Chapter 1024 Really Promising 1
"It's nothing, let's see when we go back." Shi Tian shook his head, and didn't want to stay any longer.

They'd better go back and see.

Mo Wuchen glanced at Shi Tian, ​​and frowned slightly: "Don't tell me you don't know that your walking is already a little unsteady, didn't you notice it? Sit down, let me take a look."

When he just walked over, something was wrong. If it was only a slight injury, according to his personality, how could it be so?

It must have been hurt somewhere.

Shi Tian looked up at Mo Wuchen, opened his mouth, but finally sat down quietly without saying anything.

At this moment, he also felt the pain on his chest, bursts of pain.

Xu Shi came too fast just now, and was angry in his heart, so he didn't pay attention to the pain in his feet.

Now that someone mentions it, I can clearly feel the pain.

Shi Tian, ​​you are really getting more and more promising, so self-abuse!
Lan Zihan looked at Shi Tian with raised eyebrows, the corners of her lips curled slightly: "Why didn't you come with Qingxue?"

It stands to reason that the two of them were right because they appeared together in their sight.

Even if you don't have any feelings, you should be together.

It's just that it's really strange that he was the only one who came to the scene first.

"Qingxue was watching the scenery from behind, so she was left behind." Shi Tian raised his head, shook his head and said.

Lies don't blush and don't breathe.

However, everyone still saw that something was wrong.

He'd never said that before.

There are tricks, there must be tricks.Something must have happened between the two.

Even though he felt strange, he didn't ask much.

Keep your doubts in your heart, and when they see Qingxue, they will naturally understand in the future.

Mo Wuchen checked Shitian's calf, looked at the big bruise, stretched out his hand to look, checked it, narrowed his eyes slightly: "Did it happen when you fell down?"

It should be impossible to meet a strong enemy. Looking at the injuries, he can be sure that the two of them fell off the cliff.

"Well, I fell down, is there something wrong?" Shi Tian nodded and replied truthfully.

If he didn't say anything, everyone must have guessed what was going on.

He and Qingxue can't fly, so besides falling down, there really is no other way to get down.

"It's okay." Mo Wuchen shook his head.

Although it looks serious, as long as it is recuperated and rested for a while, it will be fine.

Shi Tian felt relieved, Mo Wuchen said it was fine, then it would be fine, and he didn't need to worry about anything.

"Shi Tian, ​​you are really getting more and more promising, do you really want to die for love?" Frivolous whistled at Shi Tian, ​​and laughed teasingly.

Looking at his current distressed appearance, he had the urge to tease and joke, and he did so.

"Why are you so overwhelmed?" Fei Mo also nodded and smiled jokingly.

Is this person too desperate?
If he fell from such a high place, nothing would be fatal to him.

Are these two people playing with their lives?

Shi Tian rolled his eyes: "Do you think I would be so desperate?"

He also cherishes his life very much, and doesn't want to die so early.

"Could it be that Qingxue jumped first? So you danced with her too? I said, Shitian, why don't you be so energetic? Both you and Qingxue are promising." Tian Zong glanced at Shitian, and couldn't help but look down. Let's go together.

These two people are really promising, and they can do this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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