When salted fish enters the escape game

Chapter 252 The Bus Arrives

Chapter 252 The Bus Arrives

After hearing what the girl said, Jiang Li and Qin Du looked at each other, their expressions remained unchanged.

Ji Xiaoyu is sure, this is really a newcomer.

She kindly explained the current situation to the other party, just like when she saw Jiang Li alone in the banquet hall and didn't understand everything, she couldn't bear it.

What she was thinking at the time was that no matter what, she couldn't just watch someone die without knowing why.

I still feel that way now.

Because the evil spirit randomly selects people to kill, it is really out of control.

Including Jiang Li and Qin Du.

Moreover, they are all here to do missions, no matter how powerful Jiang Li and Qin Du are, it is impossible to take care of all the players every time.

Besides, there's really no need to carry other people's life and death on your own shoulders, so how much pressure Jiang Li and Qin Du will be under.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyu's kindness only lies in being able to remind her aloud.

Whether you listen or not is someone else's business.

And if there is any danger, they can only resign themselves to fate, it is impossible for Jiang Li and the others to go to rescue again.

While chatting with the girl, Ji Xiaoyu learned her name.


"Hey, then we are quite destined, because we have the same word in our name."

Qian Yu reluctantly hooked her lower lip and smiled at her.

Seeing this, Ji Xiaoyu had no opinion.

Anyone who suddenly arrives at such a ghostly place may die at any time, and it is impossible to be in a good mood.

Not being scared to urinate is already a good psychological quality.

However, Jiang Li is one of the weird ones, he dared to tear the evil spirits with his hands in the first dungeon.

She couldn't generalize with them.

After Ji Xiaoyu explained everything to her, seeing that Qianyu had nothing else to ask and say, she also kept silent, giving her some time to accept.

The bus passed the last stop, and no one wanted to get on.

There are fifteen players on the bus, and the rest are non-players, just the NPCs that should exist on the bus, including the driver.

After the bus picked up everyone, it drove back again.

On the way, NPC passengers got off the car one after another.

The feminine man was the last to get out of the car, and when he got out of the car, he even glanced at the back seat of the car.

I don't know if it's Jiang Li, Bu Bei, or someone else.

Qin Du's face turned cold, and he laughed silently.

Rubbish stuff, even an NPC dares to keep thinking about him.

There are no rules!
After the feminine man got out of the car, only the player and the driver were left.

It was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and the bus pulled into the parking lot. After stopping, the driver got out of the bus, as if he didn't see anyone on the bus at all, so he just turned off the engine and left without saying hello.

The door closed, and the sound of the driver walking away was heard outside.

There was only one bus in the entire parking lot, and the surrounding area was pitch black, with no light to be seen.

The driver's figure quickly disappeared into the darkness, and there was no more sound.

And they stayed in this boxy carriage, as if they had entered the same coffin by mistake.

Weird, penetrating.

But every copy is the same.

If there were no weird and infiltrating scenes, it would be abnormal.

There was silence in the carriage for a long time, and after confirming that there would be no more messy NPCs appearing, most of the players finally started to commotion.

"Isn't this a seven-day dungeon? Why are there fifteen players?"

(End of this chapter)

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