The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1020 Do You Like Palace Life 4

Chapter 1020 Do You Like Palace Life 4
It's midnight, it's really getting late.

"En, good, Qingxue, sleep well, I'm here, nothing will happen." Shi Tian gently touched Qingxue's head, smiling dotingly.

"En." Qingxue is not pretentious, nestled in Shitian's arms, her heart is very warm, very calm, and also has an inexplicable peace of mind.

It seemed that as long as he was there, she would be fine.

Maybe it was because she was really tired, Qingxue fell asleep quickly, with her quiet face and even breathing, everything was so beautiful.

Lovingly touching her hair, she tied a few strands of hair from her forehead behind her ears, and slightly curved the corners of her lips.

Sleep, sleep quietly, I'm by your side.

He hugged her into his arms, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, the clouds were overcast, thunder followed one after another, and lightning flashed in the sky.

The wind was blowing hard, and the branches were blown by the wind to make a sound of crackling, and in an instant, a torrential rain fell.

Outside, the thunder still sounded, but it still couldn't affect the two people in the cave.

Once you get used to it, it will come naturally.

Inside the cave, there is a quiet and warm atmosphere.

In the early morning, the fresh air after the rain pervaded the entire forest, peaceful and comfortable.

The trees were washed green and crystal clear by the rain, and there was a fresh and moist fragrance in the air.

The sunshine after the rain was exceptionally bright, and a rainbow stretched across the blue sky, as if smiling to the earth.

When Qingxue woke up, it was already high in the sun.

Maybe it was the reason why I slept late last night. The doctors and nurses were in charge of agriculture, so they didn't sleep particularly soundly.

"Qingxue, you're awake." A deep and hoarse voice came from beside him, with a little magnetism, very charming.

Qing Xue raised her eyes to look at Shi Tian, ​​and nodded slightly with her lips curled up: "Well, have you been awake for a long time?"

Very old-fashioned words, but with a different kind of warmth.

"No." Shi Tian shook his head, and he didn't wake up for long.

It's just that when I woke up, I saw this sleeping face, and I couldn't bear to wake her up. I wanted to see her sleeping appearance, and I remembered it deeply.

Beautiful, always beautiful.

Qingxue pursed her lips, and wanted to get up, but Shi Tian turned over and pressed her down, she rolled her eyes unconsciously: "What do you want?"

This person seems to have become a little more lively.

Or is it just for her?
"I want to kiss you, give you a good morning kiss." Shi Tian hooked his lips into a smile, and after speaking, his sexy thin lips moved towards hers.

The two lips were pressed together, from the tossing and turning at the beginning to the deep cable=kiss later.

The two of them here are very leisurely, on the other side, Leng Yichen and his party have already brought Ni Tian down to search.

Search for traces of the two.

I was supposed to come last night, but with the violent wind and rain, it is estimated that they will not be able to find anything when they come.

150 times
So, I deliberately waited until after the rain stopped to come.

If Shitian and Qingxue were really at the bottom of the cliff, they wouldn't be so idiots who wouldn't hide from the rain or find a place.

So, at this point, they are not very worried.

"Mom, if Qingxue and Shitian are really at the bottom of the cliff, then a friend in adversity will see the truth, and I think they will be very loving." Feng Jin blinked a pair of bright star eyes, and said clearly.

If two people really fell off the cliff, then they shared weal and woe.

I don't know who was more seriously injured or who took care of whom.

Which one is Wulu? They are all very loving.

Well, it is indeed very loving.

(End of this chapter)

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