyan." He Zhuoyi suddenly got up from the sofa, "Take these two annoying guys and get out of my house quickly. You and I don't have the kind of relationship where you can sit down and drink tea calmly. I will use it in the finals." The absolute crushing of you proves my own strength. Now, get lost—”

"It's really... If this bad temper can make friends, it will really be hell!" Song Tiantian gritted her teeth, "If you have the ability to say the word 'scroll', try it? Do you believe it or not? I use my soft calf—— um ??soft??"

Song Tiantian lowered her head and saw He Xiaoxun hugging her calf, sticking out her tongue and wagging her tail.

"Xiao Xun..." He Zhuoyi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, "Can you be more rational! You are a dog! You need to find a dog girlfriend!"

Song Tiantian: ...

A few people broke up unhappy.

It was Mama He who put on He Shiyan's pants that had been cleaned up, and when she sent them out, she greeted them with a smile, "Come and play next time when you have time..."

Due to the presence of his mother, He Zhuoyi also pulled out a hypocritical and stiff smile: "Hehehe, let's play again..."

He Shiyan also smirked: "Goodbye, Auntie, goodbye, Zhuoyi~"

Lu Ziyu felt a little moved while seeing this funny scene.

It's really... a second ago, the sword was on the verge of making a move, but in front of the elders, it was still...

"Hmm?" Lu Ziyu looked suspiciously at the second floor as if someone was looking at him.

The windows of that room were closed tightly, and the blinds were drawn down, making it impossible to see what was going on inside. When Lu Ziyu raised his head, he saw only a pair of eyes hidden in the darkness.

Eerie, scary.

(End of this chapter)

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