Pseudo-quick wear: Emperor Zun, don't be arrogant

Chapter 170 Dear Dragon Slayer Warrior

Chapter 170 Dear Dragon Slayer Warrior (29)

Early the next morning, Fu Li and Jun Chou bid farewell to Feng Lianlian and Feng Lianxin, and embarked on the road of slaying the dragon.

It was news in the Luo Yu Empire that General Slaying the Dragon did not bring a single soldier or horse to slay the dragon, but it was covered up by another news not long after.

The Lian family's pity for Madam Hugh, and the fact that the Lian family left with their children shocked the entire Luo Yu Empire.

Not to mention whether Feng Lian's doing so at this juncture is a blatant slap in the face of the country's lord, just saying that Mrs. Feng Lian's husband Xiufu is the first case in the world this day, it is really shocking and unprecedented.

I heard that the current head of the Lian family made a big fuss, but Mrs. Ren Fenglian is rich and powerful, and her son Lianfeng is a young and promising young man, but he is very convinced by the Feng family at a young age. Now the only surviving members of the Feng family Lianfeng is completely loved as a successor who can revitalize the Feng family.

Without the support of Feng Lian's family wealth, the Lian family showed signs of collapse in less than half a month. The Lord Luo Yu was furious and ordered Feng Lian and his children to be expelled from the Luo Yu Empire. From then on, they were no longer Luo Yu The people of the empire.

By the time these rumors reached Fu Li's ears, she and Jun Fu had already left the territory of the Chongdi Empire and arrived at the Luojia Forest between the Chongdi Empire and Tulong Kingdom.

The reason why the status of the Dragon Slaying Kingdom is detached from the existence of other countries is because the dragon slaying warriors will only settle in the Dragon Slaying Kingdom, and the second is because of the existence of the natural danger of the Luojia Forest.

The Luojia forest covers an area as large as an empire, and it takes at least three to five months to walk through the Luojia forest with a pair of legs, and it is the premise that all the beasts in the forest will avoid causing trouble for you.

There are many kinds of beasts in the Luojia Forest, and there are many cannibals. The world says that the Luojia Forest is the most terrifying place except for the Dragon Valley, the habitat of the dragons.

It was evening, and Fu Li and Jun Chou lit a fire at the edge of Luojia Forest.

Luojia Forest is similar to the Amazon jungle that Fu Li had visited in his previous life. It has a rainforest climate. When Fu Li and Junchou first entered Luojia Forest, a heavy rain had just ended in the forest.

The ground was still wet, so Fu Li wasn't afraid of fires or anything. Besides, if he wanted to spend the night in the forest, if he didn't make a fire, it was definitely the rhythm of preparing to feed the beasts at night.

"Passing through the Luojia Forest is the Dragon Slaying Kingdom. What do you think if I meet some relatives there?" Fu Li said to Jun Fu while putting the small pot she brought on the fire.

Jun Chou leaned against a big tree with smooth skin, squinted his eyes slightly, and just lazily raised his eyelids when he heard Fu Li's words, and said lightly: "Call directly, you have not even had a dragon since you entered the mission. I’ve seen it before, so what’s the point of stealing eggs?”

Fu Li was speechless, "Isn't it because of you that I can't see the dragon? If it weren't for the body you occupy is so overwhelming, why would I stay in Lian's house for so long!"

Jun Chou snorted coldly and stopped talking, and Xiao Qi in the system space also pretended to be dumb. Speaking of which, it was his responsibility to really pursue this matter, and he didn't want to come out and criticize it in public at this time.

After dinner, Jun Chou climbed up a big tree in a very arrogant way, and Fu Li was speechless. She said that she couldn't communicate with such an arrogant person as Jun Chou.

After adding enough firewood, Fu Li tapped her toes, climbed up the big tree next to Jun Fu, and found a comfortable branch to lie down on.

The night passed quickly, and when morning came, there was only a trace of green smoke still smoking from the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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