The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 1045 Don’t Touch Those Flowers 1

Chapter 1045 Don’t Touch Those Flowers 1
What is this stupid woman doing here?
"No, I just came to look for you." Qian Xianyue stuck out her tongue.

She is obviously not stupid, okay, she will become stupid when called by this person.

"Come in, I have something to tell you." Tian Zong smiled softly.

Fei Mo, who had already left, heard the conversation between the two, frowned indistinctly, and then left quickly towards the front.

That was his life, he couldn't control it, it had nothing to do with him.

"What are you doing?" Qian Xianyue walked in, looking at him puzzled.

"I'm going to Chenwang's mansion in a while, you go with me." This is a good opportunity, and it just so happens that he is also going to Chenwang's mansion and takes her with him.

"Okay." Qian Xianyue's eyes lit up, and a hint of excitement flashed across them.

She was a little excited to finally meet the two people in the rumors.

After all, she has heard of their deeds and admires them very much.

"Are you happy?" Looking sideways at Qian Xianyue, Tian Zong smiled wantonly.

"A little bit, looking forward to it." Qian Xianyue nodded and replied truthfully.

"You can tell just by looking at you." He looked at Qian Xianyue with contempt.

This person really doesn't know how to hide at all, what he thinks in his heart is all expressed on his face.

It's really simple.

But also very cute.

"when to go?"

"In a while, I won't play tricks." Rolled his eyes.

Does this woman not trust him?

"Okay." Qian Xianyue didn't care about his expression, and felt a little happy in her heart.

"Stupid woman, I won't help you if you go to the Chen Palace and get bullied." A light flashed in his eyes, and he smiled jokingly.

"Oh, who will bully me?" Qian Xianyue opened her eyes wide, looking at Tian Zong in confusion.

The eyes that are as clear as water are very watery, twinkling, making people unable to bear to hurt them.

"Of course someone bullied you." Tian Zong smiled mysteriously, but didn't say anything clearly.

Looking at the harmless look in the eyes of the woman in front of him, he couldn't guarantee whether Feng Jin Qingxue and the others would bully her.

After all, they love doing these things.

In fact, it's not considered bullying, it's just a way for them to express their feelings.

The woman in front of her seemed easy to deal with.

"Liar." Qian Xianyue rolled her eyes at Tian Zong, very contemptuous.


Super contemptuous.

Must be lying to her.

No one would bully her in Chenwang Mansion, it's pure nonsense.

She will not believe it.

Tian Zong shrugged and chuckled lightly: "It's okay if you don't believe it."

It will be fine when he sees it with his own eyes. Here, he doesn't bother to say much.

"Woman, don't you plan to go out yet? I want to change clothes. Is it possible that you want to stay here and watch?" Leaning against the bed, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Qian Xianyue, smiling jokingly.

A blush rose on Qian Xianyue's face, she raised her eyes to look at Tian Zong, and stuck out her tongue: "The figure is not good-looking at all."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and quickly ran out of the room.

She wasn't interested in seeing him.

I don't even have that hobby of watching him change clothes.

After all, it was taught by Qian Mingxuan, so, in his bones, he was naturally not as open as Qingxue and the others.

"Hehe." Watching her movements, Tian Zong laughed in a low voice, obviously very happy.

This woman is really interesting.

Tianzong's room was not far from the garden, so Qian Xianyue came to the garden to wait for him.

I took a look at the surrounding scenery and found that it was really pretty.

(End of this chapter)

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