The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1022 The rogue chooses 2 out of 1

Chapter 1022 The Scoundrel's Choice
Several people rushed towards the direction where Shitian and Qingxue were, but outside the cave, there was a scene of embarrassment and entanglement.

"Qingxue, will you go back to the palace with me today?" Shi Tian stared at Qingxue and asked.

"No." Qingxue pouted, so she didn't want to go.

"When are you going then?"

"I don't know." Qing Xue continued to curl her lips.

"Why don't you know?"

"I didn't think so." Qingxue rolled her eyes.

"I didn't think about anything, didn't I think about marrying me, did I?"

"En, yes." Qingxue nodded involuntarily.

Shi Tian raised his eyebrows and looked at Qingxue, his eyes were serious and domineering: "Qingxue, I give you two choices."

"What choice?" Qingxue was curious, what choice would this guy give her?She was really a little curious.

"One, marry me. Two, I'll marry you. Qingxue, I'm at a disadvantage. Let you choose one of the two, which one do you choose?" Shi Tian listed them one by one, looked at Qingxue with raised eyebrows, and waited for her answer.

That feeling, that appearance, seems to say that he is at a disadvantage, he is a good person once, and he can choose one of the two, which is generous enough.

Qing Xue was silent: "."

Is this still a question for her to choose to answer?
Two answers, choose one of the two, whichever one you choose has the same meaning, okay?

 Against the sky, the rest of the people are also messed up in the wind
They have never discovered that Shi Tian is also so humorous
so funny
so black
"Qingxue, which one do you choose?" Shi Tian raised an eyebrow and asked Qingxue's opinion.

"I don't choose any of them. I don't want to do this kind of thing at a disadvantage." Qingxue rolled her eyes, and her eyes were calm and unwavering.

She didn't want to choose either of the two.

Whichever one you choose, you will fall into a pit.

"Qingxue, I just gave soy sauce for free, so please believe me, it's definitely the genuine version, no deception." Shi Tian stood aside, speaking very seriously.

The eyes are full of sincerity, and it seems that there is indeed such a thing.

Qingxue rolled her eyes, very disdainful: "The soy sauce is all pirated and cheap, don't want it."

 He just doesn't buy his account.

"Absolutely genuine, Qingxue, do you want to test to see if I'm real?" The corners of Shi Tian's lips raised slightly, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

He is the real master, not those so-called pirated copies at all.

Qingxue, he is bound to win.

Qingxue curled her lips and sat on the big rock beside her, but there was still no movement.

"Qingxue, choose one of the two, which one do you want to choose?" Shi Tian also asked as she sat beside her.

Although the inquiry was so light and cloudy, what was said was all facts, and all of them were true.

"Don't choose, we'll talk about it later" Qingxue played with her fingers boredly, but thought to herself, is he trying to lure a little sheep into the hook?

Does she look so alluring?Is it that easy to deceive?
She felt that it was not easy for her to be hooked.

This guy, what is the idea in his head.

"Who knows if there will be changes in the future, Qingxue, I want to hear what you say now." Shi Tian stared at Qingxue with a serious look in his eyes.

He wanted to know the answer, and wanted to hear it from her own mouth.

In the cave, she said a long speech.

However, at that time, I was dizzy, some understood, and some didn't remember thoroughly.

(End of this chapter)

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