The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1007 The Coolness of the Cave 8

Chapter 1007 The Coolness of the Cave 8
Looking at Qingxue's appearance, she was very puzzled.

However, the coldness of the body replaced it.

Shi Tian lowered his head and rubbed against Qingxue's chest, his voice was very aggrieved: "It's cold."

He just felt that his body was so cold, and he really wanted to hug her, hug her, and want to keep warm.

He didn't know what she was cursing just now, he just felt dizzy and heavy, and couldn't hear a few words clearly.

Now, the chill hit her body, even worse.

Qingxue looked at Shitian's appearance like this, and was so overwhelmed by thunder: "."

When was this guy so cute?Since when has this fellow been so far away?When did this guy show his appearance like this?

Now, it's like a child who can't get candy, or, being scolded by others, he feels aggrieved, very aggrieved.

"Cold." Shi Tian looked at Qingxue with grievances, his eyes full of grievances.

At this moment, the deep and magnetic voice became resentful, with a trace of grievance, and the figure was still shaking slowly.

This is not fake, but true.

Qingxue put her hand on Shitian's forehead, her heart skipped a beat, it was so hot.

He has a fever!

So, now I am dizzy from being burned, and I don't even know who is who, and I don't understand.

I was very worried, the rain outside was still so heavy, and it was night again, if I went out, it would be easy to get lost.

  Besides, she is not at ease that Shi Tian is here alone.

"Get up first." Qingxue raised her eyebrows and looked at Shitian, her voice was very soft and soft, and she didn't intend to fight him.

He is dizzy at this time, she can understand, she doesn't care about him.

Shitian looked at Qingxue aggrievedly, shook his head, and rubbed against her arms; "No, it's cold."

He was cold, feeling so cold.

Qingxue: "." Can you stop rubbing her in such a sensitive place?

She's crazy, she thinks she's going crazy, she must be crazy.

"Get up, I'll find something to keep you warm." Qingxue took a deep breath, and then said softly.

She felt that she should calm down, get along well with Shi Tian, ​​and talk well.

Shi Tian frowned slightly, shook his head, his figure turned over, originally he was pressing Qing Xue, but now, after turning around alone, it was Qing Xue pressing Shi Tian.

She is above and he is below.

Shi Tian hugged Qingxue's slender waist with both hands, blinked his eyes, his body trembled slightly: "It's cold."

He just felt cold all over his body, very cold.

 Qingxue slightly rolled her eyes, looking at Shi Tian's innocent, cute and childlike side, she really couldn't say any hurtful words. 
One turned over and lay next to Shitian, wrapped her two small hands around his waist, hugged her, leaned her body over, and called softly: "Hey, don't move around when it's cold, I'll hold her." You won't be cold anymore,"

will not love again.

Really won't love anymore.

This guy, I don't know if it will be so cute after tomorrow, and if it will be so rare.

Shi Tian buried his head in Qingxue's arms, and rubbed against her chest: "Well, it won't be so cold if you hold her."

Holding her, he won't feel so cold anymore.

So, hold, must hold.

His body is really cold.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to do it now.

If you don't deal with it properly, you will definitely be burned into an idiot.

What if the future emperor becomes an idiot?that consequence.
Therefore, it is better to fix his high fever first.

(End of this chapter)

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