The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1010 The Adorable Sky Killer 2

Chapter 1010 The Adorable Sky Killer 2
"Why do you like me?" Qingxue looked at Shitian mockingly, her eyes were filled with mockery, and she didn't take his words seriously.

She felt that it was simply impossible.

"Like is like, there is no reason, I just like you." Shi Tian frowned, puzzled in his eyes.

Is there a reason to like it?He never knew.

Like is like he likes her, just like.

There is no reason, the feeling in my heart is so.

Qingxue poked Shi Tian's cheek, and chuckled softly: "Awkward child, why didn't I find you so awkward before?"

This guy has always been indifferent before.

When was this childish?When have you been so childish?When have you been so stubborn?
Loving, feeling loving.

Shi Tian like this is indeed very loving.

Shi Tian frowned slightly, and shook his head: "I'm not a child, I'm not a child, I'm not a child anymore."

He is not a child, he feels that he is quite mature.

"It's not that you are so naive as a child. I look at you as a child, not as old as Feng Jin." She suddenly remembered that his age is indeed not as old as Feng Jin, and he is less than a month younger than Feng Jin time.

Sometimes, she always has an illusion.

That is, Shi Tian is bigger than Feng Jin.

Who made this guy always indifferent?It doesn't look cute at all, it's not like Feng Jin, who is so spooky, so lively, and so smiling.

Shi Tian frowned, and snorted: "My mind is more mature than Feng Jin, don't be afraid, she is not as old as me, in my opinion she is not as old as me."

He has never regarded Feng Jin as someone older than him.

At first, it looked very unpleasant.

Secondly, I am not used to it.

Thirdly, with the characters of the two of them, others will think that he is the elder brother, she is the younger sister, and she is the younger.

So, he really didn't need to worry about this issue.

Subconsciously, he had already regarded Feng Jin as smaller than him.

Qingxue rolled her eyes, what kind of ideology and cognition is this?
Total is just too powerful.

Looking at Shi Tian in front of her, he is in the state of a shepherd now, she might as well ask him some more things, anyway, he will definitely not remember when he wakes up tomorrow.

It doesn't matter if she remembers, she hasn't done anything wrong, and she hasn't done anything shameful.

Thinking of this, he did what he said, raised his eyebrows and looked at the person in front of him: "Shi Tian, ​​what kind of woman do you like?"

Didn't he just ask her, then she should ask him too.

She was also quite curious, what type of woman would he like?

This point is worth studying.

Shi Tian blinked his eyes, looked at Qingxue face to face, slightly curved the corners of his lips, and said softly: "I like you like this, haven't I said that I like you? Why do you still have to ask this question?" ?”

His head was a little dizzy, but he still wanted to chat with her.

He didn't know why, he just walked by feeling.

My heart is very warm, very warm.

Hearing these words, a look of astonishment flashed across Qingxue's eyes: "Shitian, do you really like me?"

Don't joke with her, okay, she always thought he was lying.

Looking at the face in front of him that has gradually improved a bit, he couldn't help but slander in his heart. Now that he is in such a sick state, no one will really believe what he says.

She was a little confused about the situation, whether what he said was true or not.

(End of this chapter)

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